Lee, Min-Ho; Yu, Seok-Jong; An, In-Seong; Gang, Hyo-Jin; Lee, Myeong-Hwa; Kim, Yeong-Hun; Lee, Yong; Kim, Ju-Hyeon; Lee, Jun-Hak; Park, Gyeong-Seok; et al
한국과학기술정보연구원 Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information
Publication Year
funder : 미래창조과학부 funder : KA agency : 한국과학기술정보연구원 agency : Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information
본 연구과제의 목적은 HPC(High Performance Computing) 및 데이터 기반의 질병 연구를 위한 분석 기술의 개발임. 이를 위해, 본 연구과제는 당해 연도에 다음과 같이 수행되었음.
○ 노인성 치매 대응을 위한 치매 데이터 네트워크 분석 기술 확보
○ 치매 발병 메커니즘에 대한 가상 실험을 위한 모델링 및 시뮬레이션 기술 개발
○ 치매 연구 지원 시스템 개발 및 확산
○ 감염병 대응을 위한 변이 및 확산 예측 기술 개발
Ⅳ. Results of the study
○ Development of the core methodology to analyze bio-medical big data
- Construction of the database to store and manage of public biological dataset
- Identification of the disease related entities and their relationships from 28 million PubMed dataset by applying text mining (F1-score :81%)
- Development of the novel clustering and sub-network matching algorithms (increase of clustering and sub-network matching accuracy compared to MCL(300%) and VF2(500%), respectively)
○ Development and application of the prototype analysis platform on network and genome data for Alzheimer's disease research
- Construction of the storage for genome data (600TB) and pipeline with seven algorithms to analyze genomic variation
- Collaboration with overseas research institutes and publishing two papers in Cell by supporting genomic data analysis
- Development of the prototype analysis systems based on the big data processing platform with web interface (user’s satisfaction score: 93 out of 100 points)
○ Organization of the national communities for disease experts
- Holding three Alzheimer's disease expert’s meetings and thirteen technical seminars
- Creation of the nine expert’s technical reports for discovering diffusion model of infectious disease and holding a KISTI policy research forum
Dementia Screening; Dementia Data Network; Data Network; Data Mining; Bio-Medical Bigdata