Browsing "7. KISTI 연구성과" byKeywords : Bacteria

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Showing results 1 to 4 of 4

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FileIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)View
2015-11-07Chromosome-like organization of an asymmetrical ring polymer confined in a cylindrical space전찬일정영균김주인전하웅하배연1168
2015-03-28Polymers under confinement: single polymers, how they interact, and as model chromosomes하배연정영균1169
2011-11-03Ring polymers as model bacterial chromosomes: confinement, chain topology, single chain statistics, and how they interact정영균943
2002-11국내 분리 세균목록 DB 구축이오형박순영강태숙장애경이진숙손립년임현이명은김상균792
