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국가과학기술지식정보서비스 사업
Alternative Title
Construction of the National Science & Technology Information Service
김재수손강렬최광남주원균예용희최기석신용주이상기그외 다수
Alternative Author(s)
Kim, Jae-Su; Son, Gang-Ryeol; Choe, Gwang-Nam; Ju, Won-Gyun; Ye, Yong-Hui; Choe, Gi-Seok; Sin, Yong-Ju; Lee, Sang-Gi; et al
Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information
Publication Year
funder : 미래창조과학부
funder : KA
agency : 한국과학기술정보연구원
agency : Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information
- 분산된 국가R&D 과제, 인력, 성과, 시설․장비 정보를 효율적으로 수집, 관리하여 공동활용 할 수 있는 표준화된 과학기술정보 유통기반이 필요
- 국가 R&D사업들이 대형화․복합화 되면서 전략적 투자 등 종합 조정을 뒷받침할 수 있는 국가 R&D 현황 및 분석자료 요구
- 국가R&D사업에서 산출된 정보․자원과 관련 과학기술정보를 공동활용하여 R&D생산성 향상 도모
○ 목적
- 국가차원의 종합정보관리체계 구축을 통해 국가 R&D사업의 종합조정을 지원
- 국가 R&D관련 정보․자원을 공동 활용함으로써 R&D투자 효율성 제고
○ 연구내용 및 결과
- 국가R&D정보 개방․공유․협력 강화로 국가과학기술 가치 극대화
- 국가R&D사업관리 지원체계 고도화, 과학기술인력정보 활용촉진 및 보호강화, 국가R&D성과 공동활용 확산, 과학기술인프라 개방·공유 활성화 등 7개 중점추진과제 수행
○ 활용계획
- 과학기술지식․정보를 손쉽게 접하고, 국가R&D사업현황에 대한 이해도 제고를 통해 과학기술의 대중화․생활화에 기여
- 부처별 국가R&D사업에 대한 종합적인 기획․조정․평가와 중복투자 방지를 통해 국가R&D투자 효율성 제고
- 중복과제의 최소화를 통해 사업관리 효율성을 제고하고, 신규사업 기획을 위한 기초자료로 활용
- 필요로 하는 과학기술정보를 쉽고 빠르게 확인하여 대학․연구소와 공동연구를 효과적으로 추진
- 중소기업은 부족한 인력과 장비 등의 문제를 대학 및 연구기관이 보유한 인력․장비를 공동활용하여 해결
- 국가R&D정책개발을 위한 다양한 정보분석 및 사업진행의 투명성 확보

Ⅳ. Outcome of the Project
This research aims at constructing the base and application system for the National Science and Technology Information Service (NTIS). In 2015, 6 strategic projects for the sophistication and the enhancement on key projects are performed successfully.

□ Realization of Government 3.0 for Science and Technology
○ Extending the opening, sharing and cooperation of national R&D information
- Diversified the methods for opening national R&D Information via 13 kinds of open-APIs, LOD (Linked Open Data), etc., and provided them with the R&D data-open services
- Removed DRM on the R&D project search service corresponding to the government policy of Active-X exclusion and the easy of use of the services
○ Enlargement of the participation of the agencies for the One-Stop Service of the project application
- Established the SSO(Single Sign-On) and the integrated project-application system between NTIS and the project-management government agencies and departments
- Established the monitoring system with a dashboard for displaying and managing the current states of the project application
○ Established a long-term development plan of NTIS 4.0
- Remodeling of NTIS services to consumer-oriented services and establishing the improvement plans for the information system architecture in terms of H/W, S/W, and N/W
- Establishing a road map of NTIS 4.0(2016∼2010) for creating added value of the science and technology area

□ Supporting for the activation of creative economy
○ Establishing the environment of business-use services
- Providing dedicated services for small and medium-sized enterprises
- Providing global technology-trend analysis services for the business users
○ Establishing the participation environment for the small and medium-sized enterprise users
- Carrying out the improvement on the services and information of the NTIS enterprise-support services by applying the opinions of the prosumer groups.
○ Providing consultant services for developing countries
- Providing NTIS’s Know-how/technology transfer and consultant services to Kazakhstan
- Co-operating with Vietnam government for constructing VTIS (Vietnam National Science and Technology Information Service System)

□ Implementing consumer-oriented NTIS
○ Enhancing NTIS for the easy of use
- Improving the management functionalities of the menus for survey, opinion-submission of the professional monitoring group, users and their permission management, etc
- Building the online/offline dashboards for monitoring NTIS services
○ Providing utilization-oriented NTIS services
- Enlargement of the R&D-ecosystem map services
- Organization and operation of the 4th professional monitoring group
○ Enhancement on the S&T statistics and cloud services
- Providing the standardized template-based NTIS states & statistics services
- Finding the outstanding cases of utilizing NTIS cloud services
○ Strengthening the customized training and promotion of NTIS
- Providing a Webzine for main services of NTIS
- Operating a broadcasting station and SNS for advertizing NTIS
- Providing the customized training services for main users such as project-management organizations, small and medium-sized enterprises, government funded research institutes, and universities

□ Enhancement on the management-support system for national R&D projects
○ Expanding the co-utilization of additional R&D information among the government agencies and departments
- Strengthening the R&D information-linkage system for public institutions
- Co-utilization of restriction information such as research-fund redemption and participation-restrict penalty
○ Establishing a support system for evaluating national R&D projects
- Enhancing the responsibility and transparency of national R&D projects by making public the results of the evaluation
- Unifying the information-delivery channel via the evaluation-result providing service for national R&D outputs

□ Enhancing the co-utilization of R&D facilities and equipments
○ Enhancing the information-analysis services for R&D facilities and equipments
- Providing information services of the investment-amount distribution for supporting the reasonable investment distribution
- Providing information services for the results of the analysis of investigation on the national R&D facilities and equipments
○ Strengthening the management services for R&D facilities and equipments
- Establishing the customized R&D facility-management services for improving the efficiency of the management
- Developing a approval system for changing the key-information items

□ Stable operation and enhancement of NTIS Services
○ Enhancing the data-quality evaluation process of the raw data
- Improving the data cleaning and quality-management of national R&D information
- Maintaining the 3rd level of the data-quality certification
○ Providing the authorizing services for data-security and personal-information protection
- Strengthening the data-quality management and data-security system of national R&D information(Acquisition of DQC-S Level Certificate)
- Stable operation of the personal-information protection system of NTIS(Acquisition of PIPL Certificate)
○ Operation and enhancement of the establishment service(Level 1∼2)
- Acquisition of the Web accessibility certificate and its establishment(Level 1~2)
- Maintaining the international standard certificates(ISO 20000, ISO 27001)
- Improving the efficiency of the NTIS call center
NTIS(National Science and Technology Information Service); Cost-Effectiveness; Preliminary Management; System Integration; Mutual Sharing; Distribution Platform; R&D Survey & Analysis; R&D Program Evaluation; budget distribution; Similar project search; Performance Information; Performance Management; Performance Analysis; Total R&D Status Information; Analysis Information; Knowledge-Map; Ontology; Semantic Web; Project Unique Number; Standardization; ITA; Data Cleansing; Classification System; Identification System; Information Security; Human Resources DB; Pool of Evaluator; Research Facilities; Statistical Analysis; Scientist Registration Number; Science Data
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7. KISTI 연구성과 > 연구보고서 > 2015
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