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국가R&D 정보의 공유/협력 강화로 국가과학기술가치 극대화
Alternative Title
Maximize the Value of National Science and Technology by Strengthen Sharing/Collaboration of National R&D Information
김재수손강렬최광남주원균신용주예용희최기석강남규김병정김윤정그외 다수
Alternative Author(s)
Kim, Jae-Su; Son, Gang-Ryeol; Choe, Gwang-Nam; Ju, Won-Gyun; Sin, Yong-Ju; Ye, Yong-Hui; Choe, Gi-Seok; Gang, Nam-Gyu; Kim, Byeong-Jeong; Kim, Yun-Jeong; et al
Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information
Publication Year
funder : 미래창조과학부
funder : KA
agency : 한국과학기술정보연구원
agency : Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information
◦ 국가R&D성과물 수집 체계 강화 및 공동 활용 확대
- 국가R&D성과물 수집체계 강화
․국가R&D 사업 과제관리기관 및 정부출연연구소의 정보 연계·협력 강화
․국가R&D성과물 데이터 입수 및 연구자의 연구 성과 등록지원을 통한 수집 체계 강화
- 국가R&D보고서원문 성과물의 등록률 향상 : 81.6% (전년대비 106% 향상)

NTIS 과제년도: 2012 2013 2014 2015
보고서원문 등록률: 20.1% 62.9% 77% 81.6%

- 국가R&D 보고서원문 성과물 고부가가치화
․15,000건 이상 신규 보고서원문 고부가가치 DB 구축
․보고서의 메타정보, TOC, 참고문헌 정보, 표준 XML 등의 보고서 성과물 콘텐츠 구축 및 제공
- 국가R&D 보고서원문 성과물 공동 활용
․45개 과제관리기관과 고품질 국가R&D보고서원문 DB 공동 활용
- SCI(E) 국가R&D 논문 성과물 응원문정보 연계율 향상 : 93.4% (전년대비 102% 향상)
◦ 국가R&D성과물 종합 관리․활용체제 구축
- 국가R&D 보고서 XML DTD 재설계
- 개인정보처리기 고도화를 통한 기술이전 (한국원자력연구원 등 7개 기관)
- 보고서원문 성과물 등록·관리 통합 플랫폼 보급 (누적 40개 기관)
◦ 의미기반 NDSL-NTIS 지식베이스 구축 및 지식맵 서비스 체제 구축
- 미래기술 500선 포함하여 의미기반 지식베이스 확장 구축
․Topic Modeling을 활용한 의미 기반 주제어 및 연관관계 추출
․기존 4종* 데이터에 미래기술 500선 포함하여 지식베이스 확장 구축
* 과제, 논문, 특허, 연구보고서
- NDSL, MiriAn에 지식맵 서비스 적용
․NDSL에 다차원 (주제어, 연구자, 연구기관, 저널 등) 지식맵 서비스 적용
․MiriAn에 미래기술 500선 중심의 연구 성과 지식맵 적용
- 여성과학기술 평가위원 Pool 구축
․인문사회, 경제, 정책 및 예술 분야의 전문 인력 신규 300명 구축 (총 3,520건)
․기 구축된 3,220명 여성 평가위원 데이터의 지속적인 최신성 유지관리

Ⅳ. Results
○ Strengthening the collection systems of National R&D outcomes and its co-utilization
- Strengthening the collection systems of National R&D outcomes
․Analysis on National R&D projects to assess the objects of National R&D-Report registration
※ 47,375 R&D project information obtained via NTIS National R&D One-Stop service in 2014
․The status analysis on National R&D projects for about 150 R&D project-regulation organizations is performed in 2014
※ Collected the raw data of the report outcomes for 25.9% of National R&D projects
- Enhanced the registration rate of the raw data of National R&D Reports (77.0%, 2014 → 81.6%, 2015)
- Enhanced the linkage rate of the raw data of National R&D Reports (91.4%, 2014 → 93.4%, 2015)
- Established a portal for National R&D outcomes
- DB Construction of high-quality raw data of National R&D-Reports
․Created meta data, TOC/References, and standardized XML for the raw data of National R&D Reports
․Data purification and quality management in National R&D outcomes (Accomplished the data error rate less than 0.1%)
․Enhanced the personal-information protection on the raw data of National R&D Reports
․Renewed ePrivacy certification
○ Building a system for unified management and utilization of National R&D outcomes
- Enhanced on the registration and management processes of National R&D outcomes
- Updated the XML DTD for National R&D reports
- Enhanced KISTI privacy check program and technology transfer to R&D regulation organizations
※ Paid technology transfer to 1 organization, and free technology transfer to 6 organizations
- Deployment of unified registration and management platform of National R&D Reports to R&D regulation organizations
※ 8 organiations in 2013 → 22 organizations in 2014 (30 organizations;accumulated) → 10 organizations in 2015 (40 organizations; accumulated)
○ Construction of a semantic-based NDSL-NTIS integration knowledge base and development of knowledge map services
- Construction of a semantic-based NDSL-NTIS integration knowledge base
․Developed a topic-keyword/s and relationship extraction system using a topic modeling method
․Applied entity-recognition data and organizations’ authority data to enhance the accuracy of the knowledge base
※ Entity-recognition data obtained from papers, patents, and research reports for high-ranked 100,000 researchers in terms of the quantity of the R&D outcomes produced.
※ 420,000 organizations’ authority data in NTIS
․Extended knowledge base by adding the future technologies with the existing 4 types of contents (R&D projects, papers, patents, research reports)
※ 7.2M data are established in the DB
․Developed R&D-output information-based knowledge map services with the basis of topic keyword/s, R&D projects, and future technologies
- Provided knowledge-map services to NDSL and MiriAn
․Provided multi-dimensional* knowledge-map services to NDSL
※ Topic-keyword/s centric map, researcher centric map, organization centric map, journal centric map
․Provided a future-technology centric knowledge-map service to MiriAn
- Developed an admin system for managing the knowledge base and knowledge map services
․Manages data updates and provides a monitoring service
․Provides the management of NE dictionary & stop-word list
- DB Construction of an evaluation-committee pool for women scientists and engineers
․Added new authority data for 300 women evaluation committee candidates working in industry, academia, and research institutes (a total of 3,520 recode)
․Provided the evaluation-committee pool of the women scientists and engineers to other government agencies and R&D regulation agencies for them to have more chance to participate in policy-making activities
․Expanded use of the women evaluation-committee pool via a data sharing with a national talent DB of the Ministry of Gender Equality & Family
국가R&D정보; 국가R&D보고서원문 성과물; 국가R&D논문 성과물; 과학기술정보; 지식베이스; 지식맵; 토픽모델링; 온톨로지
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7. KISTI 연구성과 > 연구보고서 > 2015
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