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중소∙중견기업의 R&D 및 사업화 지원체제 구축
Alternative Title
R&D and Commercialization support system for SMEs
Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information
Publication Year
funder : 과학기술정보통신부
funder : Ministry of Science and ICT
○ 산업·시장 정보분석 방법론 연구 및 인프라 고도화 연구
- 데이터기반 산업시장 분석 모델 확립을 위해, 무료/공개 DB의 활용/적용가능성 확인 및 분석방법론 모델 도출(중국, 인공지능, 인구구조 등 3개 케이스 적용)
- 산업·시장 분석에 적용가능한 문장 자동분류 및 추출 프로토타입 개발
- 미국 통계청 공개 DB를 활용하여, 미국시장 규모를 추정할 수 있는 신규 분석 모델 KMAPS 탑재
- 중소기업 기술사업화를 위한 온라인 지식서비스 솔루션 플랫폼인 SPARKs 및 DAVID 기획을 통한 지식서비스 O2O 선도를 위한 발판 마련
○ 신사업 기회분석 연구 및 인프라 활용연구
- 기업혁신활동과 유망성 연관 분석을 통한 유망아이템 적합성 분석 모델 확립
- 유망아이템 선정을 위해 기존지표가 가지는 문제(주관적, 낮은 효율 등)를 해결할 수 있는 객관적 지표 발굴
- 글로벌 시장경쟁력 평가모델 개발 및 해당 모델을 활용한 중소기업 글로벌 기술사업화 지원 모델의 확립
- 국내 중소기업의 해외 시장 진출 애로를 해소할 수 필드 서베이 기반의 사업화 기회 및 전략 지원
○ 적응형 기술가치평가 체계 연구
- 인공지능(GAN)을 활용한 적응형 평가지원 모델 연구
- 비전문가도 손쉽게 기술가치평가 시스템을 이용할 수 있도록, 최소정보 입력만으로 기술가치평가를 할 수 있는 Easy STAR 개발

(출처 : 보고서 초록 5p)

Ⅲ. Content and Result of the study

○ Data-Based Industry Market Analysis Methodology
- Discovery of free / open databases (28 national statistics, 24 overseas statistics)
- Structuring issues, selecting industry to research, establishing linkage between issues and indicators
- Developing a methodology model by issues and industries(3 cases analyzed: China issue, Artificial Intelligence, Demographic structure)

○ Auto reporting model study of industry and market analysis based on a deep learning algorithm
- Automatic document summarization algorithm development
- Prototype development for automatic classification and extraction of sentences

○ KISTI Market Report Publication
- High-quality contents published based on industry and market analysis systems
- Special issues in industry 4.0 published
- Content serviced through 8 specialized internet sites

○ Industry and Market Analysis Systems(KMAPS)
- Developed a new service module for estimating US market size using the US National Statistics Office's public database
- Added new industries such as agriculture, forestry, fisheries, mining, and service industries to analyze most industries and markets in domestic
- Develop new indicators such as marketability and business feasibility to provide meaningful insights into industries and markets
- Improved user convenience by One-Click analyzing function, PEST analysis based on text mining algorithm

○ Research on association analysis between business innovation activity and promising business item
- Case study of open innovation activities (M&A)
- Developing a methodology for identifying promising industrial areas through analysis of linkages between M & A deals and promising business item

○ Research on indicators of promising business items
- Establishing the process of identifying promising business items in terms of the return target and the risk (the promising commercialization evaluation model based on the quantitative data)

○ Study on global market competitiveness evaluation model
- Developing the indicators that can reflect the needs of consumers and measuring the level of global commercialization based on the indicators
- Developing a model of SME technology commercialization utilizing the global market competitiveness evaluation model
- Systematic planning for global market competitiveness evaluation

○ Establishment of adaptive technology valuation system
- A Study on Adaptive Evaluation Support System Model based on Artificial Intelligence (Generative Adversarial Nets)
- Developing Easy STAR (intelligent information feedback system) that requires a small number of input variables and provides a range of economic value of a technology
- Providing a guideline of model selection, estimation process of product life cycle (PLC), and a new SW valuation model
- Development of new modules that estimate new business sales and an expected period/cost of commercialization

○ Expansion of valuation system and service
- Technology Transfer of STAR-Value System, user training of the system
- User training to expand technology valuation system (36 institutions, 118 students)

(출처 : Summary 11p)
중소·중견기업; 연구개발; 사업화; 지원체제; 산업시장 지식서비스 지식멘토링; 인공지능; 머신러닝; SMEs; R&D; Commercialization; Supporting system; Industry and Market Knowledge service; Mentoring for SMEs; AI; Machine learning
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7. KISTI 연구성과 > 연구보고서 > 2017
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