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국가 과학기술정보의 미래 정보화 모형 및 정보·인프라서비스 전략계획 연구
Alternative Title
Study on Future Information and Infrastructure Service Strategy for the National S&T Information
서민호이용호김상국박성욱한희준김은진황명권김남규고미현이수철그외 다수
Alternative Author(s)
Seo, Min-Ho; Lee, Yong-Ho; Kim, Sang-Guk; Park, Seong-Uk; Han, Hui-Jun; Kim, Eun-Jin; Hwang, Myeong-Gwon; Kim, Nam-Gyu; Go, Mi-Hyeon; Lee, Su-Cheol; et al
Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information
Publication Year
funder : 미래창조과학부
funder : KA
agency : 한국과학기술정보연구원
agency : Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information
▢ 과학기술정보전단기관으로서의 국가 정책 수립 지원을 위해 정보 정책에 반영할 국가 차원의 과학기술정보 전략 모형 및 과학기술 정보 인프라 서비스 발전 방안을 수립하는 데 있음
◦ 정책.사회.기술적 환경에 대응한 과학기술 정보 발전 로드맵 제시
- 과학기술정보 인프라, 서비스, R&D, 자원과 관련된 주요 키워드를 도출, 국내.외 환경분석 및 해외 주요 국가 기관별 연구 동향 기반의 키워드 분석을 통해 미래 유망 기술 도출
- 논문 및 특허데이터 기반의 네트워크 분석을 통해 과학기술정보정책 분야 범주별 발전 로드맵 제시 및 국내 과학기술정보정책 대응 전략 도출
◦ 과학기술 정보 및 인프라 서비스 고품질화와 중점 서비스의 선택과 집중을 위해 서비스 유형 체계, 수익 모형 개발 및 유형별 수익 모형 매칭 방법론 개발
- 인프라 자원 제공을 포함한 정보서비스 유형 분류 관련 선행 연구 조사 분석 및 서비스 특성을 고려한 유형 분류체계 개발
- 정보.인프라 서비스 수익모형(Revenue Model) 개발 및 KISTI 주요 서비스의 수익화 전략 개발

IV. Results of the Research
◦ Derived major keywords concerning S&T Information and conducted empirical analysis.
- The derived S&T Information technology-related keywords were, for example, fabric computing, crowd computing, biocomputing, quantum computing, human computing, and exascale computing.
- The derived S&T information keywords were reorganized into five categories:future computing, IT infrastructure, network, big data, and perceptual computing.
- The derived technologies, such as Semantic Web, Mapreduce, and SDN, based on analyzing theses and patents of each of the five categories, showed promise.
◦ Derived S&T Information Policies Roadmap
- The study examined the S&T policies derived from a scientific, technological, and socioeconomic perspective. Experts also studied the policies based on Korea’s competitiveness and examined the policies based on the technology in each of the five categories.
- A policy roadmap was suggested for each of the five categories, technologies that showed potential were identified, and predictions were made by the surveying experts.
◦ Classification system and revenue model of the S&T information·infrastructure service
- This study suggested the types of information infrastructure services possible from the perspective of a service system since, given the characteristics of information and infrastructure services, it is not practical to provide only information or infrastructure service.
- S&T information and infrastructure services were classified into four categories:information-oriented service, hybrid supplier production information and infrastructure service, service incorporating hybrid user production information and infrastructure service, and infrastructure-oriented service.
- Seven revenue models that can be applied to S&T information and infrastructure services were developed with a focus on cases where services are directly provided to end users or provided through a middle network by service providers: individual sales, quotation sales, organization licensing, membership system, rental, Premium, and donation.
◦ Matched revenue models according to the categories of the S&T information and infrastructure services.
- The revenue model was examined per case and classified according to the information·infrastructure service categorization by investigating similar cases of S&T information and infrastructure services of other organizations.
- A methodology for matching the revenue models to each category of the S&T information and infrastructure service was developed, based on cases from other organizations.
◦ Development of the KISTI major service monetization strategy
- The suggested service monetization model strategy to be applied in KISTI for each technology matched the profitability model, and the current state of the service profitability models were examined.
- The monetization model strategy was suggested for KISTI’s NDSL, Supercom-application optimization/parallelization support, ethnic Korean scientists and engineers’ networks, and for KREONET services.
Information and Infrastructure Service of Science and Technology; Service Classification; Service Revenue Model; S&T Information Policy; Roadmap
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7. KISTI 연구성과 > 연구보고서 > 2015
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