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과학기술 문헌 빅데이터 분석·활용 플랫폼 기술 개발
Alternative Title
Research on analysis and application platform technologies for science and technology big data
성원경정한민이승우송사광최성필신성호정도헌황미녕정창후이미경조민희서동민황명권엄정호김진형김장원김태홍정성재SAJJAD MAZHAR김진
Alternative Author(s)
Seong, Won-Gyeong; Jeong, Han-Min; Lee, Seung-U; Song, Sa-Gwang; Choe, Seong-Pil; Sin, Seong-Ho; Jeong, Do-Heon; Hwang, Mi-Nyeong; Jeong, Chang-Hu; Lee, Mi-Gyeong; Jo, Min-Hui; Seo, Dong-Min; Hwang, Myeong-Gwon; Eom, Jeong-Ho; Kim, Jin-Hyeong; Kim, Jang-Won; Kim, Tae-Hong; Jeong, Seong-Jae; SAJJAD MAZHAR; Kim, Jin
Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information
Publication Year
funder : 교육과학기술부
agency : 한국과학기술정보연구원
agency : Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information
본 사업의 최종 목표는 “과학기술 문헌 빅데이터 분석·활용 플랫폼의 기술적 기반 확보”에 있으며, 당해년도에는 과학기술 문헌 빅데이터 분석·활용 플랫폼 및 분석 응용 기술 개발을 통해 신속학고 객관적인 과학기술 전략수립 지원을 달성 목표로 하여 다음과 같은 내용이 수행되었음.
○ 과학기술 문헌 빅데이터 마이닝 핵심 기술 개발
- 과학기술 문헌 빅데이터 텍스트 마이닝 기술 개발
- 과학기술 문헌 빅데이터의 시맨틱 지식화 기술 개발
○ 고성능 시맨틱 분석 핵심 기술 개발
- 분산․병렬 기반 고성능 시맨틱 추론 기술 개발
- 분산․병렬 기반 과학기술 문헌 빅데이터 테스트베드 모니터링 및 운영
○ 과학기술 문헌 빅데이터 연관관계 분석 응용 기술 개발
- 과학기술 문헌 빅데이터의 연관관계 분석 응용 모델 및 평가 연구
- 과학기술 문헌 빅데이터의 연관관계 분석 응용 모듈 및 어플리케이션 개발

Ⅳ. Result of research and development
○ Development of core technologies on big data mining for science and technology literature
- Development of text mining technologies on big data of science and technology literature
• Development of distributed and parallel technologies for high-speed semantic knowledge creation
• Development of entity and relation extraction system on distributed and parallel environment
• Development of knowledge relationship extraction technology for knowledge classification
- Development of semantic knowledge building technology on data of science and technology literature
• Development of knowledge slot filling technology for semantic knowledge building technology on science and technology big data
○ Development of core technologies on high-throughput semantic analysis
- Development of high-throughput semantic inference technology base on distributed parallel computing
• Development of high-scale triple loading and inference technology
- Monitoring & operating big data testbed for science and technology literature based on distributed parallel computing
• Development of big data testbed monitoring system
○ Development of application technology of big data relationship analysis on science and technology literature
- Research on application model and evaluation for big data relationship analysis on science and technology literature
• Improvement on usability and reliability achieving 110% of user experience measure comparing to state-of-the-art research information analysis systems
• Development of evaluation criteria for knowledge relationship convergence model
- Development of application module and application for big data relationship analysis on science and technology literature
• Development of service platform for R&D trend analysis and prediction based on prescriptive analytics
• Development of automatic report generation technology based on prescriptive analytics
big data; mining; semantic knowledge; inference; distributed and parallel environment; relationship analysis
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7. KISTI 연구성과 > 연구보고서 > 2013
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