학술지 발표논문1396

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FileIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)View
2018-05-08Constraints on cosmic strings using data from the first Advanced LIGO observing runB.P. Abbott et al.강궁원배상욱1094
2018-05-01Performance profiling for brachytherapy applications여인성조기현최원국1333
2018-04-26Prospects for observing and localizing gravitational-wave transients with Advanced LIGO, Advanced Virgo and KAGRAB.P. Abbott et al.강궁원조희석1179
2018-04-16Enhancing data transfer performance utilizing a DTN between cloud service providers홍원택문정훈석우진정진욱1185
2018-04-16Modelling of Storm-induced Seawater Flooding in the Suyeong River Area, South Korea: A Case Study due to the Storm Surge and Waves during Typhoon Sanba육진희박정현조민수1255
2018-04-09Production cross sections of hyperons and charmed baryons from e+e− annihilation near √s=10.52 GeVM. Niiyama조기현1094
2018-04-01Active Data Dissemination for Mobile Sink Groups in Wireless Sensor Networks이정철이의신김상하박수창오승민임용빈1135
2018-03-31On the role of message broker middleware for many-task computingNGUYEN NGOC CAO김직수이재환황순욱1128
2018-03-23Observation of Ξc(2930)0 and updated measurement of B−→K−Λ+cΛ¯−c at BelleY. B. Li조기현1041
2018-03-21A Study of Prescriptive Analysis Framework for Human Care Services Based On CKAN Cloud김장원주원균이석훈1234
2018-03-13Study of K0S pair production in single-tag two-photon collisionsM. Masuda조기현1104
2018-03-09On the achievement of high fidelity and scalability for large-scale diagonalizations in grid-based DFT simulations최성환류훈김우연염민선1239
2018-03-09Observation of Excited Ωc Charmed Baryons in e+e− CollisionsJ. Yelton조기현1156
2018-03-01A signal-on, colorimetric determination of deoxyribonuclease I activity utilizing the photoinduced synthesis of gold nanoparticles정예림박현규박기수박정훈이창열1089
2018-02-28해외 파견 프로그램 및 행사 참가 후기 - The 7th CJK S&T Information Joint Seminar / Science Agora 2017 참가보고서임석종625
2018-02-28GW170817: Implications for the Stochastic Gravitational-Wave Background from Compact Binary CoalescencesB.P. Abbott et al.강궁원배상욱995
2018-02-26Fast, Energy-efficient Electronic Structure Simulations for Multi-million Atomic Systems with GPU Devices류훈권오경1182
2018-02-24Measurement of the tau Michel parameters η¯ and ξκ in the radiative leptonic decay τ−→ℓ−ντν¯ℓγN. Shimizu조기현1023
2018-02-24Logically Isolated Group Network for Virtual Convergence Environment over SD-WAN김동균길준민김기현김용환김주범유기성1350
2018-02-23Feasibility of activation energy prediction of gas-phase reactions via machine learning최성환김우연김연준김지효김진우1060
