As the Internet of Things (IoT) has developed, the emerging sensor network (ESN) thatintegrates emerging technologies, such as autonomous driving, cyber-physical systems, mobilenodes, and existing sensor networks has been in the limelight. Smart homes have been researchedand developed by various companies and organizations. Emerging sensor networks have someissues of providing secure service according to a new environment, such as a smart home, and theproblems of low power and low-computing capacity for the sensor that previous sensor networkswere equipped with. This study classifies various sensors used in smart homes into three classes andcontains the hierarchical topology for efficient communication. In addition, a scheme for establishingsecure communication among sensors based on physical unclonable functions (PUFs) that cannot bephysically cloned is suggested in regard to the sensor’s low performance. In addition, we analyzed thisscheme by conducting security and performance evaluations proving to constitute secure channelswhile consuming fewer resources. We believe that our scheme can provide secure communication byusing fewer resources in a smart home environment in the future.
emerging sensor network (ESN); hierarchical topology; security; smart home; physical unclonable functions (PUFs); Internet of Things (IoT)