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과학기술 빅데이터 공유·융합체제 구축
Alternative Title
Building Scientific Big Data Sharing and Convergence System
이상환최명석박경석문영호김선태엄정호성원경박형선이경하서동민그외 다수
Alternative Author(s)
Lee, Sang-Hwan; Choe, Myeong-Seok; Park, Gyeong-Seok; Mun, Yeong-Ho; Kim, Seon-Tae; Eom, Jeong-Ho; Seong, Won-Gyeong; Park, Hyeong-Seon; Lee, Gyeong-Ha; Seo, Dong-Min; et al
Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information
Publication Year
funder : 미래창조과학부
funder : KA
agency : 한국과학기술정보연구원
agency : Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information
본 연구과제의 목적은 과학데이터의 공동 활용체제를 구축하고 이의 확산을 통해 과학기술 혁신을 지원하는 것임. 이를 위해 본 연구과제는 당해 연도에 다음과 같이 수행하였음.
○ 국가 과학데이터 공동 활용 거버넌스 체제 구축 지원
- 출연(연) 중심의 과학데이터 생산 및 보유 실태 파악
- 해외 주요 국가의 과학데이터 체계 사례 조사
- 국가 과학데이터 공동 활용을 위한 제도 및 가이드라인 제안
- 클라우드 기반의 국가 과학데이터 공동 활용 플랫폼 구축 전략 및 상세 기능 정의
- 과학데이터 기반 사회 현안해결을 위한 이슈 도출 및 과제 기획
○ 데이터 집중형 연구 환경 구축 및 지원
- 다차원 배열 데이터 분석 성능 향상 연구
- 위성 빅데이타 기반 적조 탐지 및 발생 경향 분석 연구
- 해색 원격탐사 빅데이터를 이용한 해양 환경 변화 연구
- 핵융합 연구 환경 분석
- 하둡 개발자를 위한 클러스터 환경 구축 시스템 개발
- 텐서 기반 다차원 데이터 분석기술 연구

Ⅳ. Results of the study
□ Support for establishment of a national scientific data governance system
○ A study on scientific data production and retention of national research institutes
- Research on the scientific data status from 22 national R&D projects of research institutes affiliated to the national research council of science and technology
- Scientific data pattern analysis in perspective with production, management, and utilization
- In-depth research on legal systems, policies, DMP, data management organization system and infrastructures of the UK, Australia, and the USA
○ Proposition of a legal system and guideline for scientific data co-utilization
- A standard agreement model between a data owner and a user
- A standard data manage plan(DMP)
- A standard metadata model and guideline
○ Detail design specification of a national scientific data co-utilization platform
- Concept model and detail design specification of a cloud-based platform for collecting, archiving, managing, and sharing scientific data
○ Project plan for resolving social issues with utilizing scientific data
- Deduction of 55 social issues in 13 economic, international, political, S&T areas with the result of research on current overseas and domestic social problems and future issues
- Proposition of a project plan to resolve a social issue
□ Research on technologies for data-intensive science with scientific big data
○ Improving the performance of multi-dimensional data analysis
- A revolutionary distributed in-situ data analysis technique that analyzes scientific data directly from RAW files without data loding procedure
- In-situ analysis engine which is up to 75 times faster than conventional database systems and that consequently improves research productivity
- An efficient technique that improves data loading procedure in SciDB database by up to 250%
○ A study on the detection and likelihood assessment of HAB outbreaks using big satellite databases
- Spatial and temporal variations of red tide events based on red tide occurrence from 1998 to 2015
- Environmental characteristics in red tide areas based on in-situ measurement, satellite data and meteorological/hydrography data
- Development of red tide detection algorithm
- Establishment of big-data platform for red tide analysis
○ A study on ocean environmental change utlizing ocean color data
- KISTI-KOPRI fast distributed data processing for ocean color data
- Remote sensing data based spatio-temporal change of ocean ecology
○ Analysis of fusion energy research environments
- A survey on the issues and limitations in the MDSPlus system currently deployed in KSTAR
- Guidelines for moving MDSPlus data to HDF5 file formats to cope with the directions of ITER international fusion energy research activity
○ Development of Hadoop cluster automatic construction
○ A distribution version of the Hadoop framework enhanced to support iterations
-A Tensor-based Multi-dimensional Data Analysis Technique
- Development of a Tensor Decomposition Technique
- Map-Reduce based Sparse Tensor Process Optimization
○ A survey on technology trends of assembly program techniques of hyperploidy complex plant genome
- Analysis of de novo assembly algorithm and program for assembling plant genome data
- Analysis of current genome databases
○ A survey on scientific data provenance techniques
- Trend analysis for scientific data provenance modeling
- Trend analysis for scientific data provenance management system
scientific data; data management; data governance; data intensive science; advanced research environment; open data; open science
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Appears in Collections:
7. KISTI 연구성과 > 연구보고서 > 2016
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