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FileIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)View
E1JSCH_2018_v6n2_24.pdf.jpg2018-06-30Bibliometrics in Practice in Developing Nations: A Study on the Development of Scientometrics and Bibliometrics Careers in IranSaeid AsadiFatemeh Atash DeliganiBehrooz RasuliMajid Shaian Majd1767
2015-12-11Evolution of Cooperation Patterns in Psoriasis Research: Co-Authorship Network Analysis of Papers in Medline (1942–2013)Gregorio González-AlcaideCharles HuamaniIsabel BelinchónJosé M. Ramos박진서1134
E1JSCH_2013_v1n4_6.pdf.jpg2013-12-31From Signtometrics to Scientometrics: A Cautionary Tale of Our TimesBlaise Cronin1306
KCI vs. WoS - Comparative Analysis of Korean and International Journal Publications in Library and Information Science.pdf.jpg2021-09-30KCI vs. WoS: Comparative Analysis of Korean and International Journal Publications in Library and Information ScienceYang, KidukLee, HyekyungKim, SeonwookLee, JongwookOh, Dong-Geun1254
2015-12KnoweldgeMatrix 실용화 기술개발박진서노경란이준영안세정이방래권오진강종석구영덕박종규손은수박준환1261
2008-10-01Mapping Korea’s national R&D domain of robot technology by using the co-word analysis이방래정용일1024
journal-11-4-82.pdf.jpg2023-12-30One Hundred Scopus Citations to a Non-Scopus Indexed Article: A Case StudyElango, Bakthavachalam275
Yang_Lee_v6n3_45-60.pdf.jpg2018-09-30Quantifying Quality: Research Performance Evaluation in Korean UniversitiesYang, KidukLee, Hyekyung1298
Demaine_v6n3_37-44.pdf.jpg2018-09-30Rediscovering Forgotten Research: Sleeping Beauties at the University of WaterlooDemaine, Jeffrey1185
2010-05-01Research Performance Evaluation Based on Bibliometric Analysis of Journal Articles and Patents이혁재강종석문영호변순천1007
E1JSCH_2014_v2n2_6.pdf.jpg2014-06-30The Impact of Name Ambiguity on Properties of Coauthorship NetworksJinseok KimHeejun KimJana Diesner1400
2014-12계량정보분석 기법을 활용한 이슈대응형 국내 우수 연구자 발굴김완종유수현1046
2015-01국가연구개발사업의 질적인 평가를 위한 방안 연구오흥선최선희정유철신용주875
