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국내외 핵심정보 부존자원화 및 공동활용
Alternative Title
Archiving and Sharing of Sci-Tech Information for Enhancing the Use of National Core Collection
Alternative Author(s)
Choe, Hee-Yoon; Lee, Seon-Hee; Hwang, Hye-Gyung; Kim, Gyung-Won; Kim, Jung-Hwan; Lee, Sang-Hwan; Kim, Hwan-Min; Yoo, Soo-Hyun; Lee, Gyoo-Chun; Lee, Hyun-Jin; Seo, Tae-Seol; Kim, Hye-Seon; Seo, Hyun-Jung; Kim, Yong-Ryul; Sin, Gi-Jung; Hwang, Ji-Young; Jung, Do-Hun; Woo, In-Ha; Lee, Hye-Jin; Lee, Won-Gyung; Choe, Yoo-Mee; Han, Mee-Sook; No, Gyung-Ran; Im, Seok-Jong; Kim, Wan-Jong; Yoon, Jung-A
Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information
Publication Year
funder : 교육인적자원부
agency : 교육과학기술부
본 연구의 목적은 지식정보의 효율적 창출.활용.확산이 국가기술혁신의 핵심요소로 등장함에 따라 지식기반 사회 성장과 혁신의 기반자원으로서 국내외 핵심정보의 부존자원화 및 공동활용체제를 구축하는 것이다.
* 지식정보 기반 고도화 및 글로벌화 구현
- 국가 과학기술 글로벌 유통 체계 “Korea Science” 완성
- 산학연 정보협력 및 지식확산 체계 구축
- KISTI 정보유통 기반 고도화 및 차별화
- 정보이용자 수요분석 및 피드백 체제 구축
* 협업기반 핵심정보자원 개발 및 부존자원화
- 국가 R&D 활성화를 위한 기반 인프라로서 국내 및 해외 핵심정보의 수집.구축
* 국내.외 핵심정보의 장기보존 및 지식생산성 제고
- 선진국의 과학기술 지식정보 독점자원화에 대비한 국가 부존자원화 달성
* 국내.외 핵심정보 개발 및 정보접근성 95% 확보
- 도서관 협력네트워크를 기반으로 정보자원의 접근성, 이용성, 효용성 제고

○ Establishment of global distribution system for national science and technology information
- To build metadata in English covered by 102 journals in KoreaScience
- Information cooperation of Industry, Academia, and Institute and Knowledge dissemination with 11 organizations
- To hold joint conference and seminars with academic community
*To hold joint conference and seminars
*To publish scholarly journal "Journal of Information Management"
*To hold ICSTI 2008 Public Conference and General Assembly
○ Collection development for domestic and overseas core information and expanding information accessibility
- To plan and conduct basic research for enhancement of national STI distribution system
*To build portfolio of hybrid archiving model
*To analyse journals by year for joint utilization
- To achieve 80% of information accessibility by collecting and connecting overseas core information resources
*17,000 titles of journals, 10,000 items of conference proceedings, 17,000 items of technical reports
*To analyse journals by year for joint utilization
*To improve and manage the library collections by KIRIS system
*To take inventory of KISTI holdings
*To acquire fulltext from journal publishers for archiving : 7 publishers, 500,000 fulltext
○ Development of cooperation networks for domestic and overseas information sharing
- To strengthen efficiency of KESLI consortium
*To collect article metadata, fulltext, license information, and national holding data
*To manage foreign information resources based on consortium and support usage statistics
*To write annual report on KESLI operation
- To create and maintain KESLI working group
*To construct and maintain cooperation networks for resource sharing
*To provide train program for cooperation institutions 4 times a year
- To manage document delivery service
*To provide 300,000 articles of document delivery service a year for domestic researchers
○ Enhancement of S&T knowledge information infra and customer monitoring
- To construct customer analysis and monitoring system
*To manage year around customer monitoring of KISTI supporters and customer evaluation group
*To build DW OLAP System for STP(Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning) strategy transition
- To stabilize Nat'l Serials Analysis System (WiseCat) and diffuse
*To enhance analysis function for resource development
*To promotion and cooperation for proliferation of WiseCat
- To generate multilingual technical terms and R&D for semantic analysis system
- To analyse information service trends
*To establish innovation direction for KISTI information service through benchmarking for information dissemination institution
글로벌 유통; 부존자원화; 공동활용; 과학기술 핵심정보; 고객모니터링; 컨소시엄; Global dissemination; Archiving; Resource Sharing; Sci-Technology Information; Customer mornitoring; Consortium
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7. KISTI 연구성과 > 연구보고서 > 2008
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