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FileIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)View
2014-03-26A histone methyltransferase inhibits seed germination by increasing PIF1 mRNA expression in imbibed seeds이나영강효진1026
2019-10-09A TBR1-K228E mutation induces Tbr1 upregulation, altered cortical distribution of interneurons, increased inhibitory synaptic transmission, and autistic-like behavioral deficits in mice육채현김은준김경덕강효진김선균김수영김도윤1166
2013-12-10ABA-INSENSITIVE3, ABA-INSENSITIVE5, and DELLAs Interact to Activate the Expression of SOMNUS and Other High-Temperature-Inducible Genes in Imbibed Seeds in Arabidopsis임수환강효진963
2017-10-28Characterization of the zinc-induced Shank3 interactome of mouse synaptosome이연금한기훈강효진1151
2015-02-05Deficiency of Capicua disrupts bile acid homeostasis김은정이윤태Huda Y. ZoghbiJohn D. Fryer강효진김경태김소은박성준여지현이지은정회윤최나현황대희1211
2018-10-09Early Correction of N-Methyl-D-Aspartate Receptor Function Improves Autistic-like Social Behaviors in Adult Shank22/2 Mice정창욱김은준강효진1211
2015-06-18Genomic Classification of Cutaneous MelanomaThe Cancer Genome Atlas Network강효진이준학1017
2017-04-04Integrative analysis of brain region-specific Shank3 interactomes for understanding the heterogeneity of neuronal pathophysiology related to SHANK3 mutations강효진한기훈김신현김원기김윤희이복경이연금장인화1210
2018-08-31Integrative brain transcriptome analysis reveals both region-specific and broad molecular changes in Shank3-overexpressing mice강효진한기훈김신현김윤희류재련이연금장인화진춘매1452
2016-03-15Multilevel Genomics-Based Taxonomy of Renal Cell CarcinomaFengju ChenChad J. Creighton강효진이준학1209
2014-01-27Novel inhibitory function of miR-125b in melanogenesis김규한강효진유석종1050
2013-10-07Novel inhibitory function of miR-125b in melanogenesis김규한강효진유석종1018
2016-06-14PIF1-interacting transcription factors and their binding sequence elements determine the in vivo targeting sites of PIF1강효진최길주김우현김재욱김정현박정무유장현윤태영이나영1185
2015-11-16Post-transcriptional regulation of SHANK3 expression by microRNAs related to multiple neuropsychiatric disorders최수연한기훈Kaifang PangZhandong Liu강효진김원기김주연김현류재륜선웅1283
2015-03-12Pumilio1 Haploinsufficiency Leads to SCA1-like Neurodegeneration by Increasing Wild-Type Ataxin1 LevelsVincenzo A. GennarinoHuda Y. ZoghbPaymaan Jafar-NejadAlberto di RonzaJoshua J. WhiteRavi K. SinghThomas A. CooperHarry T. OrrJi-Yoen KimKihoon HanLayal S. SayeghRoy V. Sillitoe강효진1119
2013-06-20RAS-MAPK-MSK1 pathway modulates ataxin 1 protein levels and toxicity in SCA1박지혜강효진1109
2018-08-13Sexually dimorphic behavior, neuronal activity, and gene expression in Chd8-mutant mice정화진김은준강효진1244
2013-06-20SHANK3 overexpression causes manic-like behaviour with unique pharmacogenetic properties한기훈강효진969
2019-06-19Shank3 regulates striatal synaptic abundance of Cyld, a deubiquitinase specific for Lys63-linked polyubiquitin chains강효진한기훈김진영김윤희장인화윤기나김신현진춘매이연금1019
2019-04-01Smaller body size, early postnatal lethality, and cortical extracellular matrix-related gene expression changes of Cyfip2-null embryonic mice강효진한기훈김현이보경김진용진춘매김신현이연금장인화김윤희1130
2017-06-28Striatal Transcriptome and Interactome Analysis of Shank3-overexpressing Mice Reveals the Connectivity between Shank3 and mTORC1 Signaling이연금강효진김선균김신현김윤희김은준이복경장인화한기훈1307
2014-09-08The Somatic Genomic Landscape of Chromophobe Renal Cell CarcinomaCalebF.Davis강효진이준학1117
2019-04-12Transcriptome analyses suggest minimal effects of Shank3 dosage on directional gene expression changes in the mouse striatum강효진한기훈이연금장인화김윤희진춘매1066
2018-11-27Transcriptome analysis of Shank3-overexpressing mice reveals uniquemolecular changes in the hypothalamus강효진한기훈김신현김윤희이연금장인화진춘매1192
2019-09-19Unexpected compensatory increase in Shank3 transcripts in Shank3 knock-out mice having partial deletions of exons강효진한기훈김윤희이연금장인화강혜림진춘매1859
2015-07-21ΔNp63 intronic miR-944 is implicated in the ΔNp63-mediated induction of epidermal differentiation김규한이태룡강효진김상훈김윤진유석종조은경1309
KISTI 이슈브리프 제58호.pdf.jpg2023-06-28국가 바이오 빅데이터 인프라의 미래 : 바이오 빅데이터 인프라 구축 동향 및 발전방향이용호이준학강효진1673
2013-12국가 슈퍼컴퓨팅 서비스 개발 및 기술연구조금원변옥환유석종이종숙이준이홍석정영균조기현황순욱강효진곽재혁구기범김민아김직수김상완김한기남덕윤류훈박근철박상배서정현안인성유정록유진승이세훈이준학이중연조용성진두석차광호한영만허영주허태상홍정우김석규김정현남수현배태길류휘영김서영기환종김진석정은아허민영Tung, Vu Trong HieuHossainSegolene, Saumont문지혜이명진이명화임혜정최민지한상미1366
2014-12국가 슈퍼컴퓨팅 서비스 개발 및 기술연구조금원변옥환이종숙이식이홍석정영균조기현황순욱강효진곽재혁그외 다수1272
2020슈퍼컴퓨팅 기반 소재 부품 및 바이오·의료 국가전략분야 연구백효정염민선강효진김영훈김인김지민김한슬문지협박정우서상재안아름이재학이준학정찬석조용성696
2019슈퍼컴퓨팅 활용 확대를 위한 과학.공학 분야 거대문제 해결.지원염민선강궁원강지훈강효진권오경김영훈김인김한슬류훈문명환문지협박기홍백효정서상재안설아안아름여인성유석종육진희윤태호이재학이준학이홍석정민중정영균정찬석정희진조기현조용성조지호최성환현영환박찬서진석허태상황순욱최장원정용환고명주최윤근이식허영주류범종김병규심형섭손지성이상환송사광김성찬안부영한성근BUI KHAC HOAI NAM688
2020슈퍼컴퓨팅·AI 융합 유전자 조절 네트워크 연구염민선강효진강지훈이준학741
2013-12웹 기반 개인유전체 통합분석 자동화 플랫폼 개발한영만유석종안인성조용성강효진이준학Tung김현식972
2021초거대 계산기술 확보를 통한 과학·공학 초거대문제 해결 연구·지원정민중강궁원강지훈강효진권오경김영훈김종찬김경호김지민김한슬김현우류정희류훈문명환문지협박기홍박정우백효정서민호서상재안설아안영선염민선윤태호이용호이일형이재학이준학이홍석전유경정영균정인수정찬석정희진조금원조기현조용성조덕연조주형조지호최범준최성환한영만한혜림현영환Bui, Khac Hoai Nam936
2022초거대 계산기술 확보를 통한 과학·공학 초거대문제 해결 연구·지원정민중강궁원강지훈강효진권오경김경호김영훈김종찬김지민김태종김한슬김현우류기명류정희류훈문명환문지협박기홍박정우백효정서민호서상재성진우안선일안설아안영선염민선온누리육진희윤은선윤태호이상민이식이애리이용호이일형이재학이종숙이준학이홍석전강욱전유경정영임정영균정인수정찬석정희진조가은조금원조기현조용성조덕연조주형조지호최범준최성환한영만한혜림현영환황순욱Bui, Khac Hoai Nam640
2016-01초고성능컴퓨팅 기반 건강한 고령사회 대응 빅데이터 기술 개발이민호유석종안인성강효진이명화김영훈이용김주현이준학박경석그외 다수1091
