Last-mile bottleneck, fire-wall bottleneck, and internal network congestion bottleneck arewell-known performance bottleneck problems of private sector in national R&E network sinceInternet is adopted for R&E network. The emergency of big data science makes these problemsmore severe because a famous scientist under such a circumstance is severely restricted inhis/her big data R&D. Therefore, government cannot leave these stubs in the realm of a privateorganization any longer.We, KREONET (Korea Research Environment Open Network), tried tosolve these problems by SDN-IP (software-defined network—Internet protocol) based on ONOS(Open Network Operation System); SDN-IP is the leading technology for the softwarization ofnetwork, and it is developed by On Lab. KREONET began to deploy SDN-IP as a tool for the softwarizationof Korea R&E network even though others studied to business its' feature for theenhancement of resource management of data center first. The initial goal during the constructionof SDN-IP for KREONET is to solve well-known problems in R&E network,which are relatedwith last-mile, fire-wall, and internal network congestion. These 3 problems are not solved for along time because it costs too much when we try to solve them by the way of the existed hardwarenetworking. In this paper, we introduce our experience that can catch two rabbits at thesame time. These experiences are about the provision of the initial popular service of SDN-IP withthe solution of those well-known bottleneck problems and about the economic way of SDN-IPconstruction by incremental hybrid networking of legacy Internet and SDN-IP