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유해폐기물 처리기술;유해폐기물 고형화기술
Alternative Title
Hazardous Waste Treatment Technology;Hazardous Waste Solidification Technology
Alternative Author(s)
Gwon, Young-Bae; Jung, Ryu-Jin; Choe, Yun-Seok; Kim, Woo-Hyun; Kim, Geun-Chul; Gang, Jung-Sik; Ra, Wook-Soo; Han, So-Young; Kim, Yong-Goo; Sin, Eung-Bae; Lee, Doo-Jin; Kim, Dong-Soo
Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information
Publication Year
funder : 환경부
슬러지나 액상 분상 폐기물을 고형화 하기 위해 고형화 대표적인 물질인 포틀란드 시멘트와 석회, 규산염, 플라이 애쉬와 계면활성제, 고화촉진제, Chelate 등에 대한 특성 파악과 과화제의 특성과 고화기구 파악 등이다. 국내의 화성 및 온산 특정 폐기물 처리시설에서 운전중인 고형화 기술의 문제점을 파악하고 일본, 미국, 유럽 각국의 실용화 기술을 중심으로 현황 조사 및 기술자료 수집에 있으며 그 내용은 다음과 같다. 1. 고화 방법의 국내 현황 파악 2. 현장 문제점 도출 3. 일본 및 유럽의 현황 조사 4. 고화제, 감수제 등 첨가제 평가 5. 고화체의 유해물질 용출시험 6. 고화제, 첨가제의 응용

Most develiping countries encounter numerous problems regarding waste treatment. Waste is the useless material discharged from households and industrial fields. All of waste is generated from the life of human beings inevitably, and liquid phase, solid phase, mixed phase. The quality and quantity of the wastes become to change depending on times and location. In Korea 3.994 tones of specified wastes were generated from industrial fields in 1995. The specified waste is the hazardous material which can cause the pollution of the surrounding environment like a oil sludge, a planting sludge, a waste oil and so on. Typical treatment method of hazardous waste is solidification. The goal of soidification/stabilization is to accomplish one or more thing, which is the reduce pollutant mobility, decrease surface area and produce solid with no free liquid. By performing these methods, handling and physical characteristics of waste is improved. Solidification/Stabilization is a proven technollogy for the treatment of hazardous wastes, Much of the Solidification/Stabilization is based on the chemistry of lime and cement. Solidification technique is used for binder : organic like a Polyethylene, Formaldehyde and so on. Hazardous wastes are converted by solidification/chemical fixation system (CFS) into nontoxic products. Many CFS processes have additive built into the formulatin for solidification purposes as well as to fix metals and other hazardous constituents like wetting agent, calcium chloride, sodium silicates and silica fume etc. Typical process for solidification is cement base system and occurs hydration reaction as tobermorite. Solidification technique reduces risk by converting waste. Therefore, waste becomes to be less soluble, less mobile and less toxic form mintaining physical natures. Physical properties of solidification matrix is dependent on binder accelerator, retarder, flocculant and interfering mechanism etc. One of the major deficiencies in cement based waste solidification/stabilization(s/s) processes are their difficulties in treating inorgaic wastes containing orgaic contaminant, reactive mineral clays and fly ash which had been studied as pozzolanic reagents and pre-solidification sorbents of orgaic components. Organic component and heavy metal of waste were well adsorbed by the adsorbents. Successful adsorbents for the organic contaminant and heavy metals in hazardous wastes should enable them to treated by cement-based solidification.
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7. KISTI 연구성과 > 연구보고서 > 2002
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