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FileIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)View
## jistap_10-4 통파일.pdf.jpg2022-12-30JISTaP Vol.10 No.4Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information1395
Discovery Layer in Library Retrieval_ VuFind as an Open Source Service for Academic Libraries in Developing Countries.pdf.jpg2022-12-30Discovery Layer in Library Retrieval: VuFind as an Open Source Service for Academic Libraries in Developing CountriesRoy, Bijan KumarMukhopadhyay, ParthasarathiBiswas, Anirban952
Information Behavior in COVID-19 Prevention_ Does Anxiety among Indonesian Mothers Have an Effect_.pdf.jpg2022-12-30Information Behavior in COVID-19 Prevention: Does Anxiety among Indonesian Mothers Have an Effect?Zahara, NadiaHidayat, Z.952
JISTaP at 10.pdf.jpg2022-12-30JISTaP at 10Marchionini, Gary1038
DATA INSIGHT-27호.pdf.jpg2022-12-30데이터 분석을 통한 인공지능(AI)윤리 이슈분석 및 정책적 시사점소대섭박진서이재성564
journal-10-4-53.pdf.jpg2022-12-30Meta-Analysis of Associations Between Classic Metric and Altmetric Indicators of Selected LIS ArticlesVysakh, ChingathBabu, H. Rajendra282
journal-10-4-66.pdf.jpg2022-12-30Information Dissemination During the COVID-19 Pandemic in BangladeshSayed, AbuHaque, Md. ZiaulMahmud, Md. Rifat266
journal-10-4-87.pdf.jpg2022-12-30A Systematic Review on the Application of the Theory of Information WorldsPark, SungjaeLee, JisueHollister, Jonathan M.224
journal-10-4-38.pdf.jpg2022-12-30Country-Specific Digital Inequalities in Older People’s Online Health Information Seeking in Europe: Impact of Socio-Demographic and Socio-Economic FactorsShutsko, Aliaksandra231
DATA INSIGHT-26호.pdf.jpg2022-12-29데이터분석으로 본 탈모화장품 산업서진이유재영758
데이터인사이트_25호.pdf.jpg2022-12-28학술논문 데이터로 본 글로벌 반도체 기술 패권 경쟁안세정이준영694
데이터 인사이트_24호.pdf.jpg2022-12-27Emerging Weak Signals 2023 in Science and TechnologyYang, HeyoungHa, TaehyunHong, SunghwaKim, Kyuli623
KISTI 이슈브리프 제51호.pdf.jpg2022-12-26인공지능 학습 데이터 공유·활용 현황과 서비스 구축 방향이용최명석김성찬이건우장래영이승우이상환1156
SnT Data 웹용(1226).pdf.jpg2022-12-26S&T DATA: 데이터 기술과 경제한국과학기술정보연구원695
데이터 인사이트_23호.pdf.jpg2022-12-22디지털 전환과 혁신을 이끄는 미래과학기술김소영황지나김혜원홍성화노현숙길상철하태현양혜영송인석601
데이터인사이트_22호.pdf.jpg2022-12-21수소차 글로벌 기술시장경쟁력 비교분석이창환560
KISTI 이슈브리프 제50호.pdf.jpg2022-12-12신뢰 및 신원 관리 기술의 동향: 연구·교육 분야를 중심으로조진용김승해조부승740
ASTI Market Insight 104(전기 자동차 배터리 구독 서비스)-ISBN.pdf.jpg2022-12-04ASTI MARKET INSIGHT 104: 전기 자동차 배터리 구독 서비스장우석405
ASTI Market Insight 103(리튬이온이차전지)-ISBN.pdf.jpg2022-12-03ASTI MARKET INSIGHT 103: 리튬 이온 이차 전지 전극 재료이호신451
ASTI Market Insight 102(기능성주사기)-ISBN.pdf.jpg2022-12-02ASTI MARKET INSIGHT 102: 기능성 주사기손종구382
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