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재난안전정보공유 플랫폼 기술 개발
Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information
Publication Year
funder : 미래창조과학부
funder : Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning
ㅇ 재난안전정보 공유 플랫폼 구축 방향성 정립
- 재난안전정보 공유 플랫폼 구축 단계별 로드맵 수립
- 플랫폼 구축 및 운영을 위한 실용화 추진 전략 수립
- 정형비정형 상호연동 및 융합 기술 연구

ㅇ 재난안전정보 아카이브 및 분류체계/용어사전 구축
- 재난안전정보 아카이빙 전략 수립
- 유관기관 용어사전 현황 조사 및 용어사전 개발지침 정의
- 재난안전정보 분류체계(패싯기반) 대분류(안) 수립

ㅇ 재난안전정보 현황 및 표준화
- (재난안전정보 현황조사) 71개 기관, 297개 정보시스템, 1,356종 파악, 우선 공동 활용 대상 339종 도출
- 재난안전정보 표준 및 품질관리 지침(가이드라인) 수립
- 재난안전정보 공유를 위한 법제도 개선(안) 마련

ㅇ 재난안전정보 통합 플랫폼 설계
- 재난안전정보 수집/연계/연동을 위한 설계
- 통신 프로토콜/상호연도 표준화(TTA상정)

ㅇ 플랫폼 활용성 검증을 위한 시연
- 유해화학물질사고대응 (IoT 관측정보 활용 사례)
- 상황전파시스템의 상황메시지 분석 (텍스트 분석 사례)

(출처 : 요약서 3p)

Purpose & Contents
ㅇ (Purpose) Construction of a Disaster and Safety Information Sharing Platform through the analysis of current systems and standardization of disaster information.
- Standard information framework for the utilization of disaster & safety Information

- Construction of a Disaster and Safety Information Sharing Platform

- Support of Big-data based data sharing process and estimation model for complex disaster

- Operation of committees and consulting groups related to the issue

ㅇ Development of standard platform for disaster & safety information
- Design of the standardization for disaster and emergency risk management based on unstructured and structured big-data
- Making identified big-data set from the disaster related institutions
- Making disaster scenario design and platform use cases
- Design a guidance that enables effective use for supporting a collaborative effective disaster management to disaster impacted state, and local government

ㅇ Development of foundation technologies and archiving for disaster & safety information
- Current state analysis for a disaster & safety information archiving data
- Constructing a disaster & safety information dictionary
- Developing a standard classification system for disaster & safety information

ㅇ A standard framework for disaster & safety information
- Standard distribution framework and for disaster & safety information
- Meta data management guideline for disaster & safety information
- Standard meta data for disaster & safety information
- Data quality management system for disaster & safety information

ㅇ The project of to develope the integrated national disaster data platform
- Development of the integrated disaster data platform technology, operation and management platform
- Standardization of communication protocol and interworking interface technologies for disaster data collecting, connecting, and interworking

Expected Contribution
ㅇ Utilization Plans
- Construction of a central(national level) Natural Disaster and Safety Information platform through linking and connecting related sites and platforms
- Development of a compatible standardization system for Natural Disaster and Safety Information through a standardization process and glossary for the propagation of system to other institutes
- Laying the foundation for developing a big-data based Natural Disaster Estimation technology

ㅇ Benefit
- Enables the integration of information from various sources to be used for developing a technology to estimate natural disasters through improved management system and information access technology
- Promote system compatibility through standardized management tools and technologies for future budget saving and procurement of national security

(출처 : SUMMARY 5p)
재난안전정보; 재난안전관리; 정보 표준화; 플랫폼; 빅데이터; Disaster & Safety Information; Disaster & Safety Management; Information Standardization; Platform; Big Data
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7. KISTI 연구성과 > 연구보고서 > 2017
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