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지식서비스 기반 공공연구기관의 성과평가 및 확산전략 연구
Alternative Title
Study on Performance Evaluation and Diffusion Strategy of Knowledge-Service based Public Institute
Alternative Author(s)
So, Dae-Seop; Park, Jin-Seo; Lee, Dong-Ho; Lee, Yong-Ho; Kim, Eun-Jin; Go, Mi-Hyeon
Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information
Publication Year
funder : 미래창조과학부
funder : KA
agency : 한국과학기술정보연구원
agency : Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information
□ 연구의 목적
○ 기술 정보 구축 및 확산 목적의 연구기관 성과 평가 주안점 정립
○ 기술 정보 구축 및 확산 목적 연구기관의 성과 확산 전략 수립
□ 연구의 내용
○ 공공연구 성과 평가 현황 분석
○ 공공연구 기관의 성격을 고려하지 않은 정량적 성과 평가의 문제점
○ 공공연구 성과로서의 지식서비스 가치 이해
○ 지식서비스 공공연구 기관 KISTI의 주요 사업 분석 및 존재 가치 이해
○ 지식서비스 기반 공공연구 기관의 평가 주안점
○ 지식 서비스 고도화를 위한 KISTI 연구(사업)성과 확산 전략 도출
□ 연구결과의 활용
○ KISTI 사업 목표 설정 시 기반 자료로 활용
○ KISTI 성과의 확산 프로세스 구축에 활용
○ 국가 지원 과학기술 정보 개발 및 확산 과제의 성과 평가 방안을 확충 및 우리나라 과학기술 성과의 효율적 확산을 위한 공공 기관 정책 마련에 기여
○ 도출된 시사점의 인식 제고를 통해 간접적으로 기업의 R&D 효율 고도화를 지원

Ⅳ. R&D Outcomes
□ The status of the nation's R&D activities and the trend in the new R&D activities
○ As of 2012, the total R&D expenditure of the nation is KRW 55 trillion 450.1 billion (6th in the world), and the ratio of the R&D expenditure against the GDP is 4.36% (2nd).
○ The amount of the R&D investment in consideration of the size of the economy and the government budget is among the world's highest.
∙ As of 2011, the level of the nation's R&D budgets against the GDP is 1.05%, which is higher than major economies including the US (1.03%, 2010), Japan (0.78%, 2011), France (0.84%, 2011), and Britain (0.63%, 2010).
∙ The level of the government's R&D budgets against the government budget is 4.9%, which also surpasses other major economies including the US, France, Britain and Japan.
○ The future growth rate of the government's R&D budgets are unlikely to surpass that of the government's total expenditure.
∙ Considering the size of the economy, the level of the R&D investments against the government budgets, and the future expansion of the government's mandatory spending including the social welfare budgets, the high growth rate of the government's R&D budgets is very unlikely.
○ The government's continued expansion of the R&D investments contributed to the significant outcomes including the world-class competitiveness in the scientific technologies.
∙ The competitiveness indices announced by the major institutions like IMD and WEF have continuously risen.
∙ The quantitative indices including the number of research papers, patents and the amount of the technological fees collected have also shown a steep rise.
○ While the competitiveness in the scientific technologies is relatively high, the qualitative side including the trade balance in technologies is still weak.
□ The emergence of the concept of the Creative Economy and the new trend in the public R&D activities
○ The world economy has migrated from the Industrial Economy to the Knowledge Economy, and the paradigm change for conversion to the Creative Economy is continuously discussed.
○ As a core function of the public R&D activities that drives the Creative Economy, the importance of the projects to commercialize research outcomes is being stressed.
∙ While the technological development is a stage for acquisition in the technological innovation process, the use of such technologies, that is commercialization of technologies, could be thought of as the expansion of the innovative outcomes.
○ The technologically advanced countries place a high priority as the major policy goals on the projects to transfer to businesses, and commercialize, the research outcomes accomplished by the research institutions, and they are strongly pushing for the systematic commercialization through the promulgation of the relevant laws.
□ The current evaluations of the R&D outcomes and the problems in the outcome evaluations of the nation's public area
○ Research by Evan: Classified the conflict a research feels among the team members due to performance evaluations largely into the technical and personal conflict, respectively, to identify the influence of each category of the conflict upon the subjective evaluations by the performance supervisor and the team members.
○ Research by Vincent: Studied the relation between the level of job satisfaction and the researchers' productivity with a total 94 of subjects that consisted of the military R&D scientists and engineers. A few core elements drawn from 33 elements related to job satisfaction were categorized into two groups based on the level of job satisfaction and the relations in terms of the research outcomes per group, age, service duration, wages, etc. were reviewed to verify their interrelation.
○ Research by Brown and Svenson: In order to measure R&D productivity, saw the R&D activities as a system and categorized the activities into the five systems consisting of Input, Processing System, Output, Receiving System, and Outcome.
○ Research by Brown and Gobeli: Proposed ten major R&D productivity indices through an analysis of successful businesses.
○ NSF (National Science Foundation of the US): Research programs are continuously assessed by the staff, high-ranking officials, outside consulting committee, etc. and handled by the Committees of Visitors (COVs) that consist of those from academia, industries, government, and public area.
○ Korea: A significant part of the R&D assessment systems are the quantitative performance-oriented and the score systems for the qualitative items are also established based on the quantitative foundation.
○ It is imperative to develop a new set of non-quantitative national R&D assessment systems that matches the environment in which utilizing the R&D trend and intangible assets are being increasingly important.
○ In case of the research institutions like KISTI that are focused on atypical research outcomes (information, information dissemination method, etc.), applying the current quantitative index-oriented assessment system is not desirable and a practical qualitative assessment method for the public institutions is urgently needed.
□ Analysis of the projects of KISTI's as a knowledge information service-based public institution and their values
○ When analyzed using the general logic model, KISTI's projects can be defined as actions/responses to the seven stages that consist of; research planning, foundation establishment, development of the applicable technologies, working design and technological demonstrations, establishment of the policy and market base, and technological commercialization.
○ Applying the contents of KISTI's projects in 2013 upon the above logic model shows a significant part of the research outcomes influences the industries and government/society.
○ KISTI's business structure is different from that of other institutions under the Korea Research Council of Fundamental Science and Technology (KRCF).
□ Directions for the assessment of KISTI's R&D Outcomes
○ Propose the assessment indices through allocating the self-scored points (weights) on the six major assessment criteria
□ Strategies for Vitalizing KISTI's Research Outcomes
○ Categorize KISTI's R&D activities into the R&D for the scientific technological information service (R&D for Service) and the R&D for research (R&D for R&D), respectively, drawing the specific strategies for each of the two categories.
지식서비스; 성과평가; 성과확산; 공공기관
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7. KISTI 연구성과 > 연구보고서 > 2014
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