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정보유통 시스템 framework 개발 연구
Alternative Title
Framework Development of Information Circulation System
Alternative Author(s)
Park, Dong-In; Kim, Hyeon; Kim, Won-Yong; Seong, Won-Gyeong; Jeong, Han-Min; Lee, Byeong-Hui; Lee, Hyeong-Jin; Choe, Seong-Pil; Gu, Nam-Ang
Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information
Publication Year
funder : 과학기술부
agency : 과학기술부
agency : Ministry of Science & Technology
□ 차세대 정보유통 프레임워크 모델 연구 및 기획
- 국가과학기술종합정보시스템 구축을 위한 국가 과학기술 분야 R&D 기반정보의 효율적인 유통 체제 구성 방안에 제시
□ 정보유통 플랫폼 설계 및 개발
- 정보유통 플랫폼의 사용자 인터페이스이자 개인 지식 관리·공유 도구인 MyKMS 프로토타입 개발
- 차세대신성장동력산업 중 국가적 경쟁 우위를 점하고 있는 “면역기능 제어” 분야를 대상으로 한 온톨로지 및 온톨로지의 구축·관리를 위한 지원도구 개발
- 온톨로지 기반 검색 엔진 개발 (MyKMS에 탑재)
□ 언어자원 및 평가·검증 체제 구축
- 온톨로지 구축을 위해 요구되는 말뭉치, 전문용어 자원과 시소러스 등을 구축(면역기능 제어 분야 대상)
- 정보검색 시스템의 성능 평가를 위한 한글 테스트 컬렉션 HANTEC 2004 구축(한글 문서 254,438건과 NTCIR 참가 한·중·일 3개국이 공동 생성한 60개의 질의로 구성)

A. Planning & study of a next-generation framework model for information circulation
□ Modeling a framework of information circulation
- to investigate the actual state of existing information circulation schemes.
- to suggest a new framework for science & technology information circulation.
□ Establishing a plan for the standardization of some formal aspects of information resources & for its application
- to study on the standardization technologies such as MDR/ontology and to establish a plan for its application to KISTI's information services.
- to draw up a plan for the application of the latest technologies such as semantic web & web services to information circulation systems.
B. Design & development of an information circulation platform
□ Designing a platform for science & technology information circulation
- to survey former researches in technologically related domains.
- to study users' requirements, and to design a platform complying with them.
□ Developing a platform for science & technology information circulation
- to develop a prototype platform for information circulation.
- to study & to develop semantic web technologies.
to develop an ontology and tools to support its construction & maintenance.
(in 2004, an ontology is built around the immunology domain)
to develop an ontology-based search engine.
to make out scenarios for semantics/concept-based information services.
- to study ways of linking the information circulation platform with the knowledge grid.
C. Construction of linguistic resources and establishment of an evaluation scheme for information retrieval systems
□ Verification/integration/maintenance of the linguistic resources developed so far in KISTI
□ Construction of new linguistic resources required to build an ontology for immunology
- to construct corpora, technical terms & thesaurus for immunology and to develop supporting tools.
□ Construction of a Korean test collection
- to construct a Korean test collection, HANTEC 2004, for performance evaluation of information retrieval systems.
정보서비스; 정보유통; 시멘틱 웹; 추론; 온톨로지; information service; information circulation; semantic web; inference; ontology
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7. KISTI 연구성과 > 연구보고서 > 2004
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