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과학기술정보 서비스 및 확산
Alternative Title
Service and Expansion of S&T Information
Alternative Author(s)
Choe, Hyeon-Gyu; Ye, Yong-Hui; Sin, Gi-Jeong; Lee, Sang-Gi; Lee, Tae-Seok; Kim, Hye-Seon; Kim, Hwan-Min; Im, Seok-Jong; Jeong, Do-Heon; Kim, Wan-Jong; Kim, Ji-Yeong; Lee, Hye-Jin; Hyeon, Mi-Hwan; Yu, Su-Hyeon; Mun, Yeong-Su; Seo, Tae-Seol; No, Gyeong-Ran; Lee, Sang-Hwan; Lee, Yong-Sik; Lee, Jae-Cheol; Yong, Jeong-Sun; Lee, Hyeon-Jin; O, Se-Jin; Kim, So-Yeong; Park, Ji-Sun; Park, Dong-Hun; Park, Byeong-Yong
Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information
Publication Year
funder : 교육과학기술부
agency : 기초기술연구회
지식정보의 효율적 창출 활용 확신이 국가기술혁신의 핵심요소로 등장함에 따라 지식기반 사회 성장의 기반자원으로서 선진화된 정보유통 환경조성 및 활용체제를 강화하여 정보의 접근성, 신속성, 정확성 제고하고자 한다.
○ NDSL 확산 및 고객센터 운영
- NDSL 이슈서비스
- NDSL 홍보 및 마케팅
- 정보관리연구 및 과학향기 발간
- 학술행사 개최 및 대내외 협력
○ NDSL 서비스 체제 구축
- 과학기술정보통합서비스 운영
- 콘텐트 관리시스템 및 서비스 공통플랫폼 운영
- WiseCat 운영
○ 고부가 서비스 개발
- NDSL 오픈서비스 체제 구축
- 개인화 및 고부가 서비스 연구개발
- 과학기술정보 활용지표 개발
○ 국가 고유정보 글로벌 유통 및 미래영역 발굴
- KoreaScience 운영
- 글로벌 트랜드 분석 및 미래영역 발굴
- 콘텐츠 통합관리 ISP 추진

$\square$ Operation and expansion of NDSL
$\circ$ "Issue & NDSL" service
- Linking service of timely theme information of S&T
$\circ$ Promotion and expansion of NDSL
- User education program, distribution of promotional material, and various promotion activities
$\circ$ Publishing of scholarly journal(Quarterly) : "Journal of Information Management"
$\circ$ "KISTI Scent of Science" service
$\circ$ Holding joint conferences and domestic and foreign information
$\square$ Customer service and Document Delivery Service(DDS)
$\circ$ Customer center operation
- Operation of Help Desk and monitoring of Q&A transaction condition
- Customer monitoring and relationship-strengthening events
- Planning and operation of Document Delivery Service(DDS)
- Management of national/international cooperative organizations of DDS
$\square$ Construction of NDSL service system
$\circ$ Development and operation of integrated service of S&T information
$\circ$ Development and operation of content managing system
$\circ$ Operation of service platform
$\circ$ Expansion of "WiseCat" service
$\square$ Development of "Open Service" and value-added service
$\circ$ Construction and expansion of "NDSL Open Service" system
$\circ$ Development of personalization and convergence service
$\circ$ Development of research productivity indicators of S&T information
$\square$ Global utilization of national S&T information and research of future information service area
$\circ$ Establishment and Operation of "KoreaScience" system
$\circ$ Operation of "iCon" : trend knowledge portal site in information
service area
$\circ$ Management of "Open Knowledge Information Forum" and publishing "KISTI Issue Report"
$\circ$ Drive of ISP on unified management of contents
과학기술정보통합서비스; 과학기술정보서비스; 글로벌유통; 고객모니터링; 공동활용; NDSL; Science and Technology Information Service; Global Dissemination; Customer Monitoring; Resource Sharing
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7. KISTI 연구성과 > 연구보고서 > 2009
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