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국내외 핵심정보 디지털 기반 서비스
Alternative Title
Digital Based Services for Global Core Information
Alternative Author(s)
Choe, Ho-Nam; Ryu, Beom-Jong; Ye, Yong-Hee; Go, Hyung-Gon; Kim, Tae-Joong; Lee, Sang-Ho; Gang, Moo-Young; Bak, Hyung-Seon; Lee, Seung-Bok; Sin, Yong-Ju; Kim, Jin-Sook; Choe, Myung-Seok; Choe, Seon-Hee; Bak, Jae-Won; Yoon, Hee-Joon; Kim, Soon-Young; Sin, Jin-Seop; Kim, Byung-Gyoo; Yeo, Il-Yun; Jung, Hee-Seok; An, Bu-Young; Lee, Sang-Gi; Lee, Tae-Seok; Kim, Seon-Tae; Kim, Ji-Young; Kim, Jae-Hoon; Han, Hee-Joon; Hyun, Mee-Hwan; Kim, Dae-Hwan; Lee, Soo-Gyung; Kim, Eun-Sook; Lee, Yoo-Seon; Kim, Ji-Young; Bak, So-Jung; Bak, Eun-Hye; Im, Jin-Young; No, Soo-Jin; Lee, Guk; Lee, Hyun-Ja; Lee, Yang-Hyuk; Yoon, Yun-Soo; Choe, Ji-Young; Yang, Chan-Im; Han, Geon; Lee, Yong-Sik; Lee, Jae-Chul; Kim, Ae-Tti; Yong, Jung-Soon; Lee, Choong-Moo
Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information
Publication Year
funder : 교육과학기술부
agency : 교육과학기술부
본 연구의 목적은 지식정보의 효율적 창출.활용.확산이 국가기술혁신의 핵심요소로 등장함에 따라 지식기반 사회 성장과 혁신의 기반자원으로서 국내외 연구개발 정보의 체계적 수집 및 적시적 배포를 통해 국가 연구개발 생산성 향상을 지원하는 과학기술 u-Library 체제를 구축하고자 한다.
o 국내외 핵심정보 디지털 콘텐트 구축
- 국내외 핵심정보 디지털 콘텐트 구축
- 이종 DB간의 연계·융합을 통한 고품질 학술정보 DB 구축 및 관리
- 산업계에 파급효과가 큰 사실정보 DB 구축 및 관리
- 국내 고유정보의 수집채널 다변화
- 콘텐트 관리·운영 시스템 개선
- 콘텐트의 전략적 배포를 통한 과학기술정보의 활용 확산
o 과학기술 u-Library 운영
- 과학기술정보 통합서비스 구축 및 운영
- 서비스 개선을 위한 응용기술 개발 및 지원
- 연계·융합된 콘텐트의 서비스 지원 통합 플랫폼(CLICK) 개발 및 확산
- 국제표준에 기반한 개방형 유통 플랫폼(NOS) 개발 및 보급
- 개인디지털라이브러리 등 개인 맞춤형 서비스체제 강화

[] The Development and Linking of National Scholarly Information Resources
o Construction and Linking Services of National Scholarly Information Content
- Construction of database
* construction of full text societies journal articles (431 societies, 79,000 records)
* construction of full text associations magazines articles (179 associations, 10,000 records)
- Linking services
* linking service of metadata of korean Assembly Library : 80,000 records
* supporting linking service of domestic commercial portal services(naver, empass)
* Construction of thesis DB : 30,000 records
o Construction of KSCI
- Construction of database
* construction of reference DB (414 titles, 750,000 records)
- Calculation of Impact Factor : 414 titles
o Expansion of capability of domestic contents
o Globalization of Science & Technology Information in Korea
- Enrollment of DOI : 13 societies, 2,500records
- Subminssion of DOI to CrossRef: 13 societies, 2,500records
o Maintenance and Functional Upgrading related systems
- Related Information Service System
* KANET(Korea Association Network)
* SOCIETY (Science Society Village)
* OCEAN (Online Collaborator for sociEty and AssociatioN of KISTI)
[] The Development of Foreign Core Scholar Information Contents
o Constructed 3,390,000 English, Japanese, and Chinese metadata
- Constructed the one-stop service infra by building merging English and CJK content DB
o Construction of NationaNational Union Catalog Database
- New bibliographic records created : 3,000
- New holding records created : 1,400,000 (430 member libraries)
[] The Development of Factual Database Contents
o Construction of Chemical Database Contents
- Construction of database
* The construction of Inorganic crystal structure DB, chemical property(NMR) DB, plasma property DB and natural product chemicals DB
- Development of chemical structure auto indexing system
- The linking service between literature fulltext and factual information
o Construction of Visible Korean Data Contents
- Construction of data
* construction of visible Korean data
- Processing of data
* processing of visible Korean data
o Construction of Bioinformatics DB
- Construction of database
* construction of bioinformatics DB
- The improvement of data auto-updating system in bioinformatics
[] The Linking and Convergence of Contents
o To construction database linking and convergence with content
- To link with crystal structure of ICSD database and articles of NDSL
- To link with plasma property information and articles of NDSL
o To development high-value-added content and service through linking and convergence with different contents
[] The Supporting Activity for Scholar Society of its information
o Expansion of Supporting Societies/Associations Informatization and Development and Supply of KISTI-ACOMS
- Enlargement of societies informatization: new 30 societies (total : 589 societies/associations)
- Enlargement of societies hompage contruction : new 20 associations (total : 206 societies)
- Strengthening of maintenance/repair and activation of KISTI-ACOMS utilization : total 303 societies
o Maintenance and Functional Upgrading related systems
- Maintenance and functional upgrading KISTI-ACOMS, OCEAN
[] Construction and Management of NDSL
o Integration of science and technology information in domestic and aborad, and construction of high-value-added service system
- Development and management of integration service for science and technology information
- Development of analysis and linking system for high-value-added content
- Extension and sharing of science and technology information
KISTI 서비스 2.0; 과학기술정보; 포털 서비스; u-Library; 콘텐트 개발; KISTI Service 2.0; Science & Technology Information; Portal Service; u-Library; Resource developmemt
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7. KISTI 연구성과 > 연구보고서 > 2008
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