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사이버인프라 자원 구축 및 운영
Alternative Title
Design and Engineering for the Cyber-Infrastructure Resource
Alternative Author(s)
Lee, Hyeok-Ro; Jang, Ji-Hun; Kim, Seung-Hae; Gong, Jeong-Uk; Lee, Myeong-Seon; Go, Gwang-Seop; Kim, Gwang-Ho; Yu, Gi-Seong; Park, Byeong-Yeon; No, Min-Gi; Kim, Dong-Gyun; Lee, Won-Hyeok; Jo, Gwang-Jong; Kim, Ju-Beom; Seong, Jin-U; Lee, Yeong-Ju; Kim, Seong-Jun; Choe, Yun-Geun; Hong, Tae-Yeong; U, Jun; Kim, Seong-Ho; Go, Dong-Geon; Seok, U-Jin; Jo, Jin-Yong; Im, Heon-Guk; Mun, Jeong-Hun; Hong, Won-Taek; Yang, Jong-Won; Choe, Jae-Min; Gwon, Yun-Ju; Wang, Gi-Cheol; Park, Jin-Hyeong; Jo, Jin-O; Lee, Myeong; Han, Jeong-Mi; Lee, So-Yeon; Lee, Ji-Yeong; Sin, Jin-Gyeong; Lee, Hyeong-Ju; Lee, Suk-Hyeon; Kim, Mi-Gyeong
Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information
Publication Year
funder : 교육과학기술부
agency : 기초기술연구회
□ 슈퍼컴퓨팅 인프라 구축․운영 및 공동활용체제 거점센터 특성화
◦슈퍼컴 4호기 2차분 서비스 안정화 및 기반시설 운영
◦슈퍼컴 운영기술 개발
◦그린 IT 최신기술 수집분석
◦국내 슈퍼컴센터간 협력체계 구축 및 거점센터 특성화
□ 국내외 과학기술연구망 인프라 구축․운영
◦국가 과학기술연구망 설계/구축/운영/엔지니어링
◦차세대 과학기술연구망 운영센터 구축
◦연구망 사용자 지원 및 서비스 체계 강화
◦글로벌과학기술협업연구망 설계․구축․운영․엔지니어링
◦국제연구망간 기술협력 강화 및 활용 활성화
□ 과학기술자원 융합망 안정화 개발
◦융합망 시험 인프라 안정화 운영 및 적용 범위 확대
◦융합망 통합관리 시스템 안정화 및 응용 활성화
◦OpenFlow 네트워크 테스트베드 연동 및 운영기술 개발

A. Final goals of research
Construction of the world-class R&D cyber-infrastructure
• Design, construction, operation and engineering of the Supercomputer, the science and technology research network, and cooperative research environment
B. Contents of research
◦Supercomputing infrastructure deployment and operation and global shared system hub center characterization
- Stabilizing 4th supercomputer second phrase service and operation of infrastructure
- Developing supercomputer operation technologies
- Gathering and analysis of Green IT technologies
- Constructing cooperation system among supercomputer center and characterization of hub center
◦Constructing and operating the domestic and international scientific research network
- KREONET(Korea Research Environment Open NETwork) designing, constructing, operating and engineering
- Construction of next generation scientific research network operations center
- Supporting network user and enhance service system
- Global scientific cooperation research network designing, constructing, operating and engineering
- Enhancing among international scientific research network and activate the application
◦Developing to stabilize convergence network of scientific research resource
- The Stabilizing operation of convergence network test infrastructure and extension coverage
- Stabilizing convergence network integrated management system and activate the application
- Construct OpenFlow network testbed and develop operation process
과학기술연구망; 글로리아드; 슈퍼컴퓨터; 국가슈퍼컴퓨팅공동활용체제; 과학기술자원융합망
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7. KISTI 연구성과 > 연구보고서 > 2011
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