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연구개발 환경 선진화를 위한 Big Data 분석·활용 기술 연구
Alternative Title
Research on big data analysis and application technologies for advanced R&D environment
성원경정한민정도헌이승우이미경홍순찬김진형황명권송사광조민희구희관이진희주효선Sajjad Mazhar최성필전홍우정창후김평신성호황미녕서동민엄정호김태홍정성재윤화묵최동훈이민호최윤수이원구채진영
Alternative Author(s)
Seong, Won-Gyeong; Jeong, Han-Min; Jeong, Do-Heon; Lee, Seung-U; Lee, Mi-Gyeong; Hong, Sun-Chan; Kim, Jin-Hyeong; Hwang, Myeong-Gwon; Song, Sa-Gwang; Jo, Min-Hui; Gu, Hui-Gwan; Lee, Jin-Hui; Ju, Hyo-Seon; Sajjad, Mazhar; Choe, Seong-Pil; Jeon, Hong-U; Jeong, Chang-Hu; Kim, Pyeong; Sin, Seong-Ho; Hwang, Mi-Nyeong; Seo, Dong-Min; Eom, Jeong-Ho; Kim, Tae-Hong; Jeong, Seong-Jae; Yun, Hwa-Muk; Choe, Dong-Hun; Lee, Min-Ho; Choe, Yun-Su; Lee, Won-Gu; Chae, Jin-Yeong
Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information
Publication Year
funder : 교육과학기술부
agency : 한국과학기술정보연구원
agency : Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information
Ⅲ. 연구개발의 내용 및 범위
○ big data 저장·관리 시스템의 프로토타입 개발 및 효용성 평가 지표 설정
- big data 저장·관리 핵심 기술 및 시스템 모델 연구
- 시스템 효용성 평가 지표 조사 및 개발
○ 고성능 시맨틱 지식화 기술 확보
- R&D 트렌드 분석·예측을 위한 지식화 기술 개발
- 지식자원 전주기 관리 체제 구축
○ R&D 트렌드 분석·예측 지원 통합 플랫폼 및 시범 서비스 개발
- R&D 트렌드 분석·예측 모델 설계
- Multi-platform 기반의 R&D 트렌드 분석·예측 통합 서비스 개발

Ⅲ. The contents and scope of research and development
○ Development of the big data storage and management system prototype and construction of index for assessing the effectiveness of the system
- Research on core technologies and system models for big data storage and management
- Survey and development of index for assessing the system effectiveness
○ Security of advanced technologies for constructing semantic knowledge
- Development of knowledge technologies for supporting R&D trend analysis and prediction
- Construction of whole life-cycle management system of knowledge resources
○ Development of integrated platform and example services for supporting R&D trend analysis and prediction
- Design of R&D trend analysis and prediction models
- Development of integrated R&D trend analysis and prediction services based on multi-platform
big data; semantic knowledge; semantic web; ontology; trend analysis and prediction; knowledge resource management
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Appears in Collections:
7. KISTI 연구성과 > 연구보고서 > 2012
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