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동북아 e-Science 테스트베드 구축
Alternative Title
Construction of China-Japan-Korea e-Science Testbed
Alternative Author(s)
Jo, Geum-Won; Lee, Ji-Soo; Im, Sang-Beom; Lee, Joon-Hak; Kim, Nam-Gyoo; Kim, Ju-Beom; Gwak, Jae-Hyuk; Na, Jung-Soo
Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information
Publication Year
funder : 과학기술부
agency : 과학기술부
agency : Ministry of Science & Technology
본 연구에서는 시범적으로 한-중-일 3개 국가에 분산된 클러스터 컴퓨터를 상시 연동할 수 있는 e-Science 테스트베드를 구축함. 계산 환경 구축과 관련, 컴퓨터의 정보를 상시 제공하는 기술, single-sign-on 기술, 이기종 컴퓨터간의 통신기술을 연구함. 또한 구축된 e-Science 테스트베드를 활용한 시범 응용 연구로서 항공기의 유동 해석을 기반으로 하여 연료탱크 등의 분리시 안정성 판별연구를 high-throughput computing 기반으로 수행함. 모든 연구는 전산유체역학 기술을 바탕으로 한-중-일의 컴퓨터를 동시에 활용함. 더불어 개발된 연구 수행 방법 및 결과를 한-중-일 연구자가 활용할 수 있도록 지원하기 위한 웹 기반 서비스 환경 구축 기술을 연구함.
이상과 같은 연구의 유기적 협력을 위하여 동북아 연구자간의 협력 활동을 통하여 e-Science 연구에 있어 한국의 주도적 활동을 추진함.

▷ Cooperation of K* Grid with the testbeds in AIST and CNIC based on Globus toolkit. Mutual job allocation test. Expansion to PRAGMA testbed by sharing of global accounts and international authentication system.
▷ Examination of references for application-level checkpointing. Development of checkpointing algorithm for Cactus jobs on the Grid. Migration test on the C-J-K testbed and application to Cactus CFD(Computational Fluid Dynamics) solvers on PRAGMA testbed.
▷ Construction of GridOne portal frame using GridSphere.
▷ Examination of references for Lambda-network. Parallel efficiency test on K* Grid testbed.
▷ Understanding of Cactus framework with regard to the characteristics and structure. Development of new modules for the input of mesh files with complex geometries, additional boundary condition routines for CFD applications and the generalization of modules. Porting of compressible and incompressible CFD solvers to Cactus framework. Improvement of Cactus base structure for the support of unstructured mesh system. Application to various examples.
▷ Research on the application examples and efficient algorithms for high throughput computing. Implementation of high throughput computing technology to Cactus framework and high throughput analysis for different flow conditions.
▷ Examination of I/O data structure on Cactus. Development of web-based remote mesh generation software and visualization tools. Application to two- and three-dimensional mesh generation and result visualization of three-dimensional multi-block system.
▷ Joint activities of Korea-Japan-China researchers. Collaborative works including USA and EU. Hosting the international e-Science workshop. Presentation of research activities and discussion with international researchers in international conferences.
슈퍼컴퓨팅; 동북아 포럼
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7. KISTI 연구성과 > 연구보고서 > 2008
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