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미래기술 탐색을 위한 정보분석체제 구축
Alternative Title
Development of Information Analysis System for Exploring Future Technologies
유재영문영호강종석구영덕권영일권오진김도현노경란박종규손은수그외 다수
Alternative Author(s)
Yu, Jae-Yeong; Mun, Yeong-Ho; Gang, Jong-Seok; Gu, Yeong-Deok; Gwon, Yeong-Il; Gwon, O-Jin; Kim, Do-Hyeon; No, Gyeong-Ran; Park, Jong-Gyu; Son, Eun-Su; et al
Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information
Publication Year
funder : 미래창조과학부
funder : KA
agency : 한국과학기술정보연구원
agency : Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information
1. 글로벌 미래기술 탐색지원체제 구축
◦ 미래기술 탐색지원체제 개발
- 미래기술 탐색시스템 연구개발
- 미래기술 스코어보드의 분석플랫폼 기능 강화
- 국가별 연구 프로파일 분석모형 연구
◦ 미래기술 탐색지원 분석형 정보자원 구축·운영
- 미래기술 지식베이스 구축
- 논문·특허 분석형 자원 구축 및 플랫폼 개발
- 과학기술 모니터링 정보 개발
- 미래기술백서 2014 발간
◦ 선도적 과학기술 이슈탐지 및 분석
- 이슈기술 프리즘 30건 작성
- 미래유망기술10선 선정
2. 기술기회 및 경쟁정보 분석체제 구축
◦ TOD 분석 및 서비스 모델 개발 및 서비스 시스템 구현
- 특허/상표 기반 분석형 데이터베이스 구축 및 제품/관계 추출
- 제품 공급사슬 및 네트워크 기반 기회제품 추천 모델 개발
◦ COMPAS(COMPetitive Analysis Service) 서비스 플랫폼 개발 및 인프라 구축
- 사용자 편의성과 작업 용이성을 고려한 서비스 플랫폼 구축
- 최적화 메타 DB, 검색시스템 개발 등 서비스 시스템 개발을 위한 인프라 구축
◦ COMPAS 서비스를 위한 경쟁정보 탐색모델 개발
- 10개 경쟁정보 탐색모델 개발 중 완성도 기준 6개 모델 탑재 및 서비스
- COMPAS 베타서비스 공개 및 서비스, 사용자 교육 실시

Ⅳ. Results of the Project
1. Developing the information analysis system for supporting exploration of global future technologies and issues
◦ Developing the detecting and analyzing system for the future technology
- Researching on detection system for the future technology
- Enhancing the functions of the future technology scoreboard analysis platform
- Improving the future technology trends portal website “MiriAn.”
◦ Developing and operating analyzable information for supporting detection of the future technology
- Improving the analyzable knowledge base system
- Developing the Global Technology Briefing (GTB) and Expanding the outreach
- Developing the management and analysis system for paper & patent databases
◦ Research on science and technology trends and analysis
- Detecting the issuable technology and publishing the issue technology prism on the Web
- Publishing and distributing Future Technology White Paper 2014 on the Web and in print
2. Implementing the Technology Opportunity Discovery System and Competitive Analysis Service System
◦ Development the TOD analysis and service model and implementation of the service system
- Extraction of product terms and their relationship and development of the relationship network between the terms using the natural language processing
- Development of the indices for exploring the opportunity products and implementation of the service models such as recommendation model for the opportunity products
- Beta-service (December) for the three service packages (Opportunity discovery based on current products, Benchmarking competitors, Product-technology relationship analysis)
◦ Development of the infrastructure and service platform for the COMPAS (COMPetitive Analysis Service)
- With consideration of usability
- Infrastructure such as the optimized meta database and search engine
◦ Development of competitive information analysis model for the COMPAS
- Service open for the ten analysis models
- COMPAS 1.0 service open(December) and user training course open
Global S&T Trend; Emerging Technology Sensing; Future Technologies; Knowledge-base; White Paper on Future Technologies; Informetrics; Technology opportunity discovery; competitive information analysi Technology intelligence
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7. KISTI 연구성과 > 연구보고서 > 2014
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