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지식 플랫폼 기반 과학기술정보서비스 방안 연구
Alternative Title
A study on Knowledge platform-based S&T Information Service
Alternative Author(s)
Choe, Hui-Seok; Park, Ji-Yeong; Sim, Hyeong-Seop; Kim, Jae-Su; Ryu, Beom-Jong
Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information
Publication Year
funder : 미래창조과학부
funder : KA
agency : 한국과학기술정보연구원
agency : Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information
❍ 출연연 연구자 중심의 R&D지식활동 연구
- 각 기관별 연구수행 행태 분석 및 지식활동 정의
- 출연연 지식활동 프레임워크 개발
❍ 지식 플랫폼 기반 KISTI 정보서비스 방안 연구
- KISTI 과학기술정보자원 현황분석
- 환경변화에 따른 정보서비스 선진사례 벤치마킹
- 지식 플랫폼을 이용한 KISTI 정보서비스 방안 마련
❍ R&D활동 지원 개인지식도구 연구
- R&D지원도구 벤치마킹
- R&D지식활동 지원 개인지식도구 모델링
- KISTI 과학기술정보자원 연계·활용 방안 수립

Ⅳ. The Result of R&D
1. Study on R&D activities of researchers from government-funded research institute
1) Framework for R&D activities of researchers
❍ Definition of each R&D process and relation of between-processes based on R&D lifecycle of government-funded research institute and their use of information
❍ Definition of relationship between R&D management process and R&D performing process, definition of R&D activities based on R&D lifecycle, Reflection of internal and external environmental factors and interaction between research processes
2. Study on plans for KISTI information service based on knowledge platform
1) SWOT analysis of information services strategy KISTI
❍ Platform strategy
. Provision of platform from which users make use of data directly
. Boost sharing by uploading and downloading data through platform
. Provision of service component as well as original data and papers
❍ Personalization Strategy
. Transition from centralized search portal to distributed personalized research system
. Provision of personalized seamless information service in any devices
. Personalized recommendation mainly with expert knowledge
3. Study on personalized research tools for R&D activities
1) Definition of user requirement
❍ Functional requirement: Categorization of functional requirement based on quality of service level of KANO model and definition of the function scope for personalized research tool
❍ Non-functional requirements: definition of non-functional requirements for the 3 quality factors such as reliability, real-time and convenience, and the implementation methods for 3 non-functional requirements
2) Software architectural design
❍ Installation in the various device environment, link with cloud environment and design and implementation in software of research tool that can be easily utilized throughout the overall R&D activities
❍ Contents curation and personalization by community participation on social network
3) Definition of the data model
❍ Definition of data model in terms of publications and researchers
4) Physical architecture and user interface (UI) design
S&T information; Personalization; Scholarly content; S&T platform; Information service
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Appears in Collections:
7. KISTI 연구성과 > 연구보고서 > 2015
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