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이용자 홍보 및 통합마케팅 전략
Alternative Title
User Promotion & Integrated Marketing Strategy
Alternative Author(s)
Yoo, Young-Bok; Kim, Tae-Joong; Kim, Chang-Mok; Yoo, Hyun-Jong; Bak, Jong-Myung; Kim, Chan-Ho; Han, Hyuk; Bak, Gyung-Seok; Kim, Jae-Seong; Lee, Min-Yook; Lee, Hae-Joon; Kim, Chang-Gyoo; Song, Hye-Eun; Kim, Hee-Jung; Lee, Soo-Yun; Oh, Sang-Hun; Kim, Gyung-Won; Lee, Jae-Chul
Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information
Publication Year
funder : 과학기술부
agency : 과학기술부
agency : Ministry of Science & Technology
정보인프라 이용자 확산 및 고객지향적 통합마케팅 전략은 다음의 단위 연구분야로 구분하여 추진하였음.

* 정보인프라 확산체제 확립 및 정보마케팅 활동
- 레이보우 홍보전략 수립 및 고객 타켓별 정보마케팅 활동
- 정보인프라 관련 홍보CD 제작 및 종합서비스 카달로그 제작
- 정보서비스 확산을 위한 산학연 협력체제 확립

* 상시 모니터링 체제 구축 및 운영
- 정보서비스 사업에 관한 이용자 종합모니터링 체제 확립 및 운영
- 정보이용자 건의 및 애로사항에 관한 통합 상담DB 운영

* 이용자 행태분석 및 웹리포팅 체제 구축
- KISTI 정보자원의 체계적 , 종합적 관리를 위한 Data Warehouse 구축
- 의사결정지원을 위한 실시간 데이터 분석시스템 운영

- KISTI 서비스 브랜드 및 슬로건 개발
- BI 기본.응용 시스템 개발

* 차세대 성장동력산업 R&BD 서비스
- 차세대 10산업 및 100대 핵심기술과제에 대한 R&BD 정보 서비스체제 확립
- 지식정보 콘텐트 현행화 및 이메일 서비스

* 정보이용 교육
- 산업과학기술의 각종 정보를 검색 , 분석, 관리 및 활용 능력을 배양
- 신규 이용자 교육 프로그램 개발

* 이용자 만족도 조사
- KISTI 정보서비스별 이용자 만족도 조사
- KISTI 정보인프라에 대한 경제적 효과분석

* 기 타
- 계간 지식정보인프라지 발간
- KOSTI 2004 학술대회 개최

○ Information infra diffusion setup and information marketing activity
In order to diffuse information infra of KISTI and raise its awareness, KISTI establishes an integrated marketing public information strategy, and accomplishes various marketing activities on target customers. In addition, It raises the efficiency and convenience of public relation activities by developing and providing the various public information medium.
- Holding the fair for utilizing KISTI Scientific knowledge information
- Participating the Science and technicology related exhibition
- Mailing the up-to-date information to the customers
- Making multimedia for public relation
- Producing the overview catalogues on KISTI information services

○ Regular monitoring construction and operation
KISTI expands the channels which collect customers' opinion, and reflects the collected customer needs on service improvement. By improving the convenience of the web-sites and the quality of their contents, it enhances the whole user satisfaction on the information service and improve the image of the agency.
- KISTI representative home page Help Desk Operation
- Daily monitoring on the homepage service feature
- Weekly monitoring on information use trends and information update
- Monthly monitoring on improvement of information services and DB
- Having user meeting and gathering their opinion
- Holding the error detecting campaign for information service quality improvement

○ KISTI Brand Identity(BI) Establishment
Based on the research conducted in 2003, regarding IMC application, KISTI establishes BI to form the consistent visual business identity (One Voice and One Look) on business performance and public relation.
- Developing KISTI service brand and slogan
- Developing BI basic and applicable system

○ R&BD service on the Next Generation Growth Power Industry
Confronting the national demand on the science and technology development policy of the participation government, KISTI establishes knowledge information contents construction and provision system, which will be able to contribute in high-class knowledge creation setup, concentrated on next generation 10 industry and 1 00 focus development technique. In addition, KISTI diffuses the optimization model of information circulation infra, related with commercialization to raise the national R&D competency.
- Establishing STP strategy for new product and service development
- Securing Next generation growth power industrial information domain and Commencing web service
- Collecting data of policy and briefing, and offering mail-service
- Monthly updating industry information

○ Information Education and User Training
This program is developed for prospective users to improve their information retrieval skills and understanding which are required an industry field. The details of programs are consist of information analysis skills, business evaluations and practical information usability. Most of programs are suitable for any user who works in R&D areas to be a professional in rapidly changed business environment. KISTI provides flexible problems according to customers' educational needs.

○ Total cooperation setup establishment among industry, academy and research area
Through the cooperative connection service and collaborating research among industry, academy and research area, KISTI diffuses information use in the various fields such as information circulation, intelligence report, and information education, by supporting high-class knowledge information and new information service techniques of the private sector. And it constructs the leading information service model which be able to meet quickly the users' demand on the information use
- Developing the new information product together with the information service conference
- Performing cooperation service of the private internet portal company
- Collaborating marketing activities with joint cooperative contracting agency

○ A Survey on User Satisfaction and Service Effects Analysis
By conducting the survey on the user satisfaction for the whole service which KISTI is providing, it measures the objective evaluation of the user satisfaction, and assesses the economic value of service performance.
- Measuring customer satisfaction on the Information services of KISTI
- Analyzing economic value of information infra of KISTI
- Assessing the economic value, using time value
- Assessing the economic value, using WTP(willingness to pay)

○ Other
- Publishing "Knowledge information infra quarterly" to diffuse high-class science and technology information infra
- Holding KOSTI 2004 Scientific conference to promote domestic information flow in the scientific and technical research area
정보마케팅 고객지원; 이용자 모니터링; 데이터웨어하우스; BI; 정보홍보; Information Marketing; Customer Support; User Monitering; Data Warehouse Web Service; Brand Identity; Inform; Promotion
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7. KISTI 연구성과 > 연구보고서 > 2004
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