학술지 발표논문1396

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FileIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)View
2014-10-25The innovation policy of nanotechnology development and convergence for the new Korean government배성훈강상규김창우신광민임정선1140
2014-10-18Freeze-out radii extracted from three-pion cumulants in pp, p–Pb and Pb–Pb collisions at the LHCB.Abelev안상언안설아장행진1169
2014-10-17PIR-based data integrity verification method in sensor network김용기석중호김재수최광남1162
2014-10-16Neutral pion production at midrapidity in pp and Pb–Pb collisionsB.Abelev안상언안설아장행진1094
2014-10-15Event-by-event mean pT fluctuations in pp and Pb-Pb collisions at the LHCB.Abelev안상언안설아장행진1183
2014-10-15Synthesis of micro-sized hierarchical TiO2 particles of nano-scale effectiveness and their photocatalytic activities at various surface hydroxyl concentrationsInseokJang박준환1030
2014-10-08A Tight-Binding Study of Single-Atom Transistors류훈989
2014-10-07Charged black holes in string-inspired gravity. I. Causal structures and responses of the Brans-Dicke fieldJakobHansen827
2014-10-06Suppression of Υ(1S) at forward rapidity in Pb–Pb collisions at √sNN = 2.76 TeVB.Abelev안상언안설아장행진1009
2014-10-01Secure and efficient high-performance PROOF-based cluster system for high-energy physics안상언박상오여일연1031
2014-10-01Updating the trusted connection of reorganized computing resource under the automated system management platform윤희준김정헌여일연1121
2014-10-01Fast Distributed and Parallel Pre-processing on Massive Satellite Data Using Grid Computing이원구김재수손강렬최윤수1294
2014-10-01A model of analyzing cyber threats trend and tracing potential attackers based on darknet traffic최상수송중석1152
2014-10-01Performance evaluations on inner vs. outer decomposition first parallel join algorithms for two nested loop joins노서영박형우여일연윤희준1207
2014-10-01Cellular-Automaton-Based Node Scheduling Control for Wireless Sensor Networks변희정유정록1230
2014-09-30ATMSim: An Anomaly Teletraffic Detection Measurement Analysis Simulator이종숙953
2014-09-29Performance of the ALICE experiment at the CERN LHCB.Abelev안상언안설아장행진1123
2014-09-23Software-defined Home Networking Device for Multi-home Visual Sharing조진용이소연1048
2014-09-21Future Changes in Surface Runoff over Korea Projected by a Regional Climate Model under A1B Scenario이지우조민수960
2014-09-17A novel fairness-aware parallel download schemeEunhyeKim박주원952
