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지표기반 국내 학술논문 차세대 서비스 모형 연구
Alternative Title
Study on the Next-Generation Service of Domestic Scholarly-Paper based on Index
Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information
Publication Year
funder : 미래창조과학부
funder : Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning
국내 연구자의 과학기술 학술활동 동향과 연구추세를 분석하기 위한 차세대 통합 서비스 모델을 개발하였다. 국내 학술논문사업의 방향성을 명확화하고 차별화된 서비스 제공으로 KISTI의 국내학술논문 사업의 경쟁력 확보에 기여할 것으로 보인다.

○ 인용색인기반 국내학술논문 사업의 중장기적 사업방향성 정립
- 기존 서비스의 고도화
- 유관기관과의 협력 방안 제시
- 신규서비스 명확화

○ 학술활동 모니터링을 위한 계량분석 지표 개발
- 학술논문의 가치 측정을 위한 Leading Factor 개발
- 학문분야 편차가 고려되지 않은 영향력지수의 한계 극복
- 국내 학술논문, 학술지, 저자, 연구기관에 포지셔닝 제시
- 인용네트워크에서 학술지, 논문, 저자, 기관의 상대적 위치 포지셔닝

○ Leading Factor를 적용한 서비스 프로토타입 구현
- 학술지, 논문, 기관, 저자 통합 DB 스키마 및 서비스 설계
- 지표기반의 고부가가치 연구결과 창출 지원 서비스 제공

IV. Result of the Study

1. Research on the measures to develop domestic scholarly paper services
○ Establishment of the directions of services based on differentiated index
- Presenting the directions of differentiated services that can be performed with the enhancement of the existing services and the potential capability of KISTI
○ Derivation of specific measures to cooperate with related organizations
- Presenting the core competencies per organization
·KISTI: Establishment of integrated database and analytical services
·Nationmal Reserach Foundation of Korea: Collection/evaluation/services of materials from academic societies
·KOFST: Support for evaluation of academic journals/academic societies based on KISTI’s services
- Establishing differentiated service strategies strengthening the core competencies of KISTI and reflecting the needs of the users
○ Clarification of differentiated new services
- Investigation of the main customer groups through analyzing the internal and external environment and diagnosing the current status of KSCI and clarification of differentiated new services
- Understanding the types of services with high level of contribution among main services (ripple effect and activation of business)
- Selecting the new services to be implemented in the first year by evaluating the urgency and practicality
·Providing the results of analyzing the dependence on and utilization of foreign information resources
·Providing information on domestic research trends (e.g. subjects, etc.) in comparison with that of advanced countries
·Analyzing the research trends and changes by analysis of highly cited papers per subject

2. Research on the bibliometrics index of domestic scholarly papers
○ Investigation and systematization of the main indexes worldwide that have been used for measuring the scholarly activities
- Investigation and analysis of main indexes worldwide related to quantity, quality, collaboration, dependence, interdisciplinarity and use of scholarly papers
○ Collection and systematization of index that can measure the counting metrics and networking metrics of researchers, organizations, papers, journals, subject areas
- Counting Metrics
·Research on reading factors, downloads, quantity of research (number of papers), quality of research (IF, h-index) etc.
- Networking metrics
·Research on collaboration coefficient, RC-index, CC-index, interdisciplinary index, etc.
·Developing the dependence index (domestic/international) through literature analysis of domestic/international researchers per area
○ Development of Leading Factor for measuring the values of scholarly papers
- Development considering the average scientific impact per subject area
- Presenting the positioning of domestic scholarly papers, academic journals, authors, organizations through Leading Factor
- Overcoming the existing metrics by presenting the average number of being cited, impact factors, H-index, dependence (domestic/international), average impact per area of use
- Relative positioning of the academic journals, scholarly papers, authors, organizations in the citation network

3. Development of prototype models of next-generation services based on index
○ Designing the DB schema and services integrating the academic journals, scholarly papers, organizations and authors
- Analyzing data of academic journals containing KSCI/KCI among the SCIE papers of Web of Science (60 or more types), scholarly papers (75,000 in number), reference (1.9 million in number)
- Designing integrated DB ERD through analysis of DB schema and designing the services
○ Developing prototypes based on Leading Factor
국내학술논문; 현황지표; 예측지표; 학술커뮤니케이션; 선도지표; Domestic Scholarly Paper; Status Index; Predict Index; Scholarly Communication; Leading Factor
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7. KISTI 연구성과 > 연구보고서 > 2015
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