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정보분석 플랫폼 구축을 통한 연구개발서비스 활성화
Alternative Title
Activation of research and development services through the establishment of information analysis platform
Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information
Publication Year
funder : 미래창조과학부
funder : KA
본 연구사업은 사용자 친화형 오아시스 플랫폼 개발, 연구개발서비스 정보구축, 플랫폼 고도화 기획 등 세 가지 측면에서 추진되었다. 먼저 플랫폼 개발 분야에서는 연구사업의 차별성 확보 및 새로운 정보자원 확보 측면에서 한국 기업공시 정보를 활용하여 기업의 종합적 사업 분석 체제를 위한 기반구축에 집중하였다. 최근 3개년의 상장법인의 기업공시 사업보고서 및 외감기업의 감사보고서, 기업개황정보를 활용하여 분석형 DB로 구축하였다. 재무정보는 XBRL 데이터를 활용하여 기업별 재무정보로 구축하였고 재무분석지표 설계에 활용하였다. 사업보고서를 대상으로 텍스트마이닝을 적용하여 사업내용 분석의 핵심이 되는 객체를 식별하고 이를 용어사전으로 구축하였다. 전세계 산업군의 변화를 살펴보기 위해서 ORBIS 데이터를 활용하여 산업군별 기업 재무 요약 가공정보를 구축하였다. 이외에도 통합로그인에 연계된 주요 정보서비스(TOD, COMPAS, KMAPS)와 API 연계 기능을 개발함으로써 연계된 콘텐츠를 대상으로 통합검색 및 문장형 연계검색 서비스를 개발하였다. 연구개발서비스 정보 구축 분야는 주요 산업별 국내외 시장규모 예측 310건, 산업환경 분석 100건, 유망아이템 200건, 글로벌 블로그 메타정보 3,675건, 연구개발서비스 성공사례 5건을 제작하였다. 플랫폼 고도화 기획 분야는 연구개발지원서비스연구회를 1회 운영하였고, 콘텐츠 스마트화를 콘텐츠 추천기능 개발로 규정하여 기술 및 시장동향 정보와 공시정보에 대해서 추천기능을 개발하였다.

Ⅳ. Results of the project
◦ Development of OASIS platform
- As base information for comprehensive analysis of domestic companies, DB establishment of corporate disclosure reports/audit reports of listed corporations and company profile information of unlisted corporations for the past three years
- Parsing, batch processing, and storage process design of XBRL document which is the world standard format of financial information for analyzing key information of finance by company
- Establishment of terminology dictionary based on object keywords, association words, and object information which are the core of business content analysis through selection of target for object identification, extraction pattern, and rule design of association words extraction
- For investigation of global start-up companies by industry, data analysis of ORBIS which is a global corporate information service and establishment of analysis DB for global company by industry
- Establishment of analysis DB for corporate business content by applying technologies such as object identification*, XML conversion, text mining, etc. to unstructured text sentences so as to analyze the core contents of the entire business report of domestic listed companies as well as corporate financial information
* Products, technologies, raw materials, services, brands, related companies, related countries, equipments, and so on
- Design of extraction process for object’s name and development of related module from XML data of business report
* Extraction module of data for text mining → Convert module to input format for text mining → Extraction module of object’s name by applying text mining engine → Module for storage of extracted object’s name
- Development of knowledge map for object keywords/association words to visualize core contents of business report by company
- Development of corporate group analysis service** which supports the analysis of the financial status and keywords/object association words of each corporate group by selecting a group of companies from users so that a comprehensive analysis (financial, non-financial, and business contents) is possible for various kinds of companies
** Example) Analysis of main keywords and present condition of association words for objects of relevant company group (services, products, technologies, raw materials, and so on) from business contents of high-growth companies and corporate group belonging to high-technology industries

◦ Development of user-friendly convergence service for platform-linked services
- Among nine types of information services linked to OASIS platform, pre-definition of linked/combined complex search pattern about the field with high user needs and design/realization of sentence linkage search which provides search result replying to pattern value selected by users
- Development of integrated search for user convenience (KISTI Market Report, ReSEAT analysis report, 500 future technologies, global blog, R&D business announcement, etc.)

◦ Prediction of domestic and overseas market size by major industries
- Providing market size and forecast information for 200 domestic and 110 overseas major industries/products using objective market statistics and scientific analysis techniques
- Securing and analyzing data from the statistical offices of overseas major nations
- Preferential selection of areas related to industries/products identical or similar to subjects for analysis of industrial environments and prospective items as targets of forecasting market size

◦ Production of reports about analysis of industrial environments and prospective items
- Production of 100 reports about analysis of industrial environments for providing analysis information of industrial fields and new technologies/businesses suitable to SMEs
- Production of 200 reports about prospective items related to target subjects for analysis of industrial environments

◦ Establishment of meta-information from global blog
- Diversification of information resources by securing meta-information of global blog providing new issue or information
- Collection of meta-information from 3,675 new blogs in 2016

◦ Production of 5 success cases from research and development service
- Production of success cases from research and development service for activation and promotion of research and development service in order to support SMEs

◦ Planning of advancement
- Operations of external expert seminar for development/planning of core module : Held 10 times
- Operations of research council for support service of research and development : Held 1 time
- Development of automatic recommendation service for contents as a function for establishment of smart contents
정보분석 플랫폼; 연구개발서비스; 신사업; 신기술; 시장분석; 기업 공시정보; information analysis platform; research and development service; new business; new technologies; market analysis; corporate annual report
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7. KISTI 연구성과 > 연구보고서 > 2016
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