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과학향기 차세대 서비스 모형 연구
Alternative Title
Study on the Next-Generation Service Model for Science Scent
Alternative Author(s)
Kim, Ji-Yeong; Lee, Seon-Hui; Sin, Su-Mi
Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information
Publication Year
funder : 미래창조과학부
funder : KA
agency : 한국과학기술정보연구원
agency : Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information
본 연구는 과학 대중화 및 과학문화 확산을 위한 과학향기 서비스 발전 방안 마련을 위한 국내외 과학 저널리즘 정보 서비스 동향 분석, 과학향기 차세대 서비스 모형 연구, 과학향기 차세대 서비스 프로토타입 설계 및 시범 콘텐츠 제작을 모형 개발을 목표로 한다.
□ 과학 저널리즘 서비스 동향 분석
○ 국내외 과학 저널리즘 정보 서비스 동향 분석
○ 저널리즘 정보 지식화 동향 분석
○ 인포그래픽 서비스 및 인터랙티브 서비스 동향 분석
□ 과학향기 차세대 서비스 모형 연구
○ 최신 기술을 적용한 차세대 과학 저널리즘 서비스 모형 연구
○ 이용자 환경변화(스마트 기기 이용 등)에 대응하는 과학정보 서비스 모형 연구
○ 이용자와 상호작용이 가능한 서비스 모형 연구
□ 과학향기 차세대 서비스 프로토타입 설계 및 시범 콘텐츠 제작
○ 과학향기 차세대 서비스 프로토타입 설계
○ 과학향기 차세대 서비스 시범 콘텐츠 제작

IV. Results of R&D
1. Developing the next-generation service model for Science Scent
- Intellectualization services through accumulation and linkage of knowledge
- Info graphic services through visualization of information
- Interactive services that will strengthen the interaction with the users
2. Building of various internal/external information linkage system
- Design of knowledge base ontology for scientific common sense
⋅Design of ontology that reflects the basic DB structure of Science Scent columns and enables internal/external information linkage
▸ Design of classes for external information linkage
- Concept Class: Saves keyword information extracted from Science Scent columns
- Document Class: Saves the URLs of external information resources from the extracted keywords
- Resource Class: Saves the DBpedia information of extracted keywords
3. Building of Knowledge base for scientific common sense
⋅Extracting 12,147 keywords of health/medical columns (249 in total) in Science Scent
▸Applying the morpheme analyzer (KLT) for extracting the keywords and reduced unused words
⋅Saving the links of external information
▸Saving the URLs of external links (such as Naver Encyclopedia, Daum Encyclopedia, Korean/English Wikipedia)
▸Saving the RDF files of certain keywords after matching with DBpedia (4,836 in total)
⋅Matching the index words of science textbooks (11,184 in total) and saves information for the popularization
⋅Matching the glossary for science and technology (420,000 in total) and for diseases (390 in total) and saves information for professionalism
* Glossary for science and technology: Integrated copy from the glossary for science and technology of Hanrimwon, the glossary for science technology translated from JICST thesaurus, the business results of the glossary for science and technology from 2002 to 2004 by Koterm of KAIST, the glossary for science and technology collected as a business for building DB by Yanbian DB Center from 2011 to 2013
4. Developing service prototypes for intellectualization of scientific common sense
- Service prototypes for intellectualization of scientific common sense that enables linkage with internal/external information resources
⋅Providing the Concept Word column on the right side, which matches the keywords that appeared from the columns of Science Scent with external information resources
⋅Providing the highlights and the linkage of external information on the bottom when clicking certain Concept Words in the body of the texts
▸Enabling the extension of knowledge to information related to main concepts of science and technology (persons, terminologies, cases, names of places, etc.)
⋅Providing the list of related articles by calculating the frequency of keyword appearance
- Developing programs for managing the intellectualization services of scientific common sense
⋅Developing management programs for improving the quality of knowledge bases of scientific common sense
▸Unless it is a word related to science and technology, it is possible to delete them in order to reduce inconvenience due to excessive information.
5. Developing demonstrative contents on info graphic services
- Visualization of multi-frequency keywords
⋅By expressing with different sizes and colors in accordance with the frequency of keywords, a bubble chart is provided.
▸It is possible to grasp the keywords that appear in the columns of Science Scent and to arouse the readers’ interest in those columns.
- Visualization of keywords that appear simultaneously
⋅It visualizes the frequency of keywords that appear in the columns of Science Scent and in related articles.
▸Utilizing the co-occurrence matrix method
6. Developing demonstrative contents on interactive services
- Developing the quiz services for scientific common sense
⋅Providing quiz services so that the readers of Science Scent columns may solve them
▸Providing problems per type of quiz, correct/incorrect answers, feedback and explanation
Scent of Science; Science Journalism; Service model; Knowledgebase; Infographic Service
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7. KISTI 연구성과 > 연구보고서 > 2015
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