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KISTI 연구영역간 협력을 통한 빅데이터 분야 발전계획 수립 및 신규 사업 도출을 위한 연구
Alternative Title
A Study on the Development Strategy of Big Data and Planning of New Projects based on Cooperation among KISTI Research Areas
Alternative Author(s)
Park, Seong-Uk; Kim, Eun-Jin; Lee, Yong-Ho; Jeong, Do-Beom; Jo, Geum-Won; An, In-Seong; Go, Byeong-Yeol; Park, Chang-Geol; Choe, Myeong-Seok; Lee, Mi-Gyeong
Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information
Publication Year
funder : 미래창조과학부
funder : KA
agency : 한국과학기술정보연구원
agency : Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information
▢ 본 연구는 공공 영역의 역할에 집중하여 빅데이터 활성화 방안을 마련함에 있어, 객관적인 관점에서의 수요 발굴을 위해 관련 이슈 발굴과 이를 해결하기 위한 아젠다를 도출함
◦ 광범위한 문헌 조사를 통해 국내외 사회현안 해결, 공공데이터 활용 방안, 빅데이터 활용의 저해 및 촉진 요인 등 다양한 관점에서 주요 이슈들을 발굴
◦ 발굴된 이슈들은 정책/기술/과학기술 빅데이터 활용/사회 현안 해결 등의 관점에서 군집화
◦ 델파이 분석을 통해 중요성 및 시급성에 근거하여 부문별 주요 이슈들에 대해 우선순위 도출
◦ 우선순위에 근거하여 국가·사회적으로 해결해야 할 아젠다를 구체화함으로써 빅데이터 생태계 강화를 위한 공공 영역의 역할 제시

IV. Results of the Research
◦ Discovery of big data-related issues
- Derives global issues through literature review and national issues for the use of science technology big data
- Selection and materialization of major issues in terms of using policy, technology and science data and solving social issues
◦ Deriving priority on big data-related issues
- Performs Delphi-analysis against experts(3times) to analyze nationally more urgent and important issues and derive a plan to use bid data
· Suggests the issues which should be handled for the expansion of an opportunity to use big data in a private sector and strengthen analysis competence as major assignments
· From a technical aspect, the collection of realtime data was derived as a core issue in data collection and storage with data analysis in data processing & analysis, visualization in services and personal information processing & security technology in security.
· In term of the use of science technology big data, a social demand was the highest in medicine and disaster response.
· In terms of handling social issues, big data were deemed more useful in disaster response & prevention, crime prevention, prevention of school violence, increase in disease/new disease and elder health .
◦ Deduction of agenda
- Shares public data and supports analysis infrastructure
- Development of visualization and simulation technologies
- Big data linkage & analysis among heterogeneous fields and organizations for medicine and disaster response
빅데이터; 융합연구; 발전계획; Big Data; Convergence Research; Development Strategy
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Appears in Collections:
7. KISTI 연구성과 > 연구보고서 > 2014
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