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대용량 데이터 센터 구축 및 운영
Alternative Title
Construction and Operation for Large-scale Science Data Computing Center
장행진박형우강궁원염민선윤희준노서영김남규여일연유기성유성윤그외 다수
Alternative Author(s)
Jang, Haeng-Jin; Park, Hyeong-U; Gang, Gung-Won; Yeom, Min-Seon; Yun, Hui-Jun; No, Seo-Yeong; Kim, Nam-Gyu; Yeo, Il-Yeon; Yu, Gi-Seong; Yu, Seong-Yun; et al
Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information
Publication Year
funder : 미래창조과학부
funder : KA
agency : 한국과학기술정보연구원
agency : Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information
○ 인프라 구축 및 서비스 제공
・ Tier-1급 (페터급) 대용량 실험데이터 저장 및 컴퓨팅 인프라 구축
- 700TB 스토리지 (누적 4,200TB 급 저장 인프라 구축)
・ 세계적 수준의 원천 실험데이터 확보 및 서비스 제공 기반 마련
- CERN, KEK, INFN, FNAL 과 MoU 체결을 통해 Tier-1급 Raw Data 확보 근거 및 첨단 기술 공동 연구 환경 마련
- CERN 실험 중심의 데이터 센터 인프라 고도화
・ Tier-1급 서비스 가용률 제공(96.4%)
・ CERN WLCG Tier1 센터 공식 인증 획득 (2014.4.28)
○ 국내외 커뮤니티 구축 및 서비스 활성화
・ 사용자 활용기술 지원/교육 및 신규 어카운트 제공
- 사용자 활용기술 지원 40건
- 약 227만 건의 사용자 활용 지원 (ALICE, CDF, Belle, LIGO 실험)
・ GSDC중심 연구 커뮤니티 활성화
- SCI 논문 67건 유발
- GSDC 사용자 협의회 10건 개최(전체회의 : 2건, 실험별회의: 8건),
- 국제협력 회의 및 워크숍 2건 개최
・ 사용자 만족도 86점 (6개 실험, 12개 대학 및 연구기관)
※ 본 사업의 활성화를 위한 교과부 수탁사업 연계 추진
- "기초연구실험데이터글로벌허브구축“ (2014.3.01~ 2015.2.28)
- 사이버 융합 연구 교육 시스템 관리기술 개발 및 지원(2013.7.15 ~2014.7.14)

Ⅳ. Result of the study
The basic principle of this project is oriented to establish the infrastructure, we put focus more on the construction of the infrastructure. The result of the activities of launching associated project as a new project derived from this project for the successful promotion of this project is summarized as the result of the research and development.
The achievements are summarized as following:
○ Expansion of Infrastructure and Stabilization of Services
・ Expansion of storage infrastructure for large-scale experiment data in Peta-scale
- 700TB Storage (Totally, almost 4,200TB)
・ Preparation of foundation for acquisition of raw data and service provision in world-leading level
- Preparation of ground for Tier1 level raw data acquisition and consolidation of international research collaboration environment via MoU with CERN, KEK, INFN, FNAL, McGill Univ.
・ Upgrade of GSDC local network to full 10 Gbps
・ High level service availability and usage
- Service availability : 99.1%
- Processed jobs : 3,550,000 jobs
○ Construction of Research Communities and Service Activation
・ Technical support and user training
- The number of technical support and user training activities : 40
- Experiment support : 3,550,000 jobs processed (Alice, CDF, Belle, LIGO)
・ Promotion of research communities
- The number of papers indexed in SCI promoted by GSDC : 67
- The number of user association meeting held by GSDC : 10 (the number of general meeting: 2; the number of single experiment meeting: 8)
- The number of international collaboration meeting and workshop held by GSDC : 2
・ Achievement of high graded user satisfaction index
- Scored 86 out of 100 from the survey performed against 6 research domains and 12 institutes
・ Associating the project entrusted by MSIP for the success of this project
- "Global hub for Experiment Data of Basic Science“ (2014.03.01 ~ 2015.02.28.)
- Management Technology Development and Support for Cyber Fusion Research and Education System (2013.07.15 ~ 2014.07.14)
기초과학; 대용량 실험데이터; 데이터 그리드
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7. KISTI 연구성과 > 연구보고서 > 2014
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