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Development of a National Research Data Platform for Sharing and Utilizing Research Data
Shin, YounghoUm, JunghoSeo, DongminShin, Sungho
Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information
Publication Year
Research data means data used or created in the course of research or experiments. Research data is very important for validation of research conducted and for use in future research and projects. Recently, convergence research between various fields and international cooperation has been continuously done due to the explosive increase of research data and the increase in the complexity of science and technology. Developed countries are actively promoting open science policies that share research results and processes to create new knowledge and values through convergence research. Communities to promote the sharing and utilization of research data such as RDA (Research Data Alliance) and COAR (Confederation of Open Access Repositories) are active, and various platforms for managing and sharing research data are being developed and used. OpenAIRE (Open Access Infrastructure for Research In Europe), a research data platform in Europe, ARDC (Australian Research Data Commons) in Australia, and IRDB (Institutional Repositories DataBase) in Japan provide research data or research data related services. Korea has been establishing and implementing a research data sharing and utilization strategy to promote the sharing and utilization of research data at the national level, led by the central government. Based on this strategy, KISTI has been building a Korean research data platform (DataON) since 2018, and has been providing research data sharing and utilization services to users since January 2020. This paper reviews the characteristics of DataON and how it is used for research by showing its applications.
research data; research data platform; DataON; open data; open science; data platform
Journal Title
Journal of Information Science Theory and Practice;Volume 10 Special Issue
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8. KISTI 간행물 > JISTaP > Vol. 10 - Special Issue
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