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중소⋅중견기업의 R&D 및 사업화 지원체제 구축
Alternative Title
R&D and Commercialization support systems for SMEs
서진이김재성이상민정민중홍정우김호윤손일엽윤태호서동우황재순그외 다수
Alternative Author(s)
Seo, Jin-Lee; Kim, Jae-Seong; Lee, Sang-Min; Jeong, Min-Jung; Hong, Jeong-U; Kim, Ho-Yun; Son, Il-Yeop; Yun, Tae-Ho; Seo, Dong-U; Hwang, Jae-Sun; et al
Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information
Publication Year
funder : 미래창조과학부
funder : KA
agency : 한국과학기술정보연구원
agency : Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information
1. M&S 컨설팅 확대를 통한 R&D 효율 증대
- 슈퍼컴 M&S를 통해 R&D 및 제품 개발에 소요되는 시간/비용 50%이상절감
2. 자체 M&S SW 개발 및 보급을 통한 기술역량 강화
- 저비용/보급형 자체 M&S S/W 2건 개발, 슈퍼컴 활용의 진입장벽 해소
3. M&S 교육 확대를 통한 성과확산
- 중소기업 M&S활용 저변확대를 위해, 13회 교육 실시
4. 수요대응 산업⋅시장분석 방법론 연구 및 인프라 기반 구축
- 318건의 신규 DB 구축 및 외부 서비스 인프라 기반을 확보하여 중소기업 활용인프라 마련
5. 산업⋅시장분석 서비스 기반 구축
- 50건의 KISTI Market Report 발간 및 온오프라인 보급
6. 가치평가 모델 연구 및 시스템 개발 및 서비스
- 적응형 기술가치평가 모델 및 시스템 개발
7. 가치평가 시스템 보급 및 가치평가 서비스 확산
- STAR-Value 시스템 기술이전 4건 및 시스템 활용 교육 5회
8. 신사업기회분석 연구 및 인프라 구축
- 투자정보 기반 유망아이템 발굴 모듈 개발로 사업화 유망아이템 검증 모듈 도입
9. 사업기회분석 서비스 기반 구축
- KISTI 중소기업 글로벌 진출 타당성 평가 모델을 개발

Ⅲ. Content and Result of the study
○ Research on the methods for industry⋅market analysis and establishment of infrastructures for the same
- Building new database regarding industry⋅market analysis
- Establishment of analysis models and making a system to provide customized intelligence for SMEs
○ Industry⋅market analysis services
- Support new business opportunity discovery by publication of KISTI Market Reports and continuous spread to SMEs through on/off-line methods
- Holding and promoting the Emerging Technology Seminar to support SMEs for finding new business opportunity and to show our capability in the field of technology forecasting
- Supporting the capturing future commercialization opportunities for SMEs and Promoting KISTI’s leadership position in the filed of discovering future promising technologies through hosting the 2015 Emerging Tech Seminar
○ Research of technology valuation models and those system development, and services
- Adaptive technology valuation models(model selection, guideline development of input variables, estimation method development of valuation results section, etc.) and system development(functional improvement from STAR-Value system ver4.0 in 2014 to ver4.5 in 2015, and concurrent update and public release of support information, demands reflection based on users' convenience such as reporting solutions, index of a firm's management analysis, newly embedment of beta-based WACC estimation method)
○ Distribution of technology valuation system and diffusion of technology valuation service
- Practical ability enhancement of technology valuation through technology transfer and application training promotion of STAR-Value system and excellent technology exploration for technology transfer through evaluation tests of technology holded
○ Infrastructure establishment of new business opportunity analysis
- Development of a new business opportunity identification model based financial investment information and its application to the validation of new promising products
- Efficient support of SMEs by establishing the knowledge base of 80 promising product that aims to create business value and developing a new business opportunity supporting system
○ Infrastructure establishment of business opportunity analysis
- Development of a new model assessing the feasibility of the global market entrance of SMEs
- Provision of opportunity that help SMEs enter the japanese market
○ Improvement of R&D productivity and efficiency through the M&S consulting
- Suggestion of optimized design and process for given projects based on the analysis results
- Saving the product development period and cost more than 50% using HPC based M&S
○ Strengthening technological capabilities through self-development and dissemination of M&S software
- Development of two low-cost/distribution version softwares for M&S and lowering the entry barrier for utilizing HPC
○ Performance spread through expanding M&S education and training
- Establishing fifty-five knowledge bases using the M&S consulting experiences for SMEs by classification and categorization
- Thirteen times M&S education & training to expand the base for application of M&S in production development
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7. KISTI 연구성과 > 연구보고서 > 2015
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