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미래 과학기술 정보정책과 전략연구
Alternative Title
Research of Policy and Strategy on Future Science and Technology Information
Alternative Author(s)
Lee, Pil-U; Kim, Jae-Seong; Lee, Yong-Ho; Kim, Sang-Guk; Kim, Eun-Jin; Myeong, Hun-Ju; Ju, Won-Gyun; Park, Jin-Seo; An, Seong-Su; Go, Mi-Hyeon; Kim, Dae-Gi; Lee, Yun-Jeong; Sin, Ji-Seon
Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information
Publication Year
funder : 미래창조과학부
funder : KA
agency : 한국과학기술정보연구원
agency : Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information
○ 선도적 대외 대응 및 연구사업 전략 개발
- 창조경제 실현의 종합창구 역할을 수행할 수 있는 국가 차원의 종합서비스 체계 기획․구축으로 정부의 창조경제 관련 주요 전략 실현을 위한 초석 마련
- 새 정부의 국정목표에 기여하고 기관의 안정적인 재원확보를 위해 ’14년도 신규사업 기획 및 2개의 과제 발굴
- 국민행복, 창조경제 등의 국정과제 지원을 위한 KISTI 연구전략 수립
- 전략적 연구사업 기획 및 성과관리 체계 개발을 통한 기관 운영 효율성 제고
- 내·외부 과학기술전문가 네트워크 구성을 통한 효과적인 기관 발전 방향 모색
○ 정책연구 수행의 적정성 및 수행과제의 합리성
- KISTI가 국가 과학기술정보인프라에 대한 제반 정책 연구와이와 연계하여 중장기 연구방향 아젠다를 설정
- 기관 연구사업 중 주요 이슈로 부각되는 연구사업주제를 선정하여 외부환경 변화에 대한 심층 분석과 연구 방향성 분석
- 미래 사회 변화 양상과 정부 및 사회의 주요 변화 트렌드를 기반으로 연구원의 중장기 발전방향에 대한 거시적 분석
- 과학기술 정보 수요와 이용 행태에 관한 연구 수행
- 적시성에 중점을 둔 정책 현안 대응 체계 구축 및 현안 분석

Ⅳ. Results of the research
○ Development of strategies for future response and research projects
- Realizing the government's major creative economy related strategies through planning and establishment of 'Creative Economy Town' that assumes the window for a creative economy
- Promoting national pending issues- and agendas-solving R&SD as KISTI establishs core identities that lead the national economy and/or creative economy
- Creating and planning next year's new projects to contribute to the government's goals and secure stable funding
- Supporting the government-related organizations in the fields with relation to KISTI's roles and projects as the presidential transition committee and the MSIP(Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning) increase political needs since the sailing of new government
- Improving the efficiency of informatization through definite projects based on EA and efficient operating processes (gaining 3.83 degree of EA maturity)
- Gaining the 'excellence' grade of customer satisfaction for three consecutive years through managing the institute's overall customer satisfaction
- Responding information environments and the government's polices foremost and planning research projects that can strengthen the competitiveness of the institute's mission-based projects
- Establishing the evaluation system of research projects that evaluate heterogeneous research projects objectively and are consistent with standards of national R&D management and evaluation
- Operating the expert network to make the best use of R&D leaders' expertise
○ Establishment of the research system for future science and technology information policies
- Suggesting the direction of research through environmental in-depth analyses about main issues of every research laboratory such as SMEs' (Small and Medium Sized Enterprises) corporate foresight, big data, SMEs' HPC support
- Suggesting 「Creative economy-leading KISTI's Plans for supporting SMEs and enterprises of middle standing」,「Plans for open service of convergent public data」, and so forth through timely establishment of response strategies about political questions
- Suggesting information service strategies to make the best use of information through analyses of the behaviors about users of science and technology information
- Establishing performance plans and principal strategies for 2013 to effectively execute「A master plan for national supercomputing promotion」
- Analyzing the validity about the cooperative office for information cooperation and the installation of overall interaction window between Korea and China in the field of science and technology
- Establishing the institute's roles and development directions through the analyses of changing science and technology policies and institutions since the sailing of new government
정보정책; 창조경제; 연구사업 전략; information policy; creative economy; R&D strategy
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7. KISTI 연구성과 > 연구보고서 > 2014
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