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4차 산업혁명 대응 정부 R&D 패키지化 투자모델 개발 연구
Alternative Title
Development of government R&D package investment model for the 4th industrial revolution
Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information
Publication Year
funder : 과학기술정보통신부
funder : Ministry of Science and ICT
○ 기술 및 산업 분야별 협의체 구성 및 목표 설정
- 혁신본부 투자국, 관계부처, 전문가 등으로 분야별 협의체 구성
- 8개 분야별로 추진목표, 세부목표 등을 수립하여 기술의 범위 설정
○ 논문, 특허 데이터베이스를 활용한 빅데이터 분석을 통해 투자필요 기술군 탐색
- 기존 기술로드맵 수립방식인 전문가 의견법이나 설문조사 방식을 탈피한 관련 데이터베이스기반의 빅데이터 분석 수행
○ 기술·산업 부문별 기술체계분류 수행
- SCOPUS 논문 빅데이터 분석을 통해 군집분석을 수행하여, 핵심·기반기술, 산업·공공융합기술로 분류 작업을 수행
○ 기술-산업 연관분석을 수행하여 후보기술군들의 경제적 파급효과 분석 수행
- 후보기술군 관련 특허 빅데이터를 활용하여 기술-산업 연관분석을 수행함으로써, 향후 잠재적인 경제적 파급효과 분석을 실시
○ 기술·산업 부문별 제도개선 사항 발굴
- R&D를 통한 기술발전이 제도적인 문제로 활용이 지체되는 상황이 발생하지 않도록 분야별로 제도개선이 필요한 사항을 발굴
* 4차산업혁명 8대 신산업 창출을 위한 제도정립 산학연관 토론회개최: ’17. 12. 15 (KAIST 도곡동캠퍼스)
○ 기술·산업 부문별 투자필요영역 발굴
- 기술-R&D사업 간 매핑을 통해 투자공백영역을 설정하고, 기술-산업 간 매핑을 통해 분석된 각 기술의 경제적 효과 등을 고려하여 투자필요영역 발굴

(출처 : 보고서 요약서 3p)

Purpose & Contents
□ In order to deal with the characteristics of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, in which interdisciplinary convergence is leading innovation, the goal of this project is to build a strategic R&D investment model which is to break away from the support method of existing individual technology unit and to provide comprehensive support for 'Technology-Industry –Regulation'.
□ (Technology Classification System) linkages with laws and regulation improvement and establishment of strategic investment fields for dealing with the Fourth Industrial Revolution by integrating technology and industry growth mechanism and their linkages and convergence structure
□ (Basic Model)
ㅇ (Analysis & Evaluation Model Development) Development of comprehensive analysis and evaluation model(3D S/W solution development) such as analysis of linkage between industrial sector and government R&D business, technology maturity, manpower requirement, and performance measurement
ㅇ (Establishment of customized models for each technology & industry sector) Preparing customized model for the application of each pilot case based on analysis & evaluation model, support the R&D planning of package type and gradually expand and apply its model
ㅇ (User Extended Model Design) Analyze the requirements of each user group (budgeting, policy establishment, etc.), consider the necessary factors for expansion in the future, and develop a multidimensional analysis model

ㅇ Development of Investment and Evaluation model dealing with 8 technology and industry group

Expected Contribution
ㅇ The results of this research are utilized as guidelines for the planning of the new business plan for the 4th industrial revolution and the allocation and coordination of the government R&D budget.
ㅇ Efficiency of Government R&D budget
- Elimination of redundant support in the field of technology development through linkage of technology and business system (budget) and support for technology development field which has not been developed
- Analysis of investment topography at the national level for each technology development field
- Adjustment of investment timing and input budget in terms of technology utilization and application areas
ㅇ Early practical use of the developed technology
- improvement of various regulations and systems which hinders the market entry of technology
ㅇ To help establish a systematic R&D investment strategy through various analyses required from the investment point of view

(출처 : SUMMARY 5p)
기술; 산업; 제도; 패키지; 연구개발; 투자; 규제; technology; industry; systems; package; R&D; investment; regulations
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7. KISTI 연구성과 > 연구보고서 > 2018
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