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국가과학기술지식정보서비스 사업
Alternative Title
Construction of the National Science & Technology Information Service
Alternative Author(s)
Kim, Jae-Su; Son, Gang-Ryeol; Choe, Gi-Seok; Choe, Gwang-Nam; Seok, Jung-Ho; Im, Cheol-Su; Sin, Yong-Ju; Gwon, Lee-Nam; Lee, Jun; Sin, Dong-Gu; Yun, Yeong-Jun; Park, Min-U; Choe, Hui-Seok; Ju, Won-Gyun; Gang, Nam-Gyu; Yang, Myeong-Seok; Kim, Tae-Hyeon; Kim, Yun-Jeong; Han, Hui-Jun; Jeon, Seong-Jin; Lee, Hye-Rim; Han, Seon-Hwa; Sin, Yeong-Ho; Sin, Gi-Jeong; Han, Seong-Geun; Kim, Gyu-Seok; Kim, Pyeong; Lee, Seung-U; Kim, Jin-Man; Guk, Yun-Gyu; Han, Seung-U; Kim, Mu-Cheol; Kim, Yong-Gi; Lee, Jeong-Hyeon; Kim, Jeong-Gyeom; Song, Hui-Jeong; Sin, Seon-Ok; Jo, Hye-Hyeon; Ryu, Ji-In; Lee, Ju-Yeon; Kim, Hui-Jin; No, Hyeon-Suk; Park, Sang-Hun; Choe, Ji-Seon; Jeong, Eun-Ju; Lee, Hyeon-Ju; Kim, Dong-Hui; Jo, Hye-Min
Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information
Publication Year
funder : 미래창조과학부
funder : KA
agency : 한국과학기술정보연구원
agency : Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information
○ 필요성
- 지속적 투자 증대 결과, 2012년 우리나라 R&D 예산은 약 15.9조원 규모로서, 세계 10위권 내 진입함에 따라, 투자중심에서 성과중심의 R&D 효율성 및 R&D 생산성 강화 필요
- 분산된 국가R&D 과제, 인력, 성과, 시설․장비 정보를 효율적으로 수집, 관리하여 공동활용 할 수 있는 표준화된 과학기술정보 유통기반이 필요
- 국가 R&D사업들이 대형화․복합화 되면서 전략적 투자 등 종합 조정을 뒷받침할 수 있는 국가 R&D 현황 및 분석자료 요구
- 국가R&D사업에서 산출된 정보․자원과 관련 과학기술정보를 공동활용하여 R&D생산성 향상 도모
○ 목적
- 국가차원의 종합정보관리체계 구축을 통해 국가 R&D사업의 종합조정을 지원
- 국가 R&D관련 정보․자원을 공동 활용함으로써 R&D투자 효율성 제고

○ 연구내용 및 결과
- 국가R&D사업관리 체제지원, 과학기술인력정보 활용체계 구축, 시설․장비 공동활용 관리지원, 성과종합관리 지원, 과학기술정보공통기반 구축의 5개 중점추진과제 수행
- 국가R&D지식정보 포털 정착 및 국가과학기술 지식인프라로의 도약을 위해 7대 고도화 전략과제, 20개 개선과제 수행(2010~2012)

○ 활용계획
- 과학기술지식․정보를 손쉽게 접하고, 국가R&D사업현황에 대한 이해도 제고를 통해 과학기술의 대중화․생활화에 기여
- 필요로 하는 과학기술정보를 쉽고 빠르게 확인하여 대학․연구소와 공동연구를 효과적으로 추진
- 중소기업은 부족한 인력과 장비 등의 문제를 대학 및 연구기관이 보유한 인력․장비를 공동활용하여 해결
- 중복과제의 최소화를 통해 사업관리 효율성을 제고하고, 신규사업 기획을 위한 기초자료로 활용
- 부처별 국가R&D사업에 대한 종합적인 기획․조정․평가와 중복투자 방지를 통해 국가R&D투자 효율성 제고
- 국가R&D정책개발을 위한 다양한 정보분석 및 사업진행의 투명성 확보

IV. Outcome of the Project
This research aims at constructing the base and application system for the National Science and Technology Information Service(NTIS). In 2012, we improved specific services of 7 key projects and developed 7 sophisticated strategic projects. In addition, the detail application systems such as National R&D Participant Management System, Evaluator Management System, Equipment Management System, Equipment Specialist Management System, R&D Outcome Information Management System, National R&D Board, S&T Statistic System, S&T Information Distribution System, Standard Project Information Management, Information Security System were developed in 2012. The following outcomes are the results of key projects in 2012.
□ National R&D Program Management System
○ Prior coordinations of National R&D project and construction of budget allocation collaboration systems
○ History Management of Evaluation results of R&D project
○ Improvement of Similar and Duplicated search, and sanction information system
□ S&T Human Resource Information Management System
○ Development of Customized National R&D participant information services
○ Enhancement of National R&D participant information services and POOL DB of Project evaluators
○ Construction for extended POOL DB of Project evaluators
○ Extension of national registration number of R&D participant
□ Equipment Sharing and Utilization Management System
○ Improvement of Equipment and Facilities management service and experts managing service
○ Data Registration, Cleansing and DB Construction of Equipment and Facilities data
□ Outcome Management System
○ Reorganizing NTIS R&D data with viewpoint of intellectual Property
○ Providing Introduction of R&D intellectual Property
○ Demonstration Establishment for Investigation Support Service of Precedent intellectual property
○ Synthesis technology information Pool linkages and management support for Strengthening coordination technology consumer-researcher
○ Consumer-Centered Technical Recommendation and Utilization Support
○ Interested Information notification services and technology transfer - com m ercialization
□ Infrastructure for S&T Information Distribution Base

○ Expansion of User friendly Exciting NTIS
○ Integration and Reinforcement of Personalized Services
○ Customer Satisfaction Survey and Analysis
○ Improvement of NTIS Mobile Service
○ Enhancement of the Security Issues of Mobile NTIS
○ Improvement of Global NTIS as a user-friendly portal site
○ Performing as a contact point for Effective International R&D Collaborations
○ Strengthen of NTIS International PR and Preparations for information exchange
○ Improvement of online R&D Encyclopedia
○ Expansions of contents and preparation of management plan through the alliances of related institutions
○ NTIS PR with utility and functionality through social media
○ Planning and Operating Literacy Educations for Efficient NTIS Utilization
○ Organizing and Operating the National R&D Information Forum

○ Construction of the Analysis Platform with Raw data of National R&D Information
○ Construction of trial services for supporting multi-dimensional analysis
○ Establishment of standard operating procedures for managing cloud computing environments
○ Preparation of Service standard for utilizing Outputcomes Verifier service and similar project search service

○ Adjustment of national registration number of R&D participant
○ Development of information registration and management due to revision of national R&D standard information
○ Improvement of performance for efficient input of investigation and analysis
○ Preparation of Certification level 3 of Data Quality Management
○ Expansion of national R&D information quality management system
○ Data cleansing and management of National R&D Information
○ Enhancement of quality management of NTIS data
○ Extension and Enhancement of Information Linkage System
○ Improvement of linkage system between Dedicated organization of Achievements
○ Enhancement of governance system for amount of ministries and institute
○ Support expansions of Customized R&D Project information linkage services
○ Construction of Customized R&D information integrated information system

○ NTIS governance system improvement(NTIS ISO 20000, ISO 27001 certification management)
○ Unifying style of entire services and compliance of web accessibility through establishing Web Style guide
○ Improvement of service key indicators with customer requirements
○ Reflecting statistics from investigation and analysis
○ Improvement of statistic services of science and technology
○ Extraction of directions of the service improvements through operating user group of semantic services
○ Improvement of semantic data visualization services and navigation services for collaborative partners
○ Services operations and maintenances
○ Improvement of knowledge map services with operating user groups
○ Fundamental data analysis and ontology generations for providing knowledge map services
○ Operations and Maintenances of Knowledge Map Services

○ Establishment of Next NTIS Construction Plan for maximizing common utilizations of national R&D information
○ Establishment of national R&D information system plan based on openness and cooperation
○ Ensuring cloud based service scheme and establishment of science and technology big data utilization plan
○ Improvement of National R&D data quality and establishment of plan of disaster recovery system

○ Construction of effective disaster recovery system through regular mock disaster recovery training
○ Construction of Cloud Services based Information Protection System
○ Implementation and follow-up measure of private impact assessment for constructing private information protection system
□ Technology and Industry Information Management System
○ Construction of technology assessment reports which are published every two years
○ Construction of National R&D issue technology information services
○ Construction of Open plan services for supporting national large scale research and development projects
□ Regional Technology Innovation System
○ Statistics Adjustment of result of investigation and analysis on 2011 from Municipalities
NTIS (National Science and Technology Information System); cost-effectiveness; preliminary management; NPMIS (National R&D Program Management Information System); R&D Evaluation; system integration; mutual sharing; Distribution Platform; Performance Information; Performance Management; Performance Analysis; Total R&D Status Information; Analysis Information; Project Unique Number; Standardization; ITA; Data Cleansing; Classification System; Identification System; Information Security; Human resources DB; Pool of evaluator; Research Equipment; crowd sourcing
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7. KISTI 연구성과 > 연구보고서 > 2012
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