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국내 수생관속식물 DB 구축
Alternative Title
Construction of a Database for Korean Aquatic Vascular Plants
Alternative Author(s)
Choe, Hong-Geun; Kim, Chang-Gyoon; An, Choong-Mo; Na, Hye-Ryun; Kim, Seong-Hoon; Jung, Dong-Soo; Lee, Gang-Soo; Kim, Sook-Jung; Choe, Yong-Ju
Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information
Publication Year
funder : 국무조정실
- 국내에 분포하는 관속식물은 방대한 정보의 효율적인 이용에 있어서 인터넷을 이용한 데이터베이스화로 학문적, 기술적으로 상당한 가용성을 제공할 수 있는 장점이 있음에도 불구하고 구축에 소요되는 데이터 수집 및 관리의 어려움으로 다른 생물종에 비해서 전무한 실정임.
- 일차적으로, 우리나라에 자생하는 수생관속식물의 관련 정보를 효율적으로 관리하고, 학술적 그리고 산업적인 활용도를 높이기 위해 분류정보, 관련문헌, 서식지 및 분포, 이미지, 경제적 가치와 유전자 정보 등에 대한 종합적인 데이터베이스를 구축함.
- 우리나라 전체 수역을 대상으로 채집된 수생관속식물을 동정하고, Engler의 분류체계에 따라 분류한 2문, 4강, 15목, 26과 38속의 70여 종을 바탕으로 데이터베이스를 구축.
- Crow′s Foot ERD를 이용해 스키마를 작성하고, 다른 생물자원 데이터베이스와 공동으로 활용이 가능할 수 있도록 표준 인터페이스를 구축하고, 웹을 통해 데이터를 효율적으로 통합하고, 저장하고, 검색할 수 있게 함.
- 향후, 유용물질 발굴 및 한의학적 이용도 등과 같은 경제적 가치를 고려하여 상업적 이용도에 대한 자료를 보강하고, 생물정보학과 연계가 가능하도록 유전자 데이터베이스와 연동할 수 있는 모듈을 추가하여 종합적인 수생관속식물 데이터베이스를 구축하고, 텍스트로 제공되는 서식지 정보에 지리정보시스템(GIS)을 도입할 예정임.

. Title
Construction of a Database for Korean Aquatic Vascular Plants
. Objective of the study and its importance
a. Although the research for Korean aquatic vascular plants is rarely done, recently as the necessity for research raised some progress are made. In Korea there are 3,000 4,000 vascular plants species, and among them aquatic vascular plants are about 150 species.
b. The data of Korean aquatic vascular plants is not very sufficient. As like the cases of other sciences, the analysis of general conditions of biological species in specific group requires massive data collection steps and enormous time. So constructing database will serves as a information deposit saving much steps and time.
c. Public data structure by internet can send data to diverse information consumers by real time.
d. As for efficient usage of huge aquatic vascular plants, a database using internet has the powerful merit for present availability both in academic and technical side. But because of lots of difficulties collecting and managing the data, it is not easy to construct it compared with other
biological species.
e. Nations like America, England, Japan have yet databased there biological resources systematically and serviced the data by www.
f. Now it is desirable for identifying the biology as a resource not a environmental side. Therefore the methods to using the useful resource
must be studied. This study will present powerful academic utility, tool for quarantine, need for demestic information consumers, and efficient tool for analysis and management about demestic biological resources.
g. The results from this project present technologies needed for constructing and managing Korean native plants database.
. Content and scope of the study

. Result of the study
- This database consists of three compartments:
1) system management module that can be insert, inquiry, modify, and delete date by authorized researchers 2) database the storage site of these data, and 3) search module that can be used by related searchers and general users. And these system designed to implement by specified functions of each compartments.
- We designed logical schema of aquatic vascular plants database using Crow""s Foot ERD. The database contains six entities: 1) ""aqua_plant"" that contains taxonomic information, anatomical properties and literature information 2) ""reference"" that contains overseas and domestic journal and genomic information, 3) ""residence"" that contains main domestic distribution and region information, 4) ""images"" that contains plant""s illustrated black and white images and color images of ecology, flower, fruit, root, leaf and so on, 5) ""search_detail"" that contains artificial
classification information, and 6) ""admin"" for administration verification.
- This database system presents some conditional search tools such as 1) ""search species name"" that can search for virus scientific name, abbreviation, or binominal name, 2) ""image search"" that easily identify species with color images of aquatic vascular plants, artificial search table that present search tool using such systematic structure as family, genus, and species from Pteridophytes, Angiospermopsida and Magnoliopsida, Liliopsida.
. Application schemes
We identified demestic aquatic vascular plants from all over the country and constructed database by Engler. For efficient management of information about demestic aquatic vascular plants and enhancement of availability of academic and industrial application, data such as taxonomic
information, related references, residence and distribution, images are added to database. We will construct powerful database system with a module which can integrates with genome database, so enforce the commercial utility of bioinformatics field. Resident information presented by text will plans to uses GIS method.
수생관속식물; 데이터베이스; 표준 인터페이스; 검색; 자생식물; Aquatic Vascular Plant; Database; Standard Interface; Ind entification; Native plants
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7. KISTI 연구성과 > 연구보고서 > 2002
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