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IBS 통합데이터센터 구축을 위한 사전기획연구
Alternative Title
Feasibility study for IBS Data Center construction
Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information
Publication Year
funder : 미래창조과학부
funder : Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning
○ 세계 선진 연구기관은 자체 초고성능컴퓨팅센터를 운영하고 있으며, 따라서 체계적인 초고성능 컴퓨팅 서비스 제공 위한 IBS 통합 데이터센터 필요

○ IBS 연 구단의 초고성능컴퓨팅 자원에 대한 수요 예 측을 통해 2020년까지 현재 대비 11배의 수요 증가가 예상되며, 향후 도전적인 연구목표 수행과 신규 연구단 선정에 따른 수요 증가에 대응하기 위해서는 기존 연구단 과제 기반 수요 대비 추가로 각각 60배와 2배의 대규모 초고성능컴퓨팅 자원이 필요함

○ 이러한 대규모 초고성능컴퓨팅 자원 수요를 기반으로 하는 연구 수행을 지원하기 위한 자원 구축 및 운영 대안 3가지에 대한 전문가 조사 분석을 통해 통합데이터센터의 구축 및 운영 방안이 가장 타당한 것으로 결론지었으며, 비용편익 분석에서도 경제적 타당성까지 확보한 것으로 평가됨

○ 통합 데이터센터 구축에서 필요한 전산센터 및 기반시설의 규모와 비용을 산정하고, 이에 대한 구축 가이드라인과 기본적인 운영 방안을 제시함

(출처 : 보고서 요약서 4p)

Chapter 1. Introduction

□ Background

(Movement of research paradigm)

○ Computation capabilities with breakthrough experiments are changing the pattern of research and development
○ 4th-generation data-centric paradigm that centered on the extensive research data is emerging
○ Because of this trend, we need to increase the computing centers
○ However, the situation in our country, still relies on the past methods

(Achieving mission of IBS)

○ Provide high performance computing solutions for large-scale computation problems, especially in basic science as a key technology to influence future national competitiveness
○ Currently, 18 major and campus research groups and 6 external research groups are organized. compute and data storage system to perform world-class scientific research built by individual
○ Must create world-class basic science result through basic science research infrastructure

□ research needs
○ Expansion of high performance computing resources to satisfy performance and application characteristic consistently needed to carry out world-class basic science research
○ Domestic basic scientific research institutions, such as KIAS, DGIST, UNIST etc, are building and the establishment of a dedicated data center with ultra high performance computing to support computational science research
○ In the future, to strengthen the phase of IBS as the representative research institute to lead the domestic basic science field and to perform high performance computing base, supercomputing specialized center for supporting domestic fundamental science required

□ Goal of study
○ The foundation for IBS integrated data center building
- Feasibility establishment for IBS Integrated Data Center building
- The optimal promoting method derivation for IBS Integrated Data Center building

□ contents of study
○ Data center design through study of feasibility, analysis of current status and needs of the data center building

(출처 : Summary 18~19p)
기초과학; 초고성능컴퓨터; 초고성능컴퓨팅 전문센터; 기초과학초고성능컴퓨팅응용; 데이터센터; Basic science; High performance computing(HPC); Dedicated HPC Center; Basic science HPC applications; Data center
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7. KISTI 연구성과 > 연구보고서 > 2015
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