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국가과학기술지식정보서비스 사업
Alternative Title
Construction of the National Science & Technology Information Service
김재수한선화손강렬최광남최희석예용희최기석석중호그외 다수
Alternative Author(s)
Kim, Jae-Su; Han, Seon-Hwa; Son, Gang-Ryeol; Choe, Gwang-Nam; Choe, Hui-Seok; Ye, Yong-Hui; Choe, Gi-Seok; Seok, Jung-Ho; et al
Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information
Publication Year
funder : 미래창조과학부
funder : KA
agency : 한국과학기술정보연구원
agency : Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information
○ 필요성
- 분산된 국가R&D 과제, 인력, 성과, 시설․장비 정보를 효율적으로 수집, 관리하여 공동활용 할 수 있는 표준화된 과학기술정보 유통기반이 필요
- 국가 R&D사업들이 대형화․복합화 되면서 전략적 투자 등 종합 조정을 뒷받침할 수 있는 국가 R&D 현황 및 분석자료 요구
- 국가R&D사업에서 산출된 정보․자원과 관련 과학기술정보를 공동활용하여 R&D생산성 향상 도모
○ 목적
- 국가차원의 종합정보관리체계 구축을 통해 국가 R&D사업의 종합조정을 지원
- 국가 R&D관련 정보․자원을 공동 활용함으로써 R&D투자 효율성 제고
○ 연구내용 및 결과
- 국가R&D정보 개방․공유․협력을 통한 국가과학기술 가치 극대화
- 개방․협력에 기반한 정보시스템으로 전환, 개방형 미래부 업무 지원체계 구축, 연구시설․장비 공동활용 제고, 클라우드 기반의 서비스 체계 확보 등 8개 중점추진과제 수행(2013~2015)
○ 활용계획
- 과학기술지식․정보를 손쉽게 접하고, 국가R&D사업현황에 대한 이해도 제고를 통해 과학기술의 대중화․생활화에 기여
- 부처별 국가R&D사업에 대한 종합적인 기획․조정․평가와 중복투자 방지를 통해 국가R&D투자 효율성 제고
- 중복과제의 최소화를 통해 사업관리 효율성을 제고하고, 신규사업 기획을 위한 기초자료로 활용
- 필요로 하는 과학기술정보를 쉽고 빠르게 확인하여 대학․연구소와 공동연구를 효과적으로 추진
- 중소기업은 부족한 인력과 장비 등의 문제를 대학 및 연구기관이 보유한 인력․장비를 공동활용하여 해결
- 국가R&D정책개발을 위한 다양한 정보분석 및 사업진행의 투명성 확보

Ⅳ. Outcome of the Project
This research aims at constructing the base and application system for the National Science and Technology Information Service (NTIS). In 2013, we improved specific services of 7 key projects and developed 8 sophisticated strategic projects.
□ Switched to an information systems based on open collaboration
○ Expanded information provision and enhanced provision of the customized information
- Expanded the disclosure of national R&D information to general public
- Prepared a system to provide the professional-level in-depth information and unify the channel for information provision
- Strengthened the technology transfer and consulting for the developing countries (relevant ministries) and international PR about NTIS
○ Promoted national R&D open knowledge service, taking advantage of collective intelligence
- Promoted collaboration with the relevant agencies to expand R&D encyclopedia contents
- Made the operation of R&D open knowledge service substantial
○ Promoted Exciting NTIS (Words of Praise, Common Sense Quiz, Webtoon, monitoring group)
- Promoted the operation of Exciting NTIS programs
- Added and expanded Webtoon service
- Organized and operated the 2nd expert monitoring group
○ Enhanced the customized training and PR at the customer’s place
- Conducted the customized training at the customer’s place
- Omni-directional promotion to enhance the public awareness and utilization of NTIS
□ Built an open business supporting system
○ Checked and improved the current conditions of similar/duplicate information search and utilization of sanctioned information
- Checked and improved the current condition of utilization of similar/duplicate information
- Promoted to simplify the procedure required for requesting and obtaining the sanctioned information
○ Improved the research, analysis and statistics services centering on the final researchers
- Established an automatic verification system for various surveys, analysis and statistic datasheet
- Improved the service in a way that the result of autonomous control of contribution rate could be reflected in real time
- Reflected the institutional improvements centering on final researchers and the environmental changes in the government organization
○ Settled down the R&D project evaluation open system and the shared use of policy data
- Settled down R&D project evaluation open system
- Prepared a basis for shared use of policy base data for science and technology
- Developed a system for sharing R&D project implementation plans among government agencies
□ Enhanced the joint use of research facilities and equipment
○ Enhanced the registration rate and reliability of the R&D facilities and equipment information
- Simplified the process for registering R&D facilities and equipment, and enhanced its efficiency
- Established a system that links R&D facilities among government agencies in real time
- Prepared a management system for full life cycle of equipment transfer
○ Improved the utilization of research facilities, equipment and services
- Improved the integrated search service for R&D facilities and equipment
- Improved the accuracy of results of searching similar and/or same equipment
- Strengthened the time-series statistical analysis for R&D facilities and equipment
○ Enhanced the personalized/customized service for R&D facilities and equipment
- Improved user interface for enhanced user convenience
- Enhanced the personalized service for R&D facilities and equipment
- Provided the personalized/customized statistical services
- Prepared a system to share the statistical analysis results through N-cloud
□ Secured a cloud-based service system
○ Activated N-cloud services
- Expanded N-cloud services
- Unearthed and promoted cases of excellent use
- Pre-planned to develop a portal for opening science and technology information
○ Developed N-cloud standards and infrastructure
- Unearthed services that could be used jointly among government agencies
- Pilot-development of services common among government agencies
- Developed a distribution platform for services common among government agencies
□ Prepared a system to utilize science and technology big data
○ Pre-planning for utilization of science and technology big data
- Established plans to utilize science and technology big data among government agencies
- Planned a big data analysis service centering on national R&D information
- Developed a R&D dictionary based on keyword associations
○ Provided package information to respond to national issues
- Established step-by-step implementation plan for the package information to respond to national issues
- Pilot deployment of package information to respond to national issues
○ UX-based intelligent services
- Pilot deployment of a researcher-map service
□ Enhanced the link among government agencies and the source data quality
○ Strengthened the information link among 15 ministries and agencies
- Settled down a system to link and collect national R&D information at all times
- Increased the rate of real-time collection of national R&D information up to 88%
- Established a system to link and collect R&D information in collaboration with eight agencies in exclusive charge of 8 major projects
○ Secured the base data quality among public agencies and conducted the consulting for related ministries
- Improved the quality of source data
- Obtained Level 3 certification for data quality, for the first time among government ministries
- Data cleaning and data quality management for national R&D information
○ Promoted zero submission of research information
- Improved the management system in such a way that, when a researcher submit necessary researcher once, it can be jointly used among all R&D ministries and agencies
□ Strengthen the privacy protection system and enhanced emergency response capabilities
○ Enhanced the privacy protection system and security system
- Strengthened the proactive responses to security issues and the security system for national R&D information
- Enhanced privacy protection
- Follow-up measures in accordance with the results of privacy impact assessment
□ Stable operation of Stages 1 ~ 2 development services
○ Enhancement of Stages 1 ~ 2 operation (Maintain certification)
- Enhancement of Stages 1 ~ 2 operation
- Maintained the certification of international standards
NTIS(National Science and Technology Information System); Cost-Effectiveness; Preliminary Management; NPMIS(National R&D Program Management Information System); R&D Survey & Analysis; R&D Program Evaluation; budget distribution; Similar project search; Mutual Sharing; Distribution Platform; Performance Information; Performance Management; Performance Analysis; Analysis Information; Knowledge-Map; Ontology; Semantic Web; Project Unique Number; Standardization; Data Cleansing; Classification System; Identification System; Information Security; Human Resources DB; Pool of Evaluator; Research Equipment; Scientist Registration Number; R&D Big-data
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7. KISTI 연구성과 > 연구보고서 > 2013
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