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사이버 융합연구‧교육 시스템 관리 기술 개발 및 지원
Alternative Title
Management Technology Development and Support for Cyber Fusion Research and Education System
Alternative Author(s)
Jang, Haeng-Jin; Lee, Ji-Su; Lee, Hyeok-Ro; Kim, Seung-Hae; Park, Hyeong-U; Park, Hak-Su; Kim, Seung-Hae; Yun, Hui-Jun; Choe, Jang-Won; No, Min-Gi; Gwon, Seok-Myeon; Kim, Jin; Kim, Ji-Ung; Kim, Gyu-Il; Jo, Hyeon-Hun; Lee, Seung-Hui; Kim, Gyeong-Ryun; Kim, Nam-Gyu; Yu, Seong-Yun; et al
Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information
Publication Year
funder : 미래창조과학부
funder : KA
agency : 한국연구재단
□ 국내외 융합연구, 고품질 원격 교육, 국가 현안 신속대응 등 다목적 활용이 가능한 실시간 쌍방향 협업 사이버랩 기술지원을 통한 고품질의 글로벌 교육ㆍ연구 환경 서비스
• 우수한 사이버 융합 연구 교육 환경 구축을 위한 K-Cyber common 모델 설계
• 연구용 사이버랩(의과학 분야) 설계 및 구축
- 실시간 쌍방향 Live Surgery 지원 및 고해상도 영상 표출
- 멀티컨텐츠/대용량 데이터 전송 지원
• 전국적 규모의 사이버랩 구축 및 운영
- 1차년도: 서울대학교, 충남대학교, 전남대학교, 전북대학교, 경북대학교, 부산대학교, 강원대학교 (교육용 7개소)
- 2차년도: 한국과학기술원, 광주과학기술원, 포항공과대학교, 고려대학교, 서울시보라매병원, 동남권원자력의학원(교육용 4개소, 연구용 2개소)
- 3차년도: 서울대학교병원, 충북대학교의과대학 (연구용 2개소)
• TUSC(Technical User Support Center) 운영
- 사이버랩 사용자를 위한 기술 지원 및 활용 교육
- 사용자 모니터링 실시 및 사용자들의 원활한 의사 소통을 위한 홈페이지 운영
- 해외 기관과 사이버랩의 원활한 연동을 위한 기술 지원
- MCU, MCS, RSS 등의 장비 운영을 통한 융합 교육 연구 환경 지원

Ⅱ. Objectives and necessity of research development
• Research and experiment is larger in the development of such huge observation equipment and research and state-of-the-art laboratory equipment, research environment has changed to joint use of global infrastructure between countries
• Nowadays, through development of research experiment devices and huge size facility, the Communal global infrastructure is most important phenomenon
• The importance of systematic collaboration support system is getting grow up to enhance liaison between education and research, each world
• the enhancement of cyber platform system is sought after to get more deeply involved remote collaboration research · education environment
• As the reason with above phenomenon, to development and support for cyber fusion research and education system is necessary which a lot of experts can use it at same time because the result of research and knowledge is directly respond to social issue and national policy
Ⅲ. Contents and scopes of research developments
• Construction of Cyberlab for excellent collaborative environment in the field of education and medical with fusion of cutting-edge ICT
• (Cyberlab common)
- National scale education cyberlab construction: real-time and two-way
- Technology acquisition of cyberlab platform based on NTD technology(Education Cyberlab)
- Lead the globalization through the construction of world scale cyber education and research campus
- Support high-quality human resources infrastructure (Research Cyberlab)
- Medical collaboration environment construction through the excellent medical institute network
- High-definition and large-scale data interchange without time delay
• Two-way realistic NTD collaboration system construction
- Construction of domestic and foreign distinguished lecture through two-way realistic NTD display and opinions exchange
- NTD technology for display of high-definition and huge size data and data transfer technology without delay time
• Community activation for education and research cyberlab usage
- Strong connection with GECE(Global Education Center for Engineers) and ICEE(Innovation Center for Engineering Education)
- various application(live surgery, seminar) between medical cyberlab
• Annual user satisfaction survey to hire a professional
Ⅳ. Results of research developments
• K-Cyber Common model construction
- Educational K-Cyber Common
· Multi display (HD 46inch NTD 3x6): about 12,000,000 resolution
· Real-time video/audio transfer support
- Research K-Cyber Common
· Multi display (HD 46inch LED NTD 3x6): about 37,000,000 resolution
· Multi content sharing system
· Compatibility in conjunction with medical equipment for live surgery
• Constrcution education cyberlab: 11 sits
- 1st year: 7 national university in each province in Korea
- 2nd year: 4 top class university(KAIST, GIST, POSTECH, KOREA univ.)
• Constrcution research cyberlab: 4 sits
- 2nd year: SMG-SNU boramae medical center, DIRAMS
- 3rd year: SNUH, college of medicine in CNU
• Education cyberlab user satisfaction survey result
- 2011 year: teacher score 61.4, student score 61.5
- 2012 year: teacher score 77.8, student score 75.2
- 2013 year: teacher score 87.2, student score 87.7
• Research cyberlab user satisfaction survey result
- 2013 year: medical specialist 85.5, resident 86.5, public 93.0
Ⅴ. Application plans of research development results
• GECE and ICEE consists of a nationally, among them, main centers have cyberlab for world class lecture and research; as the cyberlab, qualitative difference in the area of education would be reduced
• Through real-time transfer of excellent and educational surgery, the level of medical research and education would be enhanced
• Especially, in the field of medical, high resolution and huge data display is sensitive issue and also transfer without time delay is important; the best solution of those issues is cyberlab; the significance of cyberlab will be increased
Cyber fusion research and education; cyberlab; cyberinfrasture; remote education/research; medical infrastructure
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7. KISTI 연구성과 > 연구보고서 > 2014
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