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민군정보공유활용체제구축을 위한 정책연구
Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information
Publication Year
The Military R&D programs and projects has been separately planned and operated without connecting with the national R&D plan. Up to date the scientific and technological information can not be interchanged and shared between civil and military sector. So, the information of military R&D plans, programs and projects can not be easily acquired. It is also very difficult for the civil and military sector researchers to know about R&D projects performed by others.
To resolve these problems, Dual Use Technology Center (DUTC) has established the Dual Use Technology Information Sharing System (DUTISS) development plans, and Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information (KISTI) designed the system architecture through this research project.
This research presents the building of the DUTISS. This system will be used in order to interchange and share with the dual use technology information to dual use technology agencies and many researchers.
To implement the DUTISS, KISTI investigated the R&D performance and technology information system between civil and military Sector. Being based on this investigation, the promotion plan is completed through three steps. The first step for all these conditions stated above is that DUTC R&D Program Information System is connected with the National R&D Program Integrated Information System designed by KISTI. The second step is to build the distributed information system of DUTC which is connected with the Integrated Information System of KISTI. The third step is that KISTI has made a development strategy of the Cyber Dual Use Technology Transfer System designed by DUTC.
These system design and implementation plans will be effectively used to design a detailed system design and eventually to implement the DUTISS.
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7. KISTI 연구성과 > 연구보고서 > 2000
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