Typhoon-induced storm surge and high waves caused coastal inundation and resulting coastal damages in the south-eastern coast of South Korea (the Republic of Korea), especially in the Suyeong River Area (SRA), Busan during typhoon Chaba (201618) which occurred early in October 2016. This study developed a prediction system based on weather and tide-surge-wave models to guide countermeasures against coastal inundation. The weather prediction model is named K-MPAS (KISTI - Model for Prediction Across Scales), and was optimized by KISTI to more accurately predict typhoons in the Western Pacific Ocean. The tide-surge-wave model ADCIRC+SWAN, a widely-used model, is based on a flexible unstructured grid with a more detailed grid for the region of interest (SRA). As a case study, the meteorological condition, storm-surge, and waves due to typhoon Chaba were predicted using this prediction system, and are presented and discussed in terms of the typhoon track, surface pressure, wind, storm-surge, waves, and resultant coastal inundation in the SRA. The model results were in good agreement with observations, thus this prediction system can provide a reliable service for coastal disaster management.
Storm surge; waves; coastal inundation; the Suyeong River Area; typhoon Chaba