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글로벌 강소기업 육성을 위한 맞춤형 근접지원체제 구축
Alternative Title
Establishment of Customer-made Close Support for Nurturing Global Strong SMEs
Alternative Author(s)
Park, Chan-Jin; Kim, Eun-Ju; Jeong, Hui-Seok; Jeon, Seong-Jin; Lee, Min-Yuk; Mun, Yeong-Ho; Gwon, Yeong-Il; Na, Do-Baek; Gil, Sang-Cheol; Lee, Sang-Pil; Kim, Sang-U; Lee, Chang-Hwan; Hong, Seong-Hwa; Lee, Hyeok-Jae; Park, Jong-Gyu; Choe, Seong-Bae; Seo, Min-Ho; Son, Eun-Su; Gwon, O-Jin; Jeong, Yong-Il; Gang, Jong-Seok; Lee, Bang-Rae; Yeo, Un-Dong; Park, Yeong-Uk; An, Se-Jeong; Kim, Seon-Ho; Gang, Hyeon-Mu; Son, Jong-Gu; Kim, Gyeong-Ho; Yu, Jae-Yeong; Won, Dong-Gyu; Park, Hyeon-U; Kim, Gi-Il; Seo, Jin-Lee; Yu, Seon-Hui; Seo, Ju-Hwan; Lee, Jong-Taek; Park, Seon-Yeong; Kim, Gang-Hoe; Lee, Ho-Sin; Jeon, Seung-Pyo; Yu, Hyeong-Seon; Kim, Sang-Guk; Lee, Jae-Min; Kim, Eun-Seon; Kim, Jae-U; Lee, Jun-U; Bae, Guk-Jin; Han, Hyeok; Im, Dae-Hyeon; Park, Gyeong-Seok; No, Hyeon-Suk; Choe, Yun-Jeong; Seong, Tae-Eung; Park, Chang-Geol; Kim, Chan-Ho; Lee, Seong-Cheol; Kim, Ui-Su; Gu, Yeong-Deok; Jang, Tae-Jong; Kim, Seok-Jin; Jeong, Ui-Seop; Jeong, Myeong-Dong; Ye, Yong-Hui; Kim, Chang-Mok; Jeong, In-Su; Lee, Jeong-Gu; Bae, Sang-Jin; U, Jong-Tae; Kim, Chang-Gyu; Lee, Dong-Won; Lee, Il-Hyeong; Kim, Byeong-Jeong; Seo, Seong-Ho; Jeong, Hyeon-Sang; Jeon, Hyeong-Seop; Jo, Ju-Hyeong; Lee, Yeong-Hak; Choe, Hyeon-Gyu; Sin, Gi-Jeong; Lee, Sang-Gi; Kim, Ji-Yeong; Lee, Sang-Min; Kim, Jae-Seong; Kim, Myeong-Il
Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information
Publication Year
funder : 교육과학기술부
agency : 기초기술연구회
○ 맞춤형 정보분석
- 기관의 핵심 역량을 투입하는 1사1연구원 지원 체제를 기반으로 기업별 담당연구원을 배치하여 기업이 필요로 하는 정보/분석/기술 지원
- ASTI 홈페이지 운영을 통해 정보 제공, 분야별 전문가들의 유기적 연계 및 기업의 협력과 상생 커뮤니티 구성
- ASTI 위원들에게 동향/기술/사업 정보와 ASTI 소식을 제공하는 TLD 격주 제공
○ 슈퍼컴퓨터 활용 산업체 지원
- 홍보 강화와 우수기업 발굴체제 확립하고 중소기업의 진입장벽을 낮춤
- 전문위원회 및 전국규모 제품설계 전문가 Pool 구축/운영
○ 정보유통 서비스
- 고객만족도를 제고하고 고객중심의 사업 추진을 위해 수요에 기반 한 교육계획 수립 및 원문제공서비스 실시
○ 글로벌 기술사업화를 위한 우수기업 및 유망아이템 발굴지원
- KISTI의 핵심고객인 ASTI 위원과 해외 전문기관, 외부전문가와의 유기적인 coordination을 위해 최적화된 기술사업화 정보 지원체제 구축

○ Customer-made Information Analysis
- To analyze and provide the informations on market/technology/industry/technology commercialization which are needed by enterprises, through researcher-to-enterprise program, in which KISTI's core capability is put.
- To manage ASTI Homepage, which broadly provides informations suitable for ASTI members and promotes organic relation of specialists or organizations
- To publish biweekly magazine TLD, which contains trend/technology/business information and ASTI newses
○ Industrial Supercomputing Support
- To reduce technologic barriers to entry for SMEs and encouraging participation of SMEs with excellent technology/products in related business affairs by continuous introduction effectiveness of industrial supercomputing.
- To maintain a special committee, which includes specialists at virtual design and design optimization, to extend the existing KISTI's specialist pool, and to strengthen consulting functions
○ Information Service
- To make education plan as well as providing document delivery service based on customers' needs for heightening customer satisfaction measurement and customer-centric business promotion
- To establish education schedule refering to the 2 demand survey results for utilizing science and technology information, considering the semiannual education schedule of almost organizations such as unitversities.
- To make suitable customer-based education substantial through researcher's visit to any place the organizations want.
- To improve the quality of teaching materials written by internal researchers
- To raising the specialty of manuals utilizing external specialists' helps and intending internal workers' concentration to the education.
○ In this project ASTI members are considered as the main customers, and an optimized information support system for technology commercialization is constructed and managed through organic coordination with specialized organizations abroad or external specialists
Researcher-to-enterprise close support system; ASTI Homepage; TLD(Techno Leaders' Digest); Industrial Supercomputing; Customer-made Information Service; Global Technology Commercialization
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7. KISTI 연구성과 > 연구보고서 > 2011
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