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국가과학기술지식정보서비스 사업
Alternative Title
Construction of the National Science & Technology Information Service
Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information
Publication Year
funder : 미래창조과학부
funder : KA
○ 필요성
- 분산된 국가R&D 과제, 인력, 성과, 시설․장비 정보를 효율적으로 수집, 관리하여 공동활용 할 수 있는 표준화된 과학기술정보 유통기반이 필요
- 국가 R&D사업들이 대형화․복합화 되면서 전략적 투자 등 종합 조정을 뒷받침할 수 있는 국가 R&D 현황 및 분석자료 요구
- 국가R&D사업에서 산출된 정보․자원과 관련 과학기술정보를 공동활용하여 R&D생산성 향상 도모

○ 목적
- 국가차원의 종합정보관리체계 구축을 통해 국가 R&D사업의 종합조정을 지원
- 국가 R&D관련 정보․자원을 공동 활용함으로써 R&D투자 효율성 제고

○ 연구내용 및 결과
- 국가R&D정보 개방․공유․협력 강화로 국가과학기술 가치 극대화
- 국가R&D사업관리 지원체계 고도화, 과학기술인력정보 활용촉진 및 보호강화, 국가R&D성과 공동활용 확산, 과학기술인프라 개방·공유 활성화 등 7개 중점추진과제 수행

○ 활용계획
- 과학기술지식․정보를 손쉽게 접하고, 국가R&D사업현황에 대한 이해도 제고를 통해 과학기술의 대중화․생활화에 기여
- 부처별 국가R&D사업에 대한 종합적인 기획․조정․평가와 중복투자 방지를 통해 국가R&D투자 효율성 제고
- 중복과제의 최소화를 통해 사업관리 효율성을 제고하고, 신규사업 기획을 위한 기초자료로 활용
- 필요로 하는 과학기술정보를 쉽고 빠르게 확인하여 대학․연구소와 공동연구를 효과적으로 추진
- 중소기업의 부족한 운영인력과 시설장비를 대학·연구기관이 보유한 인력·장비를 공동활용토록 지원·해결
- 국가R&D정책개발을 위한 다양한 정보분석 및 사업진행의 투명성 확보
- 국가R&D 연구비 통합모니터링을 통한 연구비 효율성 제고

( 출처 : 요약서 4p )

Ⅳ. Outcome of the Project
This research aims at constructing the base and application system for the National Science and Technology Information Service (NTIS). In 2016, we improved specific services of 8 key projects and sophisticated strategic projects.
Expanding information and contents regarding national science and technology

□ Expanding information and contents regarding national science and technology
○ Constructing and operating ‘R&D in the view point of issues’ and ‘R&D ecosystem map data’
- Compiling information on national or social issues regarding national R&D information in real time and providing the information every week
- Creating basis data from the result of survey and analysis exposed through NTIS for R&D ecosystem map service

○ One-stop service for project application
- Constructing unified system for R&D project application to have NTIS provide the announcement and application information distributed from each department or agency
- Strengthening the comprehensive monitoring system to understand the current status of integration of application information among departments

○ Invigorating NTIS service
- Expanding information and contents regarding national science and technology through integrating relevant services
- Constructing foundation for comprehensive searching on information or knowledge in the area of national science and technology(integrating NDSL Open API NOS)
- Reorganizing the system to provide service reflecting demands
- Maintaining mobilized and globalized NTIS
- Maintaining efficient operation of call center
- Providing customized NTIS training course

○ Promoting NTIS advertisement
- Establishing strategies to invigorate NTIS advertising channel and efficient advertisement
- Improving status by implementing advertisement through the press or web-magazine

□ Establishing the foundation of open-science support
○ Enhancing the cloud service and publically available data regarding R&D
- Providing Open API channel regarding national R&D to have R&D data publically available
- Improving national R&D information analysis service
- Improving the portal for cloud service manager
- Discovering exemplary cases utilizing national R&D information

○ Opening NTIS LOD according to national R&D information open policy
- Reflecting the scope of NTIS LOD according to R&D data open policy
- Enhancing interlinking between NTIS LOD and external institutes such as Korean Intellectual Property Office or National Library of Korea

○ Expanding open information on national R&D by stage
- Establishing principles such as items to be opened or users who have access to the open information
- Providing raw materials by automate approval through GPKI certification or convenient extract.
- Assigning virtual PC in NTIS cloud automatically when requested and supplementing analysis tool(Knowledge Matrix+)
- Providing the interlinking information in the form of LOD
- Providing feedback system to analyze the result using the information and to improve the quality of data by reflecting the reports from the users

○ One-stop service for sharing information
- Providing R&D information package service to public institutes for policysupport
- Establishing cooperative usage system regarding the result using the information

○ Constructing virtual experiment environment to actualize open science
- Conducting policy study on open science and integrating system(EDISON platform) that supports virtual experiment environment

□ Enhancing the value-added service focusing on utilization
○ Expanding support on verifying the result of national R&D and improve the retrieval service
- Expanding the scope of verification(such as KCI) and improving the methods(supporting DOI retrieval)
- Improving retrieving national R&D reports(such as result materials)
- Enhancing information on national R&D performance and constructing DB on exemplary outputs

○ Constructing a herb of interchange for business personnel to exchange professional knowledge
- Providing environment for business personnel to exchange professional knowledge and developing contents customized for them
- Improving cooperation supporting service

□ Strengthening the National Research Facility Equipment Management Service
○ Improving the registration and management system for research facilities and equipment
- Clarification and segmentation of research facilities
- Registration of equipment in registration portal of nation R&D research achievement

○ Organic linkage and reinforcement with research facilities and equipment system
- Link with the National University Resource Management System(KORUS)
- Strengthening the management system through the upgrading and provision of APIs linked to research institutes

○ Enhancement of research facilities and equipment information quality
- Validation of institutional information, installation site and user UI improvement
- Enhanced information management for unconfirmed information

○ Establishment of service provision system for NTIS and ZEUS
- Ensuring user convenience and business efficiency through integrated provision of registration management and reservation utilitization service

□ Promoting the use of information on labor force
○ Strengthening service regarding national R&D participants and nominees of evaluation committee
- Strengthening integration with representative institutes such as KRI
- Promoting use of information regarding the participants or the members among national departments

○ Performing consultant to improve NTIS participant information service
- Examining the institutes including KRI that have constructed participant information such as national workforce DB
- Suggesting ways to improve NTIS participant information service

□ Constructing life-cycle information on national R&D
○ Constructing foundation to manage and compile information on programs
- Constructing registeration system to integrate mid-term plan
- Determining limited access authority to share life-cycle information

○ Constructing system for cooperative usage of national R&D information
- Compiling history of R&D programs and integrating the new-continuing programs
- Providing historical career classified by the type of program when creating program information retrieval DB
- Analysis on demand of information service regarding life-cycle of program and study on methods to integrate among mid/long-term plan
- Developing strategies to procure life-cycle data and expand information integration

○ Performing research to construct comprehensive management system of national R&D investment
- Examining legal issues that hinder construction of the comprehensive management system
- Examining similar systems(such as Ezbaro system or RCMS) of managing and monitoring national R&D operated by national departments
- Examinig items that need to be managed for managing and monitoring R&D investment
- Suggesting the process of interlocking data when operating the comprehensive system

○ Constructing system to construct comprehensive management system of national R&D investment and preparing proposals
- Constructing system to construct comprehensive management system of national R&D investment
- Defining requests for comprehensive management and monitoring and extracting detailed functions
- preparing proposals to construct the system

○ Expanding the objects to test for similarities and enhancing the service
- Study on ways to improve the accuracy of retrieval algorithm when testing similarities among result materials
- Examining R&D projects from public institutes to expand the object to test for similarities

□ Promoting cooperative use on policy information
○ Integrating policy information to support developing science and technology policy and R&D planning
- Operating a consultative group to integrate main policy information service in Korea
- Enhancing the system of creating, sharing, and utilizing of policy information that is needed among national departments
- Study on ways to distribut compiled policy information

○ Improving national R&D statistical service based on usage
- Constructing unified statistical service regarding R&D that is currently operated independently
- Updating statistical service
- Study on re-categorizing compiled statistical information and distributing

○ Improving methods of examining national R&D information
- Developing manuals to survey·analysis and result verification
- Expanding items that need to be included in survey·analysis

○ Enhancing support on synchronization and complete enumeration verification in order to guarantee the consistency of restricted information
- Inspecting registeration and modification of information regarding limited application or clawback
- Constructing system modifying the date of limitation
- Constructing one-stop service reflecting the inquiry request regarding restriction from non-R&D institutes

○ Constructing national R&D system operation support service such as cooperative management regulation
- Developing cooperative management regulation information and comprehensive system regarding system operation
- Operating R&D help center system

□ Strengthening the support on informationization of outcome management
○ Constructing life-cycle history of evaluation on programs and expanding the open information on evaluation on performance
- Determining the scope of providing information on life-cycle on evaluation and compiling history
- UI planning to provide evaluation life-cycle and each program’s evaluation information comprehensively
- Managing performance according to national R&D programs or performing institutes’s objectives or index

○ Integrating performance information system to vitalize compilation or sharing R&D performance
- Determining the scope or method of integration among performance information system
- Constructing R&D performance management system and representative council supporting system

○ Constructing open information service of evaluation committee in order to enhance the transparency and credibility
- Providing Pool of evaluation committee by compiling information on evaluation committee of programs or institutes
- Expanding integrating items regarding participant information to verify the evaluation committee

○ Enhancing the support service to improve the efficiency of evaluating
- Informing time schedule referring when to submit documents for evaluation and constructing alarm service
- Allowing each institute to choose the scope of opening evidence for evaluation
- Constructing service providing evaluation results according to R&D programs or institutes’ objectives or indexes

□ Improving the efficiency of system management process
○ Constructing system to efficiently manage and operate NTIS service
- Suggesting methods of organizing NTIS infra architecture(examining methods of using private or public cloud)
- Operating constant monitoring to esablish NTIS information security system

○ Study on advanced planning to improve NTIS infrastructure and software architecture
- Suggesting methods to improve HW, SW architecture(DBMS, retrieval engine, SSO)

○ Enhancing the information integration with 17 departments or agencies and outcome management institutes
- Introducing SW based information integration and enhancing the national R&D information integration system
- Supporting information integration system and representative research management institutes
- Establishing plans to improve more efficient and secured NTIS DB integration and architecture
- Constructing demonstration of system compiling information on evaluation results, evaluation committee, and history
- Suggesting ways to compile result materials and ways to cooperatively use key information

○ Enhancing national R&D information quality management system
- Performing quality evaluation twice a year and improving NTIS data quality evaluation system
- Examining contents of national R&D data standard items or metadata management systems(MDMS)

○ Enhancing the efficiency of data management
- Developing demonstration of life-cycle data comprehensive management, from compilation to service
- Managing history of change of each index when data is added, modified, or deleted
- Constructing system tracking error data(history log, analysis, monitoring)

○ Constructing and managing data
- DB alteration and data migration according to amendment of national R&D information standard
- Refinement and Construction of national R&D information data which was integrated and compiled in ‘16
- Extracting data referring current status of data, complying with requirments from national departments or institutes(such as National Assembly, R&D management institutes) and analyzing data
- Constructing and managing efficient and secured NTIS DB

○ Suggesting ways to improve data management
- Establishing plans of evaluating SW effect or data migration, complying with the plan of converting DBMS in order to secure information and to have constant service

○ National R&D standard information management system
- Reflecting the alternation of survey·analysis system and national R&D information standard
- Providing more convenient ways of inputting national R&D data and reflecting requests froms the users
- Inputting national R&D data in real time and providing term to input information for survey·analysis

○ Operating technology information service
- Operating service on survey·analysis regarding national R&D information

○ Invigorating support channel to improve NTIS
- Organizing and operating NTIS professional monitoring teams and prosumer teams to improve NTIS service

□ Constructing comprehensive system monitoring R&D investment
○ Performing research to construct comprehensive management system of national R&D investment
- Examining legal issues that hinder construction of the comprehensive management system
- Examining similar systems(such as Ezbaro system or RCMS) of managing and monitoring national R&D operated by national departments
- Examinig items that need to be managed for managing and monitoring R&D investment
- Suggesting the process of interlocking data when operating the comprehensive system

○ Designing system and consulting(ISMP) to construct national R&D investment comprehensive management system
- Designing system to construct national R&D investment comprehensive system
- Defining requests for comprehensive management and monitoring and extracting detailed functions
- preparing proposals to construct the system

( 출처 : SUMMARY 19p )
국가과학기술지식정보서비스; 투자 효율성; 전주기적 관리; 연계 통합; 공동활용; 유통플랫폼; R&D조사분석; R&D사업평가; 예산배분지원; 과제유사검색; 성과정보; 성과관리; 성과분석; 종합현황정보; 분석정보; 지식맵; 온톨로지; 시맨틱웹; 과제고유번호; 표준화; 정보기술아키텍처; 데이터 정제; 분류체계; 식별체계; 정보보호; 인력 DB; 평가위원 Pool; 연구장비; 연구시설; 통계분석; 과학기술인등록번호; 과학기술데이터; NTIS(National Science and Technology Information Service); Cost-Effectiveness; Preliminary Management; System Integration; Mutual Sharing; Distribution Platform; R&D Survey & Analysis; R&D Program Evaluation; budget distribution; Similar project search; Performance Information; Performance Management; Performance Analysis; Total R&D Status Information; Analysis Information; Knowledge-Map; Ontology; Semantic Web; Project Unique Number; Standardization; ITA; Data Cleansing; Classification System; Identification System; Information Security; Human Resources DB; Pool of Evaluator; Research Facilities; Statistical Analysis; Scientist Registration Number; Science Data
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