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U-health smart system architecture and ontology model
Publication Year
Two primary concerns for our aging society are preserving good health
and avoiding disease. A Smart Home system is one efficient and capable way to find
the solution of this complex problem. But, there are several reasons which building
a Sma6rt Home is complex. First, it is difficult to accurately track the behavior of
the elderly in house, because each person has unique needs and behavior. And also,
the system cannot know whether a given behavior is normal or not. Second, medical
symptoms are very complex. Third, to get the information in the house, there should
be various technologies which use different protocols, data, languages and specifications.
In order to solve them, this research which is a part of POSTECH U-Health
Smart Home project, was started. This paper makes two significant contributions to
the Smart Home Project and autonomic system fields. The first contribution is general
architecture for the U-Health Smart Home project through Smart Home at POSTECH.
The requirements what kinds of parts are needed to build the Smart Home are introduced
and proposed in this paper. The second contribution is a semantic model which
can be used by an autonomic system to make accurate and intelligent decisions. To
create the appropriate model, various semantic technologies, which use OWL as the
programming language, Protégé which version is 3.4.2 as a tool for ontology creation
and SWRL as a language for reasoning, were used. Furthermore, for reasonable ontology,
open standard CIM version 2.22 is defined and published by DMTF was used as
an entire framework.
U-health smart home architecture; semantic web; ontology; reasoning
Journal Title
journal of supercomputing
Citation Volume
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7. KISTI 연구성과 > 학술지 발표논문
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