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A Simplifed Calculation Model for the Sliding Contact Boundaries in a Hydro-Static Piston Mechanism
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The objective of this study was to discuss simplified calculation models for the piston/cylinder sliding
mechanism in which boundary contact partly occurs invariably. An efficient prediction of the boundary leakage
and friction is often needed, such as in a swash-plate axial piston machine whose lubrication test is hard to perform
due to the mechanism complexity. In order to model this physically uncertain lubrication regime, two calculation
models were compared to compute the lubrication behaviors: “rigid boundary model”, whose theoretical concept
was previously reported in the literature, and “elastic boundary model”, newly proposed in this study. Developed
numerical algorithms commonly facilitated the simultaneous calculation of body motion and fluid film pressure
to observe piston motion, reaction forces, and power loss. The results showed that simulations using the elastic
boundary model should be more helpful for the prediction in the earlier development stage than the previous model
since the methodology provides much less simulation time than full-order calculation, higher accuracy than the rigid
model, and useful engineering parameters such as surface stress. The proposed calculation model can be extended to
various asymmetrically loaded reciprocating piston mechanisms for efficiently predicting the lubrication behavior.
Boundary lubrication model; Hydraulic engineering; Numerical calculation; Reciprocating piston
Journal Title
Journal of Engineering Mathematics
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7. KISTI 연구성과 > 학술지 발표논문
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