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증거기반 기술평가 지원체제 연구
Alternative Title
Research on Evidence Based Technology Assessment Support System
서진이김유일박현우전승표김상국서주환성태응김지희유형선박훈그외 다수
Alternative Author(s)
Seo, Jin-Lee; Kim, Yu-Il; Park, Hyeon-U; Jeon, Seung-Pyo; Kim, Sang-Guk; Seo, Ju-Hwan; Seong, Tae-Eung; Kim, Ji-Hui; Yu, Hyeong-Seon; Park, Hun; et al
Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information
Publication Year
funder : 미래창조과학부
funder : KA
agency : 한국과학기술정보연구원
agency : Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information
1. 해외 기술거래 사례 수집 및 구축
○ RoyaltyStat기관을 통한 해외 기술거래 사례자료의 관련 자료(협약서, agreement)의 수집
○ 수집된 자료(기술거래 협약서 등)를 분석하여 산업별, 기술거래 유형별, 지역별 등 기술이전 사례 DB화
○ 사례 정보 제공 시스템 구축
○ 내부연구자용 기술거래 사례 DB 구축 및 기술가치평가를 위한 지원정보로 DB 활용
2. 사업화 아이디어 평가모델 개발
○ 국내외에서 개발되어 활용되고 있는 기술평가모델을 조사·분석
○ 기술평가모델과 성과 조사분석 및 기술평가 모델 개발
- ‘중소기업 R&D 기획지원사업’에서 활용되었던 기술평가 모형의 진화과정 분석
- 선행 연구 및 성과 조사분석을 바탕으로 평가 목적 및 유형별 기술평가모델 개발
3. 초기단계 기술가치 평가모델 개발
○ 초기단계 기술의 가치평가 선행연구 및 동향 분석
○ 초기단계 기술의 가치평가 모형(절대적 평가) 개발
- 초기단계 기술가치평가 선행연구의 정성적 평가결과(상대적 평가)를 정량화하는 방법(절대적 평가)에 대한 검토 및 활용 방안 제시
- 실물옵션(real-option) 기반의 블랙숄츠모형 활용방안 개발
- 로열티공제법(relief from royalty)/거래사례비교(sales transaction comparison) 활용방안 개발
○ 초기단계 기술의 가치평가 모형 활용을 위한 관련 인프라 구축
- 각각의 모형별 주요 핵심변수들의 참조정보 개발 등
- 시장접근법을 활용한 기술가치평가 모델 개선

3. The Contents and Outcomes of R&D
□ Collecting Overseas technology transfer cases and information system construction
○ Colleting data(Overseas technology transfer information such as written agreement) from RoyaltyStat.
- Licensee, Licenser, relevant business, SIC, Deal type, Royalty rate, Trading price, Agreement type.
- Item analysis of the data (SIC, NAICS).
○ Create a database by analyzing collected data(Categorized by industry, type of technology, territory)
- Database design based on domestic technology transfer cases and overseas agreement.
○ Internal technology transfer database construction for technology valuation.
□ Commercial Idea Evaluation Model Development
○ Analyzing Technology Valuation models in the world.
- Comparative analysis for current Technology Valuation. (Purpose, Configuration index, Evaluation type, result of practical use, Verification process and result.
- Result derivation from technology commercialization perspective.
○ Technology valuation model application performance analysis
- Technology commercialization outcome analysis for "R&D Planning Support Program for SMEs" from 2002.
- Outcome analysis for prior research companies.
- Correlation analysis
○ Technology valuation model development based on the performance analysis of technology valuation.
- Development process analysis for the technology valuation models used in "R&D Planning Support Program for SMEs".
- Technology valuation model upgrading based on the results of previous research.
- Technology valuation model development for technology commercialization.
□ Early Stage Technology Valuation Model Development
1) Previous study and trend analysis for early stage technology valuation.
○ Stepwise analysis for technology valuation.
○ Literature review and pilot study for early stage technology valuation.
2) Early stage technology valuation model development
○ Early stage technology valuation research by using qualitative method and qualitative methods.
○ Black-Scholes model(based on Real-option) application plan development.
○ Relief from royalty and Sales transaction comparison model application plan development.
3) Infrastructure construction for early stage technology valuation model application.
○ Reference information building for key variables in each different model.
○ Upgrading technology valuation model by using Market approach.
- For STAR-Value System application.
- Module development for evaluating ideas from creative economy town
- Real-time statistics providing system development based on technology transfer cases.
Technology Assessment; Technology Valuation; Evidence Based Decision-Making; Case Information
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7. KISTI 연구성과 > 연구보고서 > 2014
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