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생명정보 인프라 구축
Alternative Title
Construction of Bioinformatics Infrastructure
Alternative Author(s)
Park, Hyeong-Seon; Lee, Sang-Ju; Hong, Sun-Chan; Lee, Sik; An, Bu-Yeong; O, Chung-Sik; An, Seol-A; An, In-Seong; Yu, Seok-Jong; Han, Yeong-Man; An, Seong-Su; Jo, Yong-Seong; Song, Chi-Pyeong; Jo, Hui-Hyeong; Park, Jae-Hong; Yu, Seung-Taek; Kim, Gyeong-Su; Kim, Dae-Jung; Gwon, Chang-Hyeok; Gwon, Gyeong-Eun; Baek, Yeong-Hui; Park, Yang-Suk; Im, So-Yeong; Im, Ju-Yeon; Lee, Su-Jin
Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information
Publication Year
funder : 과학기술부
agency : 과학기술부
agency : Ministry of Science & Technology
본 연구개발은 국내 생명공학 연구개발 발전을 위해 바이오인포매틱스 인프라를 구축하고 이를 연구자들에게 제공하는 것이다. 이를 위해 연구개발 분야와 사업 분야로 나누어 생명정보 분석도구의 개발, 생명정보 사용자 지원, 생명정보 콘텐트 구축 및 유지보수 등을 추진하였다.
(1) 연구개발 분야
○ 신호전달 DB 구축 및 네비게이션 시스템 개발
○ M ultiplex PCR Primer 설계 프로그램 개발
○ 단백질 접힘 연구
○ Decoy에서의 DNA-Protein 상호작용 규명 연구
○ Bio-W orkflow 개발
○ 생명정보 컨텐트 구축 및 유지보수
(2) 사업 분야
○ 사용자지원 및 서비스
○ 웹서비시스 체제 구축
○ CODATA 국제협력

The main contents and scope of the study are the following:
○ Construction of Signal Transduction DB and Development of Navigation System
- Construction of Signal Transduction Network DB using integrated DB
- Development of STML(Signal Transduction Markup Language) in order to represent the relationship between proteins
○ Development of Program for Multiplex PCR Primer Design
- Development of the Selection for dimer formation between primers
- Development of new scoring method for optimal primer selection
- Development of new indexing method for genomic sequence information
- Development of the search method for primer 3' at PCR simulation
○ Protein Folding Study
- Study existing results and hypothesis for basic mechanism on protein folding
- Development and design of new method on protein folding
○ Study on the DNA-Protein Interaction at Decoy
- Collecting the structural information on Decoy and Proteins
- Simulation Study on interactions
- Prediction of optimal hydrogen bond
○ Bio-Workflow Development
- Development of Bio-Workflow Engine based on Java and XML
- Development of Java GUI-based Bio-Workflow Builder
- Development of Web-Services-based and User's Role-based Bio-Workflow for remote collaboration through e-Science
○ Construction of Bioinform atics Content and System
- HW and technical support
- Development and Maintenance of Center Homepage
- DB update
- Mirroring of DBs and Analysis Tools
- Publishing Newsletters
○ User Support and Services
- Surveying the user's requirement and satisfaction
- Hoding domestic/international symposium on bioinformatics
- Public Relations of CCBB and PR support for other centers and KISTI
- Maintaining DBs (biodiversity, Virtual Korean Hum an, etc.) and Providing the DB Service
○ Construction of Web-Services System
- PR & Management of CCBB-UDDI Registry specialized for Bioinform atics
- Development of new Web-Services and Construction of Security and Management System
○ International collaboration of CODATA
- Hosting CODATA/DSAO TG Secretariat in CCBB, KISTI
- Performing a representative of Korea in CODATA/DASO and developing/maintaining the CODATA/DASO homepage
- Submitting the progress report of Korean's CODATA activity
바이오인포매틱스; 생명정보 DB; 인프라; 이용자 지원; 생명정보 콘텐트; 단백질 접힘; Bioinformatics; Bioinformatics DB; Infrastructure; End User Support; Information Service; Bioinformatics Contents; Protein-Protein Interaction
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7. KISTI 연구성과 > 연구보고서 > 2005
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